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There is more maro than the eye meets, Mudane Turki

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Maxamed Cabdulle Xalane, sida aan xasuusano mar ay isku dayeen koox ciidamo Itoobiyan ah inay dejiyaan Calankii Soomaaliya, dagaalkii 64kii, Zoonaha Tog-Wajaale ayuu wuxuu goostay inuu calankaasi bad-baadiyo, kana badbaadiyo inuusan gacanta u gelin cadowgii dagaalka la iskala soo hor jeeday si aysan u gubin ama u jar jarin, taasina wuxuu ku muteystey isagoo saaran birtii Calanka in dhowr xabbadood lagu dhufto isagoo u halgamaya Calanka Soomaaliyeed kaasoo isagoo dhaawac ah Calankii kala soo degay birtii lana soo galay Godkii dhufeyska u ahaa isagoo bad-baadinaya Calanka, mana ahayn ujeedadiisa in uu nafsaddiisa ku halligo Maro balse damiirkiisa Soomaalinimo ay siin weyday in astaanta Qaranka Soomaaliya meel cidla ah lagu tuuro., oo cadowga loo gacan geliyo.


Calanka oo dhiig badan loo daadshay, naf iyo maalna loo hurey, dad loo xirey, qaar loo Masaafuriyay ma ahayn in dad aan waxba ka garanayn inay sidaa u galaan, walibana ay ku andacooodaan waa maro.[/qb]

Hmmm So thats why Xalane became a Somali hero.


Remmember when the Turkish border guard in Cyprus couple of years ago shot a Greek-Cypriot demonstrator that was trying to bring down the Turkish flag?

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Marka inka horeyta salanta wal koo qaadi, wal soor diidi maleh. Ani iyo familka eed iyo eed iya infayna. Marka labad su'aaley maka jawaabna. Deerow dadka diley lahela iya hayti, laakinse wal ku jiifaday, widaay. Dada meela ka leedi, Adiina ogsanta wala meela ka jira, marka widaay soon iya laka jira mafadaw inta wal sheeg sheega.


In terms of Calan, it is my least worries at this point in time, and reason beign that establishing some sort of stablity is more important than flag. Considering the current stage, I could care less about the flag, because more valuable things (i.e.,life, dignity, and generation of kids) have been lost.


I full heartedly support anyone/group who strive to bring peace and justice. As I said before, ICU have made mistakes and are expected to make many more, but all I am saying is that they have been making some progress, and so far they have something to show on the table. Beside, since you are so vehement about calank, shouldn't Ethiopia's presence in Somalia be a major concern. On one hand we accuse people of being oblivious to Somali flag, on the other han,we turn blind eye to those who are inviting foreing troops just to save thier sorry behind.



PS. Deerow dadkii diley wal goradee, Marka widaay si le haayto. Waana afur wanagsan.

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And Bakar, to sack the oxygen out of this lingering news even further, Courts have indeed announced that they’ve investigated and arrested the fighter who was thought to have done it, in the end they concluded that the whole saga wasn’t worth the effort. To accuse them for flag burning is a political sham, in my opinion.

Don't you just love it how they seem to have ignored this part of it ;) .

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What about the honourable men and women who died for in two wars of '60s and '70s defending this flag would think of you today?

Eerm.. *what exactly are those Ethiopian goons doing in Gaalkayu and Baidoa?*


Just a thought.. smile.gif

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

What's wrong with a flag that says Laa ilaaha ila laah?

Salam Caleykuum


Exactly, personally I advocated the replacing of the flag in Kismayoo. The one thing I admire about the ICU is their strict adherence to the Shari'a law based on the first generations of Islam and not some lenient Sufi ideology.



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^^ So Shariif also wanted/wants to replace state symbols with Al-qaeda flag? Honestly though, we have more to fear that slowly corrodes the fabric of this nation: poverty, lack of basic education and healthcare, constant warfare... These element pose a greater threat then some rented pseudo Sheikh taking orders from a modern cave man hiding in tora bora. These pseudo wadads are a distraction to anyone who tries to rehabilitate this comatose nation.

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^^ I don't think that's what he's hinting at. ;)




You're flogging a dead horse there, saaxib. I wont be surprised if something didn't come back at you with the words 'Sh. Sharif was not in charge of table arranging that day'. :D

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