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Breaking News: Uganda Crusading in Somalia, Says Pres. Guelleh

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Djibouti Pres. Guelleh: Museveni Never Cease Talking about Crusade in Somalia



In a recent interview with the pan-African French-langage magazine Jeuneafrique, titled Ismail Omar Guelleh Truths (subsription needed), Djibouti president explicit his frustration with his Ugandan pair, who, according to him, "never cease talking about Crusade in Somalia and crushing the Islamic Courts, just like he helped overthrow Hassan Turabi regime in Sudan".


Effectively, the Museveni couple is known to be fervent proselytes of one of the increasing number of "Born Again Christians" sects proliferating throughout East Africa, especially in neighbouring Kenya, and affiliated with US churches who provide funding and indoctrinate the poor desperate masses through lavish donations, in a region devastated by Aids and generalized corruption.


With US special forces training militias supposed to be sent in Somalia as "peacekeepers", it seems that Washington rely this time on Kampala autocrat regime, who failed to resolve its two simultaneous civil wars, which worked havoc on a country already strained by exceptionally high AIDS contamination rate.


In the same interview, the president precised that he failed to understand the logic according to which the Islamic Courts were condemned whereas Warlords, who terrorized Somalis for 15 years, are relentlessly welcomed for "peace negociations", even though the humanitarian situation is, by no means, aggravated by ICU rise to power.


Expressing his disappointment with Washington, Guelleh outlined that the Bush administration paid only lip service to US friends, including even key allies such as Egypt.


Further exaspered by Ethiopia PM Meles Zenawi claims that the Courts posed an "imminent threat" to Ethiopia, President Guelleh restated the well-known facts that the ICU is struggling to gain total control over parts of Southern Somalia and that Ethiopian large military, the second most powerful in Africa, was largely capable of defending their country.


"a regional conflagration is underway", warned the president.

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President Guelleh is making serious allegation, too coloured to be wrong but if this turns out to be true, then the Somali race has a real strong and not so imaginative enemy to face in the continent of Black Africa.


This makes us an odd one out, and only this will help make all of us unite.


Who knows what happens..

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It means Djibuti strongman has learned very well the way Egyptians do it.

Egyptians will talk against Israel 24/7, but when it comes decision time, they will be the first ones to modify arab league resolutions not to be inflamatory.

Djibuti strongman who is hosting no less than 4 "crusading" powers speaks about crusade.

He has already matured very well into the world of hipocrisy. That culture which the Saudis and Egyptians have perfected.

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And how do you want Djibouti, the "tiny desert city state" according to you, to be protected against Ethiopian Imperialism when the pseudo Somali "government" welcome shamelessly the historical enemy who colonizes and terrorizes half of our Lands and Brothers in Galbeed?


Did not Djibouti explicitely state, very early, that it will not allow US troops to attack Somalia from their local base?


Is not, therefore, total victory of the ICU the only realist solution to get rid of both French defence agreement with Djibouti on the long term, alongside the Ethiopian trojan horse in Baidoa, as to unite Somalis, eventually, within the Shariah framework?


As for Ethiopia, with Somalia recovering and uniting, Addis negative influence on regional peace will be severely mitigated and Ethiopian reliance on Somali ports will finally force them to make major concessions; this is the holistic strategy adopted by all Djiboutians regardless of tribal affiliation.


At any rate, this Qabil worshipping a la Geeljire "my warlord before anything else" is consterning to say the least...

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^^^saxib, you are living in cloud cucko land. The fact is Mr Gulleh should not speak about foreign troops with him hosting the van guard of the US armed forces of East Africa.


Also why should Shariah law implementation be a condition to the war in southern Somalia?

Should Djabouti not start setting up clan courts within its dsitrict, as you would have people in Somaliland and Puntland do?


Should Mr Gulleh start not start with speaking, Somali, Afar and Arabic in his own parliment and not French. Its appaling that such a man should open his mouth.


Its all hypocracy, a tin pot dictator who, inherited the throne from his uncle, and is using US, French troops as protection, should not be lecturing anyone on Shariah law and "Crusades"...

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Djibuti somali,


Do you think Mr. Gulleh will allow a single ICU to do anything against Ethiopia?

If you beleive that, I give you a bridge for free, not sell you.

Mr. Gulleh knows that if he antagonizes ethiopia in any way shape or form, Djibuti will be no more. It will be split between Somaliand and Ethiopia.

Somaliland will not have to ask anyone for recognition, it takes Djibuti's place. The Afar are not interested for an independent country, as they are interested in having their people in one country. Their first choice is of course Ethiopia.


Thats why Mr. Gulleh will bring by the collar or ear, anyone and everyone that enters his country and is suspected remotely being against ethiopia.


You should know that he does this without discrimination on somali, oromo and others.


He is the only head of state who handed ethiopia its hijacked helicopter with the hijackers all together.

No ethiopian opposition considers Djibuti as separate country from Ethiopia for this purpose.


Lets not mix the Almighty into the dirt of human political or economic greed and activities.

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Originally posted by Djib-Somali:

And how do you want Djibouti, the "tiny desert city state" according to you, to be protected against Ethiopian Imperialism when the pseudo Somali "government" welcome shamelessly the historical enemy who colonizes and terrorizes half of our Lands and Brothers in Galbeed?


Did not Djibouti explicitely state, very early, that it will not allow US troops to attack Somalia from their local base?


