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A new offensive : Minister Jelle no ceasefire...

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A new offensive will only start if the Ethiopians say so hence why they are the ones negotiating and signing truces.

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Quote:Sheekh Shariif waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada Ethiopia laf ahaantoodu aanay aqoonsaneyn wax la yiraahdo dowlad Soomaaliyeed maadaama buu yiri ay si toos ah wadahadal iyo xabad joojin iyo heshiisyo ula galayaan kooaha kasoo horjeeda iyagoo aanan ogolaansho weydiisan dowladda

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Jeelle is irrelevant. So is Gacmadheere.


Here is Gacmadheere complaining about certain elders not talking to him, and instead talking to the Ethiopian Generals.


Odayaasha Beesha ****** oo lagu eedeeyay in ay ka meer meerayaan in ay toos ula hadlaan Dowladda Federaalka .


Talaado, April 03, 2007(HOL): Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Maxamuud Guuleed Gacmadheere ayaa Odayaasha Beelaha ****** ee ka soo horjeeda Dowladda Federaalka ku eedeeyay in ay ka meer meerayaan in ay la hadlaan Dowladda Federaalka, wuxuuna taasi ku tilmaamay mid aan xal lagu keeneynin.




Wasiirka waxaa uu sheegay in ay odayaasha sheegaan mar kasta in ay heshiis la gelayaan Saraakiisha Ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho, “Waxay sheegeen in ay la heshiinayaan Saraakiil Itoobiyaan ah, waxaan leenahay haddii ay meel wax la dhigan karaan Itoobiyaanka hala dhigteen”ayuu yiri Gacmadheere oo intaas ku daray in ay dhowr jeer Idaacadaha ka hadleen Odayaal sheegay in aysan aqoonsaneyn Dowladda Federaalka, taasina ay u arkayaan mid wax isku soo dhaweyneynin.




Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha waxaa uu sheegay in ay dhowr jeer oo hore ay u yeereen Odayaasha wax ka tabanaya, balse ay Odayaashu ka diideen in ay u yimaadaan, “Annagu weli sidii ayaan ugu jeedineynaa codsigii ahaa in ay noo yimaadaan oo ay noo sheegaan waxa ay naga tabanayaan”ayuu yiri Gacma-dheere.




Odayaal ka soo jeeda Beelaha ****** ayaa horay waxay u sheegeen in ay heshiis la gaareen Saraakiil Itoobiyaan ah oo ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo heshiiskaas oo ahaa mid xabad joojin ahna uu buray kadib markii ay Ciidamada Itoobiya Muqdisho ka bilaabeen howlgallo.




Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa ka dhacay dagaallo socday afar maalmood kuwaasi oo ay ku dhinteen dad ku dhow 400 oo ruux, kuwaasi oo u badnaa dad rayid ah, iyadoo ay jiraan dad kale oo dagaalka ku dhawaacmay iyo kuwo ku barakacay.




Haatan dagaal kama jiro magaalada Muqdisho balse xili kasta ayuu dib u qarxi karaa waayo waxaa sidoodii isu horfadhiya dhinacyadii dagaalka iskala soo horjeeday.




Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, waxgarad badan oo Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxay qabaan in ay si toos ah u wada hadlaan dhinacyada Dowladda Federaalka iyo Hoggaamiyayaasha Beelaha ee ka soo horjeeda, si loo baajiyo in ay dhacaan dagaallo kale oo lagu hoobto, walow ay labada dhinac ee ku loolamaya gacan ku heynta Muqdisho ay u muuqdaan kuwo aan sii kala jeeda oo aan rabin in ay xal gaaraan.




Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

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the usual contradictions between competing puppets.


one says they will be crushed (nothing happens) another says they will "talk" to them.

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The slaves of Zenawi cannot break the ceasfire without his permission. They have been made to seem irrelevant on their own turf, by the Slaves of Bush. They can't start any war or launch offensives without Abysnians.

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Odayaasha Beesha ****** oo lagu eedeeyay in ay ka meer meerayaan in ay toos ula hadlaan Dowladda Federaalka

Aggah!,War xoolosanaa nimanku? Wada hadal waxaa lala hadlaa qof awood leh amisna karti leh; Bal maxaa laga hadlayaa?




