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There is more maro than the eye meets, Mudane Turki

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Salaan iyo soon wanaagsan.


This letter is for exclusively our misguided brothers, led by a man by the name of Turki.



I am forced to write this letter on behalf of offended nationalist Soomaalis everywhere and anywhere because of your unbelievably irresponsible, injudicious and careless comments regarding our honoured flag, by referring to it as nothing more than a mere "maro."


Yes, lest you do not believe, "maro." As in cloth. Garment. Textile. In other words, you refer to our dear flag nothing but anything that lagu tirtiran karo, as in istaraasho, discarded anytime one desires.


It is flabbergasting this coming from a power-hungry man with this anger, who wants to rule the Shanta Soomaali the star of the flag represents, yet with this ill-advised comments.


If the publicly-funded, taxpayer-supported, free education, all this on the courtesy of and thanks to halgamayaashii calankaan you despise usoo halgamay did not help you; if, perhaps, then you were already infatuated and daydreaming these days about installing a Sacuudi-inspired governance in Soomaaliya, let us remind you that our cherished calan, which you thoughtlessly referred to as nothing more than "maro" is indeed is much more, more, more than "maro."


We may also kindly and ironically remind you and your cohorts the one -- which looks like an ancient, forgotten pirate's flagpost -- you put up itself is "maro." And to top it all, having the two cross-checked seefyo [swords], which, of course, attests seef laboodnimadiina la idinku yaqaanay.


Nothing wrong raising an Islaamic flag; it wouldn't, however, substitute our symbol and unity, and should therefore have respected it.


It is not an isolated incident. When you wadaad ku sheegis captured Jowhar, the same of you did this, though not many people know. You removed the coat-of-arms that hung the meeting room wall where Geedi and his ministers used to meet, instead placing another "Islaamic-based" banner in that conference room.


It isn't once again an isolated incident for a few weeks ago when Korneel Aweys on a radio interview, on a passing reference, said "Maxkamadaha" is thinking about changing the flag, in order to make more "Islaamically" appealing. This admision, once again, slipped the masses, missing the subtle hints of what is to come.


Mudane Turki, I will come back now to why the flag is more than a mere "maro."


Thousands of people honourably died for and ku shahiiday what you disrespectfully call a "maro." What would Xaawo Taako say today upon hearing your misguided comments that lack any sentiment.


What would the people of Dhagaxtuur say and view you?


What would the man who swallowed a full paper to hide its content from gumeystihii tagay would think of you, since he committed it in the name of this flag you taunted?


What about the honourable men and women who died for in two wars of '60s and '70s defending this flag would think of you today? Were their blood shed in vain, Mudane Turki?


How will the halgamaashii the Kenyans call "shufto" would view of you today if they hear your aghast laga fiirsan comments, an insult to their blood and naf?


What would the Aabayaashii Gobanimada, especialy the founders of SYL, think of you? An insignificant person with silly comments, perhaps, but still would they envisioned one day a Soomaali having a mentality like of yours? Would have they?


What would, indeed, Timacadde would have said if you were standing beside him when he sung kana siib, kana saar.


What would even the Sayidka, though the flag came after him, think of you? [i already heard they are comparing you to Sayidka. I say to those people: They are as in erroneous as you are.]


And what would the living millions of Soomaalis maalkooda iyo xoolahooda u huray for this flag would, really, today think of you?


What would they, indeed?


Baliis, save your inane comments to yourself and stick with what your know best, i.e. your seef iyo waran laboodnimo, and leave our esteemed flag alone. It already has too many external enemies.


Shame sometimes has no face and too many.

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the entity that claims to represent the beautiful maro hasn't criticised the decision of cadde muse when he said he would deny people from koonfuur from entering the region


the same people who are loyal to the beautiful maro


the entity that claims to represent this beautiful maro slapped the children of the parents from somali galbeed who died and fought hard for the 5 stars on the maro in the face


when it invited the people that fought this beautiful maro twice


the same people who are oppressing the children of this beautiful maro today


the entity that claims to represent this beautiful maro slapped the female and male soldiers who died for that maro in the 60's and 70's


when it invited the people that fought this beautiful maro TWICE


the entity that claims to represent this beautiful maro hasn't put pressure on koonfuur africa and their killings of people loyal to this beautiful maro


red herring red herring red herring red herring





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Originally posted by WIIL_SHAYDAANKA:

the entity that claims to represent the beautiful maro hasn't criticised the decision of cadde muse when he said he would deny people from koonfuur from entering the region


the same people who are loyal to the beautiful maro


the entity that claims to represent this beautiful maro slapped the children of the parents from somali galbeed who died and fought hard for the 5 stars on the maro in the face


when it invited the people that fought this beautiful maro twice


the same people who are oppressing the children of this beautiful maro today


the entity that claims to represent this beautiful maro slapped the female and male soldiers who died for that maro in the 60's and 70's


when it invited the people that fought this beautiful maro TWICE


the entity that claims to represent this beautiful maro hasn't put pressure on koonfuur africa and their killings of people loyal to this beautiful maro


red herring red herring red herring red herring







What you didn't get here is that that MARO stand for an ideal. It stand for a Nation for all Somalis. It is a reminder of our unity.