Is not, therefore, total victory of the ICU the only realist solution to get rid of both French defence agreement with Djibouti on the long term, alongside the Ethiopian trojan horse in Baidoa, as to unite Somalis, eventually, within the Shariah framework?


As for Ethiopia, with Somalia recovering and uniting, Addis negative influence on regional peace will be severely mitigated and Ethiopian reliance on Somali ports will finally force them to make major concessions; this is the holistic strategy adopted by all Djiboutians regardless of tribal affiliation.


At any rate, this Qabil worshipping a la Geeljire "my warlord before anything else" is consterning to say the least...

It is very entertaining to me Djabutian saying this .... I don't see it as anything else but to sell the idea of USC/ICU because it is brained by Gulleh and Abdikasim Wow. I would like to see an action rather then talk..... or Guleleh himself saying this... I would take as sencerely about the Somaliweyn ideas...or Guled go further as Somalian leader such Adan Abdulle Osman, Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, and Siyad Bare who all on the record send Somalian arm along Somalian rebels into Ethiopia. I would like Gulleh not to brake that record but do the same and send Djabutian Army along USC/ICU because they are Xaq u dirir... not just talk the talk but walk the walk... Fake Guled get loss

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Obviously, Guelleh revealations are already well-known.


However, beyond regions/clans fictions, mere personalities or artificial colonial boundaries (necessarily temporary), is it not refreshing to see a Somali leader proclaiming our central values that unite us, moreover on one of the major Pan-African news magazines?


Here is an extract of the aforementioned interview published in the la Nation

(Wednesday 8th December Edition):


On vous reproche d'avoir reçu, en septembre, à Djibouti, les dirigeants de l'Union des tribunaux islamiques….


Pourquoi nous en ferait-on le reproche ? Depuis le début de la crise somalienne, nous avons reçu hommes politiques et seigneurs de guerre, à l'occasion de pourparlers de paix et de multiples initiatives diplomatiques régionales ou continentales. Si les islamistes s'imposent aujourd'hui, nous n'en sommes pas responsables et nous n'avons pas à les ignorer. Je considère que leur diabolisation systématique est contre-productive. La campagne que mènent certains pays de la région est dangereuse.


A quels pays faites-vous allusion ?


Je pense à l'Ouganda, qui présente la situation comme un conflit islamo-chrétien et s'apprête à lancer des croisades dans la Corne de l'Afrique. Le président Yoweri Museveni évoque sans retenue une guerre sainte. Il a affirmé qu'il fera en sorte que les islamistes somaliens connaissent le même sort que les intégristes de Hassan el-Tourabi au Soudan.


L'Ethiopie parle de menaces pour son intégrité territoriale et affirme que les islamistes revendiquent le plateau de l'Og-aden. Ce qui est évidemment faux. D'ailleurs, je doute fort que les Ethiopiens de l'Og-aden, qui sont somalophones, soient tentés de rejoindre un Etat théocratique. Mais quand bien même cette menace serait réelle, l'armée éthiopienne est suffisamment puissante pour défendre son territoire et n'a pas besoin de dépêcher des unités combattantes chez le voisin.


Le plus grave dans cette affaire est que l'Ethiopie et l'Ouganda utilisent la légitimité internationale pour justifier leur intervention militaire. Je sais qu'il se concocte à l'heure actuelle un projet de résolution au Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU pour une levée partielle de l'embargo. Il s'agit de permettre aux pays voisins d'envoyer du personnel et des équipements militaires afin de protéger le gouvernement transitoire contre les islamistes. Ce serait donc des Ethiopiens et des Ougandais qui assureraient la protection des officiels basés à Baidoa quand ils se rendront en mission à Mogadiscio. Peut-on penser un seul instant que ce soit aussi simple ? Si ce projet se concrétise, nous allons droit, à Dieu ne plaise, vers un embrasement total de la région.


Y compris Djibouti ?


Il y aura forcément des répercussions sur notre pays : un afflux de réfugiés, une vigilance accrue en matière de sécurité. Je le répète, la diabolisation des islamistes somaliens est contre-productive.


Museveni n'a pas assisté au sommet, mais le Premier ministre éthiopien était présent. Lui avez-vous dit tout cela ?


Oui, mais il s'est contenté de rappeler les menaces qui pèsent sur son pays. Comment une force qui n'arrive même pas à contrôler l'ensemble du territoire de la Somalie pourrait-elle constituer un danger sérieux pour une puissance régionale comme l'Ethiopie ?


Que vous a-t-il répondu ?


Il m'a dit que cette force soutient des organisations éthiopiennes fondamentalistes ou sécessionnistes et que la situation politique qui prévaut dans son pays le contraint à agir. En fait, tout cela est vu à travers le prisme américain qui assimile l'Union des tribunaux islamiques au terrorisme mondial. Les conséquences pourraient être aussi graves que celles qu'ont entraînées les présumées armes de destruction massive de Saddam Hussein.


Mais vous qui avez des rapports privilégiés avec l'administration Bush, avez-vous essayé de convaincre la Maison Blanche de son erreur ?


La qualité de notre partenariat avec les Etats-Unis nous permet peut-être d'être entendus, mais pas d'être toujours écoutés. Regardez le cas de l'Egypte, autre partenaire stratégique des Etats-Unis : croyez-vous qu'elle soit plus écoutée que nous ?

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