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maxkmadaho oo si nabdoon kula wareegay Tiyeglow

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it is very imprassing and suprising the capability of the icu military might .


while intesive fight is goin on Bay and bakool they have reserves and are able to open other fronts , while still maintaning security areas that are under icu controll for exampla kismayo , xamar and etc .



its also imprassing how kismayo , xaamar and and other areas that are under control icu are calm and stable while intesive fight is goin around south somalia .


For those who beleive TFG who are hiding in one campound can over run icu are dreaming sxb .

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I guess this news has eluded the eyes of the war correspondents on SOL.


Tiyeglow is larger in area and has more population than Moode-moode, Daynuunaay, and Idaale- and its capture is a significant achievement because (If you know the geography of Bakool) you control the route to Wajid, Xudur and Luq Ganaane.

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Tiyeglow is larger in area and has more population than Moode-moode, Daynuunaay, and Idaale- and its capture is a significant achievement because (If you know the geography of Bakool) you control the route to Wajid, Xudur and Luq Ganaane.

Aad ayaan ugu xumahay inaad dadkaas deeggaanka degan aad dagaal sokeeye ula rabtid. Reer Bakool -- like the whole people of Jubbadasare: Baay, Shabeelladahoose, Gedo iyo Jubbadadhexe -- midna lama jirin labada xulufu ku hardamaayo meesha. Ciidamo Amxaar/Tigrey ma joogaan meesha, and there is a reason why they preferred inay kasoo talabaan Dooloow, via Luuqa, than Ceerlbarde, via Xudur.


There was no "capture" to speak of also, since deeggaankaas dantiis dadka deeggaanka lahaa, now it is all changed. There was no war nor resistence, marka wax "capture" la yiraahdo ma jiro. Now Amxaaradii Xabashka ahaa qaabka darnaa ayaa Ceelbarde kasoo tilaabsanaayo, yaa, now, ka masuul ah rafaadka ka dhici doono meeshaas?


Those wadaada ku sheega's militia is led by ninka loogu yeero Ceyroow oo kasoo talaabsaday Hiiraan. He is based in Galgaduud. He wanted to get to Tiyeegloow for a long time, at least the last three weeks laakiin dadka deeggaanka runta u sheegay: Don't come to us and open another troublesome front. If they wanted to fight, dowlada ku sheega Baydhabo ayee fadhisaa iyo Amxaaradeeda ka riixeyso, maxaa ku sababay inay tagaan Bakool. Afar aag ayee ka fadhiyaan Baydhabo, sadexna dagaal ka socdo hada Iidaale, Diinsoor iyo Moodmoode, tan afaraad aan dagaal ka socon being between Qansaxdheere and Baardheere. Qaxarka meeshaas ka socdo miyaa ku filnaan weysay markee another fronts ka furayaan Bakool. Amxaarada Xabashta ah is easier for them to fight in Bakool than in Baay.


Most of us rightly condemn whoever Amxaaro/Tigrey dabada ka wato, that we even question their Soomaalinimo, but blunder after blunder from this wadaada ku sheega who know nothing but war, war, war ayaa marmar la yaabaa.

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Do something or you don't, Amxaaro was planning to have its dogs rule somalia from day one Warlord A/Y was elected and opposed any changes unfavourable to the devision it imposed on Somalis. Ethiopia has a cause to wage a war and the support of the weaklinks among our society. It is too late to blame a somali who opposes Ethiopia today no matter what mistakes they made.


The whole south is up in flames runtii with Beledweyne being borbarded from the Air according to the latest news sources. Did these somalis cross the border?

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Si xun ayaad i fahantahay. Akhri waxaan qoray. Qoraalkeeyga waxuu ku saabsan in dad badan oo boogan soo boqda oo la jira amxaarada iyo xulafadeeda aaysan noo soo gudbin qabsashada Tiyeglow. If you read the newslink then it says "capture".

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