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Guriceel clan comes out in support of TFG

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Mar uu ka hadlay Imaamka qaraxyada habeenkii ka dhaca Magaalada Muqdisho ayuu sheegay inay beeshu si weyn uga soo horjeeddo qaraxyada habeenkii ka dhaca gudaha Magaalada Caasimadda ah ee Muqdisho ayna cambaaraynayso.


Beeshu waxay taageersan tahay howlaha dowladda Federaalka ay ka waddo gudaha Soomaaliya, waxaana dowladda u rajeynaynaa inay guul ka gaarto howlaha ay ka waddo gudaha Soomaaliya”
ayuu yiri mar kale Imaamka.


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^First of all, it says segments of such qabiil.


and secondly, TFG is puppet regime, thus will never succeed. It was born dead. I thought you would know my input on this.

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^^^The TFG is already a success, it has the support of all the major clans of Somalia and insha Allah soon the local admins will start doing their work and things will change.


As for your hate it is expected, as for Sool/Nugaal. Dint expect to get a major war betwen kinsmen, its a minor issue invoilving nomads and will be settled by the elders soon, insha Allah.

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^To think the TFG has the support of 'major' clans is absurd really.


The capital is on fire as we speak, what success are you speaking of, maybe the E-passport which was issued translates as 'sucess' in your view.


Success is when things are under full control, exactly like when the ICU where in Xamar, that is what I call success. But a puppet so called President getting shelled and mortarted in 'his' office daily doesn't come across as being success. Only according to folks like you that is.


Oh, I get it, success to you is, my uncle warlord. Abdullahi Yusuf Axmed is finally in Xamar. yes success if you look from that way.


As for the Sool, the reaoson, I brought is that, a lady who closely relates to thug yey was leading clan militia, rumour has it that Yey appointed her.

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^^^The capital is ok, 99% of its inhabitants are safe, the criminal elements are killing civilians in a desperate act in order to get some attention. No single clan has come out against the TFG even in Mioagdishu, look at this thread as evidance. Soem gunmen shooting mortars and running for their lives, menas very little.


We`have moved away from serious millitary operations, and now are in the stage of security and criminal round up type operations


You seem to be getting forever desperate.


PS: H.E A/Yusuf President of Somalia has just announced the admin for Bay, Lower and Middle Juba. Progress every day..

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the relatives of the xabashi-lover try night and day to promote their "new govt" but to no avail their actions speak louder than words.


give yeey 2 to 3 years before that liver stops working.

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^^^Now you are an expert on the unseen and can predict when someonbes liver will stop? Bbravo.


The new government is working unlike the former defunct ones, our embessies in the UN, AU, EU,Yemen, Oman, Kenya and not to mention China is up and running. The TFG controls the important ports of Mogadishu, Kismayu, Marka, Barava, Bossaso, and all the air strips in the 15 regions it controls.


What do you have apart from some farts from so called "experts" and the vomit of Yusuf `Garad of the BBC?


Oh your group has just bombed a civilian owned hotel and killed some poor folks walking acroiss the road..

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