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Have the Ethios withdrawn?

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Ethiopia: Troops leaving Somalia


Ethiopia says it has started to pull its troops out of Somalia.


A convoy of trucks loaded with Ethiopian soldiers and equipment was seen leaving the capital, Mogadishu, on Friday, but it could not be independently verified whether they were redeploying or leaving the country.


Bereket Simon, the special adviser to the Ethiopian prime minister, said: "The withdrawal of our troops from Somalia has entered the implementation phase.


"The withdrawal is not an event that can be completed within a day. It will be finalised as quickly as possible."



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Ethiopia: Troops leaving Somalia


Ethiopia says it has started to pull its troops out of Somalia.


A convoy of trucks loaded with Ethiopian soldiers and equipment was seen leaving the capital, Mogadishu, on Friday, but it could not be independently verified whether they were redeploying or leaving the country.


Bereket Simon, the special adviser to the Ethiopian prime minister, said: "The withdrawal of our troops from Somalia has entered the implementation phase.


"The withdrawal is not an event that can be completed within a day. It will be finalised as quickly as possible."



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O marumaysateen inay baxayaan? Bixitaanka Itoobiyaanku waxy la mid tahay Diidiinkii inta dhaanshay markuu maalmo sii maqnaa maalintii dambe la maqlay shanqartiisi oo la yiri xaajigii wuu soo socda, markaas inta xanaaqay ku yiri: "War waxaan yaa u dhaamin jiray, war iga aamusa waa annigiiyoo sii socda e" Hadda waxbadan waydun sugi Itoobiyo oo Somalia kawada baxday. Annigu ma sheegin dadka qaarkii haddii ay arkaan amxaro Muqdisho ka guurtay in aay u qaatan in aay somaliya oo dhan isaga baxday. Waa wax iska cad in ay ku noqoneyso baraheedi hore ee aay waligeed the last 18 yrs dalka ka joogi jirtay ee ku teedsan aagaga xaduudaha sida Bay & Bakool, Gedo, Hiiraan, Galgaduud meelahaas ayeey ku noqoneysaa halkaas oo ay ku soo dhisi doonto (developing) the next level of its famous deadly game, the Age of Warlord Ver. 2.0 which this time will be coming out with xtra amazing features like: Are you a warlord: test yourself, Somali Family Tree, Know Your Clan Better quiz and many many more. Also compatible with Vista Yareey, Xalimo P iyo weliba Daaqadaha 2000. This application is free for inter-clan use only and not for SALE and can be downloaded from special designated UN or NGO servers in East Africa. If you live near the border... fine.. go and grab the CD now. :D

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^^ :D


There's movement, but things are not clear. Withdrawal from Xamar alone was not the "deal", but the displaced people will at least have the chance to return if the violence subsides.

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