This maro is not owned by one clan, region or even a regime. This maro is maro Soomaaliyeed. It represents the best in us.




Do not mistake this maro with the crimes that some have commited. Allot of people have died defending this maro. This maro is bigger then you and I. This maro is bigger then any petty warlord turned president.


Think wiilka shaydaanka, this maro is Somalia. This Maro is 1 star in a blue sea.


The lone star in this maro stands for that the Somali Nation is Alone.


The star has 5 angles, representing the five ways our nation was split.


The background is blue meaning that wherever we may be, no matter how many ways we are split, we are united under the blue sky.


This MARO is HOPE.


I will die for this MARO. Nothing will ever replace buluugle. Lets hope the next generation understands what this MARO stands for.


This MARO is inspiration and I hope that it inspires you too brother.

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i know but the maro incident is being used on multiple forums as a tool to divert the attention from real issue's like the ones i mentioned before


i always hear that TFG is the only legitimate entity in somalia that has the right to represent this blue flag according to the international community


i wonder what our brothers in somali galbeed were feeling when the entity that claims to represent them since they are part of the 5 star flag invited ethiopians


this blue flag right now is being abused far greater by this entity than what a soldier not ordered by his superiors did


the people of the blue flag are being neglected by this entity


therefore i wish this puppet government stops abusing this flag


it's an insult to all the great people MMA and you mentioned who died for this maro

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^^Brother its not about the Courts or TFG, things go deeper then that. Both parties have made allot of mistakes and the TFG is no longer legitimate in my eyes because of their actions. I am not a big fan of the courts either but in the case of a war with the Ethiopians I will gladly side with them. But this all doesnt mean that the flag is represented by TFG or ICU. The flag is the Somali flag and not the TFG flag or ICU flag. This flag is owned by the Somali people where ever they may be.


The people of the occupied territories respect the blue flag, they have paid heavy prce for their support of the blue flag and they will never surrender the dream of unity with their brothers.


TFG's, warlords and traitors come and go but the Somali people will forever live on and the Somali people will truimph at the end.


This is history being made, our nation is maturing before our very eye. 10 years ago people our age didnt talk about these matters. Now my 15 year old brothers who were born in exile is more Nationalistic then my parents. Our nation will free itself from ignorance. Movements like the ICU with all their flaws represent hope and many others will follow and improve on them.


TFG is not Somalia. So the TFG can not claim the Somali flag. This flag is your flag, its our flag, don't let people like that detter you from being proud of your flag. Supporting the blue flag is supporting UNITY, EQUALITY and BROTHERHOOD, because thats what this flag stands for.


The Ethiopians would love it if we changed the blue flag. Because they know the meaning of our flag and they would like to erase the meaning of the flag and make it seem like just a MARO, instead of a symbole of UNITY and the DREAM OF SOMALI REUNIFICATION.


Even if the puppet regime renounces Somali claims on the occupied territories, as long as we have the blue flag we will have a reminder of the division of the Somali Lands. And the dream of reunification will live on in our hearts, till the day the Somali nation is strong enough to reclaim all our occupied territories.

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^^ Where is the Unity and the brotherhood? On the contrary to what Wadad haters like to pervade, unity and brotherhood can only acheived through this wave of popular movement led by wadado.




You are talking about a mere flag, while you seem to dissmis the mayham, disorder, distruction, and most of the killing of many inocent people because of the QABILL. So BALIIs, safe the drama--callan baa lagubay oo naag baa laxirey... Cajiib badana! war niman yaho Allah kacabsada, Wadada have their shortcomings, that they are predominantly one group, but can you not see what they have done so far.



PS. Widaay may inka hadalo wayte dhibatada Baydhabo laka haaye, dadka meela lakadile, Marxuum Deerow dilshe may inka hadalo wayte?

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And Bakar, to sack the oxygen out of this lingering news even further, Courts have indeed announced that they’ve investigated and arrested the fighter who was thought to have done it, in the end they concluded that the whole saga wasn’t worth the effort. To accuse them for flag burning is a political sham, in my opinion.

