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USA: Islamic Conversions Soar Amidst a Strategic Group!

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Clearly, Islam is gaining converts (or more accurately reverts, as childs are born Muslim, ie submitted to the One and Unique God, Allah) wherever one looks to, wether it be Businessmen in Tokyo, Professors in Paris or Factory workers in London (and even faster in the Post 9/11 USA); how could they spin and "explain away" such fundamental fact we may wonder?



"I felt disillusioned by the sheer number of saints and other intermediaries one has to pray to", "Women are more respected, not constantly 'sexualized' and displayed as objects everywhere, like we are used to here in the USA", "I always questioned the coherence of our Christian dogma", "Doesn't the Bible explicitely forbid eating pork?" "The veil attracted me as it reminds me of Mary" and other explanations are readily supplied by an increasing number of Latinos who are experiencing a marked rise in terms of conversion rate to Islam.


Some also mention their eagerness to reconnect with their lost Islamic heritage, when Spain was the West learning seat, pioneering public Libraries, Universities, Hospitals and other institutions as the European Continent was experiencing an Era of Generalized Darkness (an heritage that set the Iberian peninsula apart, enabling it to take profit of Arab Navigation Technology to Discover and conquer the American Continent while dominating the Western World).


Heavily influenced by Islam, both Iberian cultures and langages (even individual names) still testify to this glorious past and here is a relevant little selection of international medias reports:




The Christian Science Monitor



The Christian Science Monitor



Le Monde




PS: Latinos are expected soon to represent the largest US Ethnic group, outnumbering Whites, largely thanks to immigration and higher fertility rate!

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