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SSICU running out of time and space as egypt already changes strategy

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Egypt and Ethiopia are talking in overtime. The issue is not directly Somalia and ICU, since Egyt has never made any official statement that its in support of ICU, but the issue is Sudan, South Sudan to be specific.


The Year 2011 is referendum time, if south sudanese vote to separate they have their own country.


This is an agreement that is being monitored by UN, but for all intent and purposes its by NATO/America and its close friends. 10,000 soldiers.


Ethiopia has been for Sudan unity so far and has helped a great deal in setting federal system which gives enough autonomy to the south, but prevents dismemberment of the country.


Khartoum so far has been happy and has sided with ethiopia in the approval and consent of all the hydro electric dams being built in ethiopia for the first time on the rivers flowing to sudan and egypt. The world bank, IMF for the first time ever have participated.


Egypt seems to feel that SICU has gone out of control. It also will be very dangerus for Yemen first and Egypt itself after.


Whatever Egypt has come up with will be seen first on Eritrea's behaviour and changes. Eritrea has now an excuse that its soldiers cannot fight side by side with Jihadists from Arab or Asean countries, without bringing down the house itself at home. Eritreans have already started the murmur and seeing the hipocrisy that a man who opresses moslems at home is helping not just moslems but terrorists abroad.


Will be an interesting week.

The way Egypt goes, so goes Saudi Arabia, which the regime is not supportive of ICU for the Iran connection.


Egypt and Ethiopia talks started in China of all places. It was made public then in the media.

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Somali Friend, what is your background? Are you Ethio-Muslim?


on my opinion it was big foolish to try to depend on those countries for help because why eirtrea & egypt & the saudis are helping an islamic cause while they are repressing islamic movements locally


it does not add up!



rather the courts should have tried to gain peace almost at all costs to nurture the islamic education among somalis but it seems like they were seduced into politics too early and attempted to undermine the tfg by creating a government structures in parallel all the while negotiating while simultaneously tyring to occupy more and more lands


they let the somali people down i hope they can redeem themselves

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they are starting to remind me of how alqaeeda assasinated ahmad shah masood covertly to try to plant taliban in the whole of the nation


the parallels with what they tried to do are so similar


i am starting to wonder if they were responsible for the killings of those military officers in xamar that the ARPCT used to claim they did it


i am also starting to wonder if they have been planning political assasinations to make the situatoin ripe for a political/military coup of the fledgling government

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even though somalis still can agree on the religion of islam there needs to be more time to educate the public


they should stop relying on foreign guys to lead a political movments. let them pursue a pro somalia agenda all these countries supporting then have a different goals and they are all opposed to each other


although i harbor a grave reservations on the tfg, i can't help but think that the courts played right into the hands of the tfg and they will remain largely to blame




the continuing plan of invading regions even when they were acting like negotiating


if the ethiopians did not invade and there was no mention of the arms embargo i strongly feel the icu would have attacked puntland and western regions and eventually waqooyiga because they already attacked places outside of xamar without provocatiions and on unfounded pretenses

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Originally posted by Northerner:

It seems that any school leaver can write an article on the Somali situation today dont you think?



It depends what school you leave and how you leave it. Actually the certificate you are given for completing high school in ethiopia was called the school leaving


source. It was actually linked even here on SOL the egyptians and ethiopians talking in china. In the press conference it was given as general statement that egypt and ethiopia will work together for peace in somalia.

Ethiopians of course see it as the cruel joke egypt plays by the palestinians and is doing the same in somalia.


As for sudan read if you have time and interest to know.

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Originally posted by Axmad_Gurey:


they should stop relying on foreign guys to lead a political movments. let them pursue a pro somalia agenda all these countries supporting then have a different goals and they are all opposed to each other


although i harbor a grave reservations on the tfg, i can't help but think that the courts played right into the hands of the tfg and they will remain largely to blame




the continuing plan of invading regions even when they were acting like negotiating


if the ethiopians did not invade and there was no mention of the arms embargo i strongly feel the icu would have attacked puntland and western regions and eventually waqooyiga because they already attacked places outside of xamar without provocatiions and on unfounded pretenses

The SSICU has hit a wall. They cannot stay where they are. They either have to give up their ambition of ruling somalia or expand the territory they control.


They were hoping to scare the government and push it to go to Puntland, but that didn't happen.

Next they hoped by making skirmishes in villages around in Bay and Bakool can get the population with them and expel the TFG. That also failed.


If they simply sit in Mugadishu, the people will start asking them "where is our government", where is somalia and since the answer to those will be TFG, the ICU folks do not want to give the people any time to think. They have to flood the airwaves with pronouncements, news of battles that never happened, decapitated colonel that never was captured....whatever to occupy the news.


As for Egypt ICU should know better that Egypt cannot afford to throw away a 2.2 billion dollar cheque every year for unknown and warlords as shiekies.


Saudi Arabia is not pleased with the Iran connection or the Alqaeda connection.


Yemen of course sees ICU as threat to its own security and Yemen friendship with Puntland and also Ethiopia is good. Actually the Tigray in ethiopia are joked about as the Yemen oromo mix thus Habesha means mixed race.


ICU cannot rest from making wars in any direction. The minute they rest the questions will start coming and people will see how fake they are to abuse and misuse the religion.


The ethiopian government is a thousand times moslem friendly government than the one in eritrea. The simple reason is that moslems participated from ordinary fighters to leaders in all the main organizations that brought downfall of the old regimes in ethiopia. Tigray, Afar, Somali, Amara (I know somalis have a slightly misunderstanding of Amara due to menelik, haileslassie or mengistu all acting as Amara), Oromo and others.

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It depends what school you leave and how you leave it. Actually the certificate you are given for completing high school in ethiopia was called the school leaving

I rest my case!

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Originally posted by Axmad_Gurey:

they are starting to remind me of how alqaeeda assasinated ahmad shah masood covertly to try to plant taliban in the whole of the nation


the parallels with what they tried to do are so similar


i am starting to wonder if they were responsible for the killings of those military officers in xamar that the ARPCT used to claim they did it


i am also starting to wonder if they have been planning political assasinations to make the situatoin ripe for a political/military coup of the fledgling government

A somalian major's older brother,a lieutenant Colonel fell in one of the assasinations and he,the Major, well predicted that his brother's death came about his support of the TFG and that many similar assasinations would be done to other innocent officers.An other Colonel who was given the Jobb of training some TFG fighters also was assasinated.I always held the idea that these killings were associated with the ICU and that General Galaal must have been the man behind that plan.One other thing that u might also realize is that these officers,most of them were of the same clan as the ICU's leadership and they might have done that to avoid an inside opposition.However,those killings will not go un punished.

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Northerner: The sources were posted on SOL a couple of days ago. Egypt FM invited Somali FM and promised it will help build up the TFG foreign office..


Also in the Afro-Sino summit a couple of weeks ago, Mubarak and Melez held face to face talks and discussed the situation in Somalia..


Somali-Friend keep them coming..

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