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We burn that flag in burco

Why? ma qat baa dahay? Burco is another Country isnt it? who cares what you guys are doing in Sovereign Country :D:D


Its so strange how some people try to pretend a patriotic? What good has those bunch of bloody war lords done to this flag? NOTHING/NONE/NAADAAAA/WAXABA Which is more valuable human being or peace of mero which no body cares before?

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this flag issent needed no more Somaliland is gone Djbouti is gone nfd is not comming back thanks 2 siyaad barre who sing the documents that somalia will never claim back NFD

Somali galbeed well what can i say somalis tryd 2 times one 1973 and again 1977 both lost

So only italian somalia is left and even italian somalia is divided into courts controld provinces and the puntland administration

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No one individual can give away Somali LANDS including a former dictator, the only thing between us and a UNITED SOMALI STATE is power. No Somali is against the reunification of the SOMALI LANDS. We can hold a poll here, we can hold elections in Somalia and the overwhelming majority of the people in The Somali Republic, Jabuuti and all the occupied territories will be in favour of REUNIFICATION.


To shariif saylici there is no point discussing with an Ethiopian about the future of Somalia.


Somalia is rising from the ashes today. We are wiser and we are stronger then ever before. Your time is up my friend the prison of nations will be burned down and all its prisoners set free


Look at Ethiopia today, how long do you give them? They are crumbelling and soon they will be shattered, they sowed the wind and now they will harvest the whirlwind. I hope they are wise enough to realize that the only way to avoid genocides like Rwanda is to set free all the oppressed peoples. The imminent state collapse of Ethiopia will make the Somalia of 1991/92/93 seem like heaven.


Whatever happens I am ready to make a buck or two out of it.

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This is guy is crazy he think i am an Ethiopian let me tell me you something Ethiopians dident bomb my citys rape our woman treat uss like dogs The Ethiopian army dident beat uss up just becous we where not from the same tribe as the leading goverment


Yet Ethiopians said up refugee camps eventhough those where lands somalis used to live and local somaliland tribes used to live there but they payd the money for it


Soo this somaliland idea is not Ethiopiand idea other wise they would recognize somaliland but they dident

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PS. Widaay may inka hadalo wayte dhibatada Baydhabo laka haaye, dadka meela lakadile, Marxuum Deerow dilshe may inka hadalo wayte?

Horta si feyla kii salaamay, widaayoow. Intee ku batay? Roogtee mise arlaadi seeytee?


Deeroow dilkiisa waa wax laga naxo, oo argagaxo waaye. Yaa dacaayadeyaa oo dilay? Wadaada ku sheega? Dowlada tacbaanka eh? Mise dadka isku diro rabo? Mise shirqool shaqsi?


Again wixii xun oo dhacay dalkeena calanka waaka sareyaa. Calanka didn't do waxaas, waxmagarato ayaa sameeye. Sidaas daradeed calanka always waa iiga heybe badan yahay wax walba ka dhaco dalkeena. I have my utmost respect for it. My house in Xamar had a spot dedicated to it, so is this house. I have t-shirts that have the colour of this beautiful calan, which I proudly wear outside to the pride of most Soomaalis in this city.



This article below is from pro-wadaad-ku-sheega, still the writer was deeply touched that offending incident calanka dhulka la dhigay oo la gubay.




Calanka Soomaaliya wuxuu ka mid yahay calamada ugu qurxoon ee adduunka wuxuu wataa Midabka Buluugga ee cirka iyo mid ka mid ah xiddigaha cad cad, ninkii alifay Alle ha u naxariista Maxamed Cawaale Liibaan wuxuu xiddigta cad ee shanta gees ah ula jeeday Shanta Soomaaliya, waayo Gumeysigii ayaa Soomaaliya u qaybiyay shan qaybood, Jabuuti in kastoo calankeedu midaba badan yahay haddana xiddigtii kama marna, dalka la magac baxay Somaliland isaguna calankooda waa midabo badan yahay haddana kama maqna xiddigtii,.


Macna kale ayaa shanta gees ee xiddigta lagu fasiray ruux Binu’aadanka wuxuu leeyahay |Madax, Laba Lugood iyo laba Gacmood shantaasna midna mid kale kama maarno oo waa u baahan yahay, shanta Soomaaliyeed waa sidaas oo waa isu baahan yihiin.


