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ICU arrests and expels Italian Journalist for confirming Eritreans presence in Mugadi

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ROME,Dec 3 (Reuters) - Islamist militants in Somalia detained an Italian journalist this weekend over reports of his they said were incorrect, but eventually allowed him to leave the country after pressure from moderates, the reporter said.


Massimo Alberizzi of Italy's Corriere della Sera newspaper said he was stopped at his hotel in Mogadishu.


Armed militants then drove him to an empty airstrip where he was questioned about his reporting, including about reports on support Eritrea may have given the Islamists.


"They had read my stories, they said... 'You wrote something incorrect. Do you remember which? Do you remember how? When?," Alberizzi said. "I tried to explain that I wrote a dozen, a hundred, stories a year about Somalia."


He was later taken back to a hotel under armed guard and said more moderate Islamist forces had prevailed in their calls to release him. He left the country on Sunday on a U.N. flight for Nairobi.


The Islamists have been steadily expanding their reach and influence in Somalia after seizing the capital of Mogadishu in June. The United States says they are harbouring al Qaeda operatives who pose a threat in the region and elsewhere.

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Lucky he didn't meet the fate of Somali Journalists, Somali intellectuals and military officers, other foreign Journalists at the hands of Alqaeda.

^Don't insult our intelligence kid, we know the fact that after the clean-up of Mogadishu city, our people felt safe from the terror sponsored by the Tigree dictator and the mafia group in Baydhabo.

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Originally posted by duuliyesare:

Don't insult our intelligence kid, we know the fact that after the clean-up of Mogadishu city,

Can you please define what exactly you mean by clean-up ? Do you see the killing of those who are opposed to the ICU in any terms as a clean-up ?

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^Getting rid of warlords, merceneries and other anti-peace groups in Mogadishu was a noble work done by the ICU for the 2+ million citizens of that city..


Do you see the killing of those who are opposed to the ICU in any terms as a clean-up ?

Be specific chief, are you talking about the defeated coalition of warlords who are now in Baydhabo??

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Mogadishu sees security improvements



Businessmen to hand over weapons to UCI as Somali capital enjoys peace, prosperity.




NAIROBI - As another sign of improved security in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, the powerful business community has agreed to hand over their weapons to the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC).


"We have met and discussed this issue and they [the business community] have agreed," Sheikh Abdulkadir Ali Umar, the vice-chairman of the UIC, told IRIN.


The business community has 30 days to comply with the order. "We expect to have all heavy weapons handed over within the 30-day period," said Umar. Businesses would be allowed to keep small arms "for the time being".


The business community in Mogadishu has, since the early 1990s, set up its own security to protect their operations from marauding gangs of militias.


"The reasons we acquired these weapons no longer exist in Mogadishu, so we don't need them," said Abdulkadir Dini, a businessman in the capital. He said that since civil war broke out in 1991, businesses had been forced to provide "everything a government should be doing, such as electricity, water and security. We had to reinvent the wheel. Getting rid of all these weapons is one less expense to worry about. I hope they will start the provision of other public services," he added.


The handover of weapons is an indication that the security situation is such that business people “felt they did not need to keep such weapons", said Muhammad Nur Ga'al, deputy head of the Civil Society in Action, a coalition of civil-society groups.


As an indication of how far security had improved, "food aid is being delivered and then sent outside the city without any security escort. This has not happened in 15 years," Ga'al said.


There is another reason why the UIC is asking the business community to hand over their weapons at this time, according to Ga’al. "They are on a war footing and so would like the extra firepower," he said.


Forces loyal to the UIC have been massing at Buur Hakaba, 60 km south of Baidoa, in anticipation of a showdown with forces of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), which is allegedly supported by Ethiopian troops. The Ethiopians have denied sending a fighting force to Somalia, but acknowledged that their "military advisers" were helping the TFG.


Not all business people are happy at being asked to hand over their weapons. "There are some who are worried that the situation is not stable enough to warrant a han

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Lucky he didn't meet the fate of Somali Journalists, Somali intellectuals and military officers, other foreign Journalists at the hands of Alqaeda.

Akhas, and even more akhas to those who agree. Uff i get more digusted by the day.

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Originally posted by duuliyesare:

^Getting rid of warlords, merceneries and other anti-peace groups in Mogadishu was a noble work done by the ICU for the 2+ million citizens of that city..

Killing of Innocent Fathers,sons,Husbands,and above all,Officers of the nation who served both their time and office with honor is What u call a clean up?Take it from me,the assasinations will not go unpunished.But when that happens,what will u say on their behalf?

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Be patience son, Yeey-Ahmar, the Baidhabo gangs and their Ethiopian master were behind those killing spree. The criminals who were behind the killings are either dead, in Baydhabo or in Ethiopia after the ICU victory.

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Lieutenant Xalane

Qoute "

Killing of Innocent Fathers,sons,Husbands,and above all,Officers of the nation who served both their time and office with honor is What u call a clean up?Take it from me,the assasinations will not go unpunished.But when that happens,what will u say on their behalf?


Ask Your Uncle In yaya , Warlords and Ethopia what was reasone of killing those innocent individuals ,



Lieutenant Xalane sxb go ask resident of xamar and sourounding who brough them peace and stability they are enjoying toady , wallahi is something god has send , who ever though a year later a sheeq by name of shrif , Aweys , abu Mansur and etc will free resident of xammar .

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Originally posted by bambo:

go ask resident of xamar and sourounding who brough them peace and stability they are enjoying toady , wallahi is something god has send , who ever though a year later a sheeq by name of shrif , Aweys , abu Mansur and etc will free resident of xammar .

Sxb dont forget to mention that they were part and parcel of the killings and atrocities in Xamar. The benefit people are enjoying today is first Alxamdullilah, and secondly it is due to the fact that a single power which was among the many that held ransom to Xamar Cade has taken over full control. Which once again brings me to my question, will the ICU tolerate an individual, group, organisation thati s oppossed to them to voice their concern within Xamar , or would they be wiped or as you put it cleaned-up ?

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Bambo,the residents of xamar were hostages under the warlords and now they are hostages to clan courts.The clean up u are talking about was a cold blood assasinations done to decent folks who had nothing to do with qabiil shyt,but they were silenced.If that is what u call a clean up,then so be it.

P.s.Whoever supports the Government necessarily doesn't have to be the president's relative.This further shows how much u worship qabiil.

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Originally posted by duuliyesare:

Be patience son, Yeey-Ahmar, the Baidhabo gangs and their Ethiopian master were behind those killing spree. The criminals who were behind the killings are either dead, in Baydhabo or in Ethiopia after the ICU victory.

Don't make a mockery out of urself,and as told before,try to look a lil bit further than ur shoe laces.


Those murdered officer's were a target and the killings were part of a plan,that plan was the establishment of the ICU.


The man u so much hate ,whether u like it or not,is ur President and neither u nor ur ilk can do nothing about it.If u claim that ur president is a vicious man,why don't u put that aside and be a good subject?All the same,u are his subject and ur irrationality matters less.

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