1. Dont have any significant weapons,Hadii laisku daayo they will be crushed in a single day.


2. They dont call the shots,Ethiopia calls the shots.


3. Waxa lala dagalamayo ayaka ma'ahan,they dont have significant troop presence,the tigre junta is doing the fighting.


Marka,bal tolow why would anyone talk to them?


Last i remember,Stooges dont talk,they are just to be seen,remember you talk to the masters not stooges. You discuss with your threat,not a fuley hiding behind another man's army[That is financed by America]. Your hear that Gacmo dheer?

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There is no ceasefire, the clan courts have been defeated and thats why there is no sound.


As for the elders who met the Ethiopians well there are many versions to this story.. Here is another one.

War deg deg ah Dhawaqa rasaasta oo mar kale dib ugu bilaabtay magaalada Muqdisho iyadoona ay dhacayaan madaafiicda goobta iyo hoobiyasha 3.4. 2007

................Carmooyin take........................

Saraakiisha Ciidank Itoobiyaanka oo Odayaasha Qarandiidka u sheegay in Barri 4 saac ay hubka iska keenaan


Saraakiisha Ciidanka Itoobiyanka iyo Odayaal ka socday Kooxaha qaran diidka Muqdisho ayaa maanta kulan ku yeeshay Saldhigga ugu weyn ciidanka Itoobiyanka ee dalka Soomaliya oo ah Sei Piano,waxaana saraakiishu ay odayaasha qarandiidka u sheegeen in ay hubka iska keenaan muddo loo cayimay.


Saraakiisha Ciidanka Itoobiyanka iyo Odayaal ka socday Kooxaha qaran diidka Muqdisho ayaa maanta kulan ku yeeshay Saldhigga ugu weyn ciidanka Itoobiyanka ee dalka Soomaliya oo ah Sei Piano,waxaana saraakiishu ay odayaasha qarandiidka u sheegeen in ay hubka iska keenaan muddo loo cayimay.


Odayasha ayaa hamigoodu ahaa in ay saraakiishu ka yeelandamac gurracan oo ay wateen,hase ahaatee waxaa ay kala soo kulmeen jawaab aanay ku qancin.


“Waxaan idin sheegeyna in aa barri 4 saac iska keentaan hubka hadii kale inaga ayaa idin kazoo doonaneyna”ayaa lagu yiri Odayaasha qaran diidka sida ay shabakaddani ka ogaatay dad ku dhow dhow kooxaha qaran diidka ee Muqdisho.


Arrintan ayaa kusoo beegmeysa iaydoo labadii maalmood ee lasoo dhhaafay ay mahaalda Mqudishoxasilloonayd,tasoo lagu macneeyay qaran diidka oo dagalkii hakiyay kaddib markii ay aqwoodii ka dhamatay.


Shalay iyomaanta ayaa Magalia Mqudisho waxaa kusoo qul qulayay kumanaan askari oo Itoobiyaan ah iyadoo ujeedaduna ay tahay in ay ka qeyb galaan howlgalka baaxadda leh e la doonayo in lagushiiqiyo qaran diidka iyo haraadiga argagixisada.


Shalay ayay ahayd markii ay ciidamoka tirsan xoogga dalka Soomaliyeed iyo kuwo Itoobiyan ahi soo buux dhafiyeen hareeraha Suuqa Bakaaraha iyo xaafadda casa Popolare oo ka mida deegaanda qaran diidka xarumaha u ah.


Xafiiska warqabadka shabakadda wararka

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The slaves of Zenawi cannot break the ceasfire without his permission. They have been made to seem irrelevant on their own turf, by the Slaves of Bush. They can't start any war or launch offensives without Abysnians. The slaves of Zenawi cannot break the ceasfire without his permission. They have been made to seem irrelevant on their own turf, by the Slaves of Bush. They can't start any war or launch offensives without Abysnians.

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^^^What ever makes you stay happy saxib. There is no ceasefire every weapon will be forced out and the clowns will be hunted across the city, region and country.

As for all the foreign talk, well your silly ally Eritrea could not provide the fire power nor the political support our ally could. Thus spare us the crocodile tears..


If you think otherwise state so.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, you heard it from the horse's mouth:


Quote:well your silly ally Eritrea could not provide the fire power nor the political support our ally could. Thus spare us the crocodile tears..

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