Maxamed Cabdulle Xalane, sida aan xasuusano mar ay isku dayeen koox ciidamo Itoobiyan ah inay dejiyaan Calankii Soomaaliya, dagaalkii 64kii, Zoonaha Tog-Wajaale ayuu wuxuu goostay inuu calankaasi bad-baadiyo, kana badbaadiyo inuusan gacanta u gelin cadowgii dagaalka la iskala soo hor jeeday si aysan u gubin ama u jar jarin, taasina wuxuu ku muteystey isagoo saaran birtii Calanka in dhowr xabbadood lagu dhufto isagoo u halgamaya Calanka Soomaaliyeed kaasoo isagoo dhaawac ah Calankii kala soo degay birtii lana soo galay Godkii dhufeyska u ahaa isagoo bad-baadinaya Calanka, mana ahayn ujeedadiisa in uu nafsaddiisa ku halligo Maro balse damiirkiisa Soomaalinimo ay siin weyday in astaanta Qaranka Soomaaliya meel cidla ah lagu tuuro., oo cadowga loo gacan geliyo.


Calanka oo dhiig badan loo daadshay, naf iyo maalna loo hurey, dad loo xirey, qaar loo Masaafuriyay ma ahayn in dad aan waxba ka garanayn inay sidaa u galaan, walibana ay ku andacooodaan waa maro. Marona maxaa ka macna ah haddii la dejiyo ama la gubo, waa damiir xumo kuwa calankii astaanta inoo ahaa ku sheegaya maro iska caadi ah balse waxaa oran lahaa aqoontiisii buu ka hadlay midka sidaa u hadlay.


Dal, Urur, Xisbi, Jabhad waxay leeyihiin Astaan u gaar ah oo lagu garto, Xusbullah oo ah Urur Shiica ah, dhawaana dagaal xoog badan la galay Israa’iil Calanka astaantiisa waa midabka Hurdiga ah ama Jaalaha ah, markay banana-baxayaan waxay dhamaantooda soo qaataan Calankaasi iyagoo og in Calanka waddankooda oo ay aad u tix geliyaan kaasoo ka samaysan Midabo Guduud iyo Caddaan ah dhaxdana Geed uu kaga yaalo, Geedkaas oo tilmaamaya heshiiskii dhex


maray Muslimiinta iyo kirishtaanka ku wada nool dalka Lubnaan iyadoo wadaadka xukuma Xisbullaah Shiikh Xasan Nasrullah ay Xafiiskiisa iyo Gaarigiisaba ay ka dul babanayaan calankaas geedka dhexda ku leh.


Sheikh shariif sheikh Axmed oo ah Guddoomiyaha Guddiga fulinta ee Maxaakiimta Soomaaliya ayaa markii uu booqanayay wadamada carbeed gaariga lagu qaadayay waxaa ka dul-babanayay Calanka soomaaliya, ujeedada loo saarayna waxay tahay inay dadka ku nool waddankaasi ha noqdo shisheeye ama Muwaaddin inay ogaadaan in waxa meesha maraya ay yihiin Soomaali.


Waagii xukuumaddii Maxamed Siyaad Barre anigoo ka qayb galaya Maharjaan ka dhacayay Magaalada Muqdishow oo ay ka qayb galayeen Ardey laga keenay waddamo fara badan, ayaa waxaan kala garan waayay ardeydii ka socotey shiinaha iyo kuuriya anagoo ku muransan ardeydaas ayaa mid ka mid ah wuxuu la soo baxay Calan, waxaan ogaaday in kooxda dhinacaas jirtey ay ahaayeen Shinees marka waxaa halkaas kaaga soo baxaysa in Calanku uu kuu kala sheegayo jinsiyadda qofka.


Calanka quruxda badan ee Soomaaliyeed marka Boqol iyo Sagaashanka Dawladood ee caalamka calamadooda la dhax galiyo waa mid si aad ah uga dhex muuqanaya, haddaad fiiriso wadamada carbeed calamadooda si aad ah ayay isugu dhowyihiin, waxaana kugu adkaanaya in si dhaqsa ah aad u kala saarto iyadoo mar aan la kulmay nin keenyeeti ah uu I weeydiiyay ninkii alifay Calanka Soomaaliya, kaddibna waxaan weeydiiyay waxa uu ka rabo, markaas ayuu ii sheegay in ninkii alifay uu ahaa nin aad u caqli badan, waayo midabka buluugga ah waa midab aad u qurxoon ee indhaha soo jiita, markaas ayaan ku iri "Maad fiirisid Xiddigtana?...wuxuuna yiri “Haa Xiddigtuna way qurxoontahay". Markaas ayaan u raaciyay "La soco ujeeddo ayaa ku jirtee".


Sii aqriso

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