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Let us be together in our hearts

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Let us be together in our hearts

Mohamed A. Dad

San Diego

10 Jan, 2007



The arrival of President Abdulahi Yusuf and Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi and the Somali Government ministers in Mogadishu, the capital, is good news that made the Somali people optimistic. This looks like a dream realized.


What is important now is to welcome and resolutely support the Federal Transitional Government (TFG). Without public support, the TFG cannot firmly establish peace and order in Somalia.


Yusuf & Gedi

Now is the time for quiet dialog and courteous debate. The TFG had better follow a policy of openness aimed at elimination of the tension and misunderstanding within the ranks of the Somali people. Similarly, it is advisable for the TFG to adopt a policy of tolerance toward those with negative attitudes as well as the adamant groups. But at the same time, the TFG must take a timely and firm action against those who try to disturb the peace or refuse to lay their arms or take up arms against the government.


The country needs rational and moderate voices to call for reconciliation, national unity and not war hawks and rabble-rousers. It is high time the Somali people close their ranks and be together in their hearts and cooperate together in their common purpose in search for peace and progress.


The barriers must be broken, and obstacles be removed. The Somali people need help and assistance from one another. If there are good intentions, all problems are surmountable. It is the duty of the intellectuals and opinion leaders to orient the Somali people toward peaceful solution and nation-building.


Now is the opportune time for all true Somali patriots to take part in the rescue of the motherland from disintegration and dismemberment. Somalia is in wreck and ruin. It is hoped that the TFG will raise the Somali nation from its stumble and guide the country to safety and salvation


A Somali proverb translated into English says “By working together, ants can carry a lizard.” (Wada shaqayn bay qudhaanjo mulac ku qaadaa).


“Our Lord. Have Mercy on us from Yourself and guide us out of our ordeal.”

“Allahayaw naga sii agtaada naxariis, dhibaatadana naga saar.”

Surat Al Kahaf, verse 10).


Mohamed A. Dad

San Diego

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