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Somaliland kicks out 9 NGO From Their Land

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Somaliland Government Suspends NGOs


Hargeisa, 6 June 2009 (Somalilandpress) - The Somaliland government said they temporary suspend nine NGOs operating in the country after they did not comply with the government’s efforts to streamline the humanitarian work in Somaliland.


in a press release by the Minister of National Planning and Coordination, Mr. Ali, nine NGOs have been temporarily suspended after they did not comply with the government’s call to present their activities and financial reports of last year. The minister said those NGOs did not respond to the call as they have been informed many times.


The NGOs that are suspended are:


1. Noolaynta Naruuradda Mustaqbalka.

2. GuteBorges Initiative.

3. Canadian African Indegenedus Development

4. Shelter Box.

5. International Islamic Relief Organization.

6. Mecy USA For Aid Development.

7. American Relief Agency For Horn Africa.

8. International Research And Exchanges.

9. Priemiere Urgency.


Late last year, all the NGOs working in Somaliland presented their work to the Ministry indicating the activities they carried out, the financial costs and the plans for the next year. The Ministry of National Planning will then report to the parliament and compile all those presentations in order to evaluate the humanitarian assistance given to the country and the plans ahead for the coming years.


This was part of a new approach to coordinate all the humanitarian actions in Somaliland so that the government will be able to follow them up and guide the NGOs according to the national priorities set by the government.


A new NGO law was recently approved by the council of Minister and submitted to the Parliament for approval.


More than 50 NGOs are believed to be operating in Somaliland carrying out different activities for different sectors. This is the first time the government takes strong measures against the NGOs to control, follow up and question about their activities in the country.

Source: http://somalilandpre nd-government-suspen ds-ngos


Cajiib..their ppl are fleeing sland because of no job and gaajo and stuck in libyan and sudanese jails, whilst the women are being raped by sudanese solders at check-points while they do tahrib from their countries. And now they kick out the same people who are helping them solve the dire situation of poverty..


It's their loss..all i can say,

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have you heard anything called check and balance?


If you don't deliver you ought to leave.

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^ why should the government be able to have cheks and balances on a private entity.


if they are not breaking any laws .. the government should keep its hands off.


I find this part very strange


This was part of a new approach to coordinate all the humanitarian actions in Somaliland so that the government will be able to follow them up and guide the NGOs according to the national priorities set by the government.

these are private entities that are providing aid to the people; not a government ministry so why should they care about priorities set by the government.

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Regadless, they have a scope work amd mandated procedures to follow through. They have to provide evidence of thier accomlishment. After all, they get free tax contarcts and they make money(profit)of these contacts in order for them to stay in business. Don't let the name NGO fool you.


NGOs have to be regulated or they will commit a fraud like everyone else.

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Poker, are u blind? or dumb?...sxb rayale is killing somaliland from the inside and if u don't see that your very sad case.


How many times did he hold off election already? your supposed to have an election 1 year ago sxb, and u still struggling just to set a date because rayale keeps extending his term.


He is dictator and he wants to stay forever...sxb ur in big trouble..and u don't even see it

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Another clueless kid. Just what we need. He started the thread with NGO and already turned the thread into Riyaale and Somaliland govt.

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Are you on medications?


I thought you wanted Somaliland to disappeare? Why do you care what Rayaale is doing there? :D


P.S. I see you finally changed your signature. I assume you warship one god THE ALMIGHTY at moment. :D

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Poker, no i update my signature's with wise saying's because i am wise-man every couple of day's.


But i personally don't care what rayale does, just am amazed noone in sland doesn't see he is dictator and i fear that every election that comes up it will be post-poned leading to a full-blown dictatorship era.

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We like our dictator. Do you like your pirate leader?



:D:D:D @I'm a wise man every couple of days....


What about the other days. Do you go back to warship Phaorahs and thier mutiple gods?

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Poker, our so called pirate leader, doesn't harm somalis bro at least he takes his beef to foreigners...but rayale is hurting somalis with this nonsense and causing alot of tension between factions in hargeisa.


So to compare the two is totally illogical..

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Poker, i am being u see farole harming any somali?...infact he benefits them, he got sharif $250 million pay-day from the brussels conference and the big boy's toys that he has recently purchased all thanks to our leader.


Buddy we are not like you, shacabka kuma soo jeesano..we take care of our business, and if we do turn back to our land's we benefit it..not cause it harm..


But rayale is causing hell for your ilmaha adeero tell him to go face the international community not turn on his own citizens..

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