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Sh SharifEthio-Somali relations are the common interests ofthe two sisterly countries

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WALTA INFO: Somalia President Shaykh Sharif Shaykh Ahmad speaks of Ethio-Somalia relations


President speaks of Ethio-Somalia relations

Thursday, 27 August 2009


Addis Ababa, August 27 (WIC) - Somalia President Shaykh Sharif Shaykh Ahmad said that the fundamentals of the Ethio-Somalia relations are the common interests of the two countries.




In an interview he held with Qatari Arabic television of Aljazeera recently the president said that the foundation of the Ethio-Somali relations are the common interests of the two sisterly countries.




“Our relations with Ethiopia are within our joint interests. As Somalis and Somali government we want stability in Somalia. I think that the Ethiopians and the Ethiopian government have the same vision.” He said.




On the contrary, he expressed that the relations between Somalia and Eritrea is in a bad situation currently.


“Regrettably, our relationship is extremely bad. The Eritrean government interferes in the Somali affairs and rejects this government and the continuation of dialogue among the Somali people. We had never expected Eritrea to have an agenda in Somalia except the restoration of peace and security

to Somalia because the Somalis played a role in Eritrea’s independence.” He indicated.




“We discovered that they wanted to use the Somali territory against Ethiopia and Somalia and to perpetuate instability in Somalia. Therefore, we have no relations. This is the only state in the African Union that did not recognize this government.” He added.

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