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The so called 'resistance' now bomb random Somali MPs famalies

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Jammaacah, please refrain making such reckless comments! Somalis are killing each other and it’s not something any sane person would admire or be proud of.


Alshabaab are Somali youths and Somalia needs them. The dead and the injured are Somalis and Somalia can’t afford to lose more than she already did. Don’t get yourself sucked into the gloom details of this conflict. Look at the big picture yaa Jammaacah.

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^Dukey, just save your breath.


Adeero has lost the plot. He can't even provide something as simple as ensuring the security of his men.


No wonder he gets slapped from left and right by the generaalka. Maybe you should change shirts, gabre is worthy of dabodhilifs, atleast he earned that right.

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Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire:

His family should and will be spared by the Muqmawama( the true ones) since they are Muslims and they have not commited any crimes against other Muslims!

you misunderstood my point I do not condone it ... but when you facilitate the killing of others it is logical to assume that yours will be a target as well.


Other MPs already got their's of out harms way and then proceeded to take part in the murderous corrupt entity that is the tfg.


since it is already a given that an MP has a bulls-eye on his back maybe this particular MP was just dimwitted and couldn't connect the dots ?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

so spare us your bad breath, oops good breath.

Wallahi waxan ka marag ahay in aan xabad xishood ah lagugu arag.

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Duke iidaa Lazy, she's the only brave fighter on here, Lazy kudos to you my dear for giving each

the dose of words it deserves...


Isseh, C'mon now, you calling for the bombing of innocent civilians, remember the target isn't the Parliament or the MP, its his family house where his children and wife stay... Subhanallah...

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He is still hurting by the last cyber karbaash I laid to him.(mention of his old man was a sore subject for him)


In any case, he is as harmless as a fly.


However, nimanka oo isku waco isseh and geeljire, have some serious psychological problems.


Waxa afkooda kasoo baxo, dukey xataa ma isku quuro inuu waxaas dhaho on a bad day.

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