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Xaaji Xunjuf

Khusuusi Garaad accepts peace somaliland welcomes him

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^^^Bilan thanks for airing your opinion. However the problem lies with the divison within this community of ours and those who pretend to lead it.


The treatment the secessionist are giving and the sheer arrogance aired on this forum no doubt will concentrate minds.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Bilan thanks for airing your opinion. However the problem lies with the divison within this community of ours and those who pretend to lead it.


The treatment the secessionist are giving and the sheer arrogance aired on this forum no doubt will concentrate minds.

Your assertion is half truths and sound bites. It is not secret that the said community, MY community, has some problems within but it is mind boggling and insult to SOL community's intelligence that you hide the failures of PL leadership 24/7. That is sickness not a health debate.


If statistics have anay relevance to you. President Farole came to power in peaceful manner while PL was more cohesive society, how it is now you tell me!, Farole and his co are agents and narrow minded to the core who lack any vision for the state, some here are impued clannish doses and all they can offer is Farole mantra, noolow Faroole noolow ...

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First of all few men who are pro SL for their own benefit do not represent people of this region, they were always pro SL since 1991, so what has changed for people to say this community is divided now?? The reason we know hear all these militias is because of the lack of leadership in PL. also people in this community have 10+ garaads, did one single of them said one single word in support of SL, the answer is no, people are not divided.

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Originally posted by bilan:

quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

Its a shame that secessionists are now insulting whole clans and their elders. But those who thought that you could live under a Hargaysa run by the likes of Siilanyu with dignity are getting their just deserts..

Duke, honestly it is Faroole's fault, his actions are the cause of all these evils, he is agent
, i thought in PL your spouse has to be somali citizen; this is what happens when you ignore the constitution, so intay goori goor tahay odayga and his VP hala cayriyo.
who you calling Evil? The evil are puntland government. They want you to not lead good life under hargeysa. But Somaliland wants to help you become good citizens equals under the law. Somaliland even want to give you President like Awdal has. But fighting is no good, in Somaliland we build roads for people of Sool, we build houses, infestructure clean running water, toilets but in Puntland they want to take you as prisoners and hold you for randsom. we are the same people but puntland is not same people like us they are the evil ones. :D

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Somaliland considers the people of eastern sool as noble people that are held high with in our society. So actually we tried to give them back their dignity they lost when they were with the pirate enclave . Before somaliland armed forcess liberated Laascaanood the people from that region were largely stripped of their dignity and self respect. They were being murdered by clan gangs in laascanood it was a place with out justice The Notion that eastern soolians are unintrested in living in a progesssive society is what pirates planted in their clan state and left behind . compare this to the peaceful co existence with all your constitutional rights living under justice in peace in a very progressive society being able to vote for your leader in a democratic way.

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Originally posted by Taleexi:

quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Bilan thanks for airing your opinion. However the problem lies with the divison within this community of ours and those who pretend to lead it.


The treatment the secessionist are giving and the sheer arrogance aired on this forum no doubt will concentrate minds.

Your assertion is half truths and sound bites. It is not secret that the said community, MY community, has some problems within but it is mind boggling and insult to SOL community's intelligence that you hide the failures of PL leadership 24/7. That is sickness not a health debate.


If statistics have anay relevance to you. President Farole came to power in peaceful manner while PL was more cohesive society, how it is now you tell me!, Farole and his co are agents and narrow minded to the core who lack any vision for the state, some here are impued clannish doses and all they can offer is Farole mantra, noolow Faroole noolow ...
I've been telling him this for months but he wont listen. I am glad you did. It is all about interests and your interests today (and hopefully a long time to come) lies with SL. Welcome back.

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