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Badhan: Public anger expressed against the illegal death sentences

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We daily witness the troubling saga unfolding in the North west. The Hargeisa kangaroo court, with a sense of marketability, sentenced two innocent persons to death. The victims are from the regions of Sool and Sanaag, particularly, Badhan and Buuhoodle. They were accused of terrorist acts without competent evidence, but insiders of the politics of the secessionists believe that the sentence is an orchestrated ruse in part to gain not only a diplomatic support from United States and its allies but to nearly peg the time of the sentence by the Kangaroo court to the recent conflict in Dhahar so as to revenge the humiliating defeat and outcome of their adventure into deep Sanaag. The question that begs for answer is whho are we going to held responsible for this reprehensible crime against the victims because the warlords in Hargeisa seem to have innate inability to accept blame or learn from experience and their selfish motivations despite outwardly appearing honest and human.


Mudaharaad Ballaadhan oo Maanta ka Dhacay Magaalada Badhan ee G/Sanaag


Badhan:- Maanta salaaddii Jimce ka dib ayaa dadweyne fara badan waxay isugu yimaaddeen badhtamaha magaalada , iyagoo sitey boodhadh kala duwan oo ay ku muujinayeen arimaha ay isugu soo bexeen oo ahayd cabasho ka dhan ah xukun dil ah oo maxkamadda magaalada Berbera ay ku ridey labo dhallinyaro ah oo kasoo jeeda degaanada Sool iyo Sanaag , labadaas dhallinyarada ah oo la kala yidhaahdo Jaamac Cabdi Kuutiye iyo Maxamed Cali Ciise .



Dadweynaha halkaas isugu yimid ayaa ku dhawaaqayey hal ku dhegyo ay xukunkaas ku tilmaamayeen inuu yahay mid caddaalad darro ah , waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeene.



odayaashii iyo waxgaradkii fagaarahaas ka hadlay ayaa waxa ka mid ahaa Cawed Suldaan , Xaamud Liibaan Carab, Maxamed Siciid Saalax iyo Shiikh Cabdi A.Ismaaciil oo dhammaantood isaga daba noqday sida ay uga xun yihiin xukunkaas dilka ah ee labadaas wiil lagu ridey , waxayna ku tilmaameen mid aan caddaalad ahayn , iyagoo maamulka Somaliland ugu baaqay iney arintaasi wax u dhimayso is dhexmarkii bulshada.


Xaamud Liibaan Carab oo isugu si faah-faahsan uga warbixiyey xaaladda Maxamed Cali Ciise ayaa hadaladiisii waxa ka mid ahaa " Maxamed Cali Ciise Dhiif waxa laga qabtay magaalada Muqdisho, waxana loo gudbiyey isaga oo dhaawac ah markab uu leeyahay Maraykanku oo badda taagan, markii ay arkeen waa daweeyeen, waxayna u sheegeen iney ku khaldameen, waxayna dib ugu soo celiyeen magaalada Adisababa, halkaas oo lagu weydiiyey meesha uu Somalia ka rabo in la geeyo, isaga ayaa markaa codsaday Hargeysa, markii uu sadex casho joogeyna waa la qabtay.









Listen to a crucial interview about this matter.

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