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Weird Things About Somaliland

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I been wondering why hasn't there been any mashruc oo "xariga laga jaro" in somaliland for the last couple of years? Theirs been a few but at a very slow pace!!! Any somaliland person care to answer me because i found that just so strange!!!


Plus I also find it suspicious why dont any somaliland ministers talk much? its like they even dont even exist. Wallahi If anyone from that part of Somalia can tell me it would be appreciated!!!

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Cowke, I know your question was not directed at me per se, but please allow me to add my $0.02.


In my opinion, those Marfashland Ministers you speak of, are similar to the concubines of antiquity, who lived in harem gardens owned by the former Ottoman Sultans of the middle east. And like an Ottoman Sultan... Mr. Riyaale, saddex buu habrahaan ku qabo, ee juq ma iyagaa dhihi karaan, and unfortunately for them, Villa Morgan in Marfashland is no radiant garden of beauty. :D

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As usual you are Totally misinformed , if the pirate state habarti dhuusta ba ,eeh guri yar meel ka taagta xadhig ka jarranoo ay madaxda budhcad badeedku ka so qeyb gallan dee adeer dunida sida uma shaqeyso

Here are some recent projects of somaliland , Xadhiga laga jaray














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Xaaji. Is that all you have to show for 8 years? I can show that in 2 days the amount xarig jars happening in puntland

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Cowke that was just an example There are millions of projects Similair to that one, any how why are you Comparing a pirate Clan state To a country , but its good if it motivates our

little pirates in the east :D

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Xaji no i am showing u that rayale doesnt benefit you at all. Think about it!!!


Puntland is not motivated by somaliland or else we would be pushing for separation of somalia and trust me then u will see the world start considering dividing somalia up.


But puntland has other goals i care not to get into now


So please just tell me what has rayale done sxb for 8 years in the development end

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Rephrase that last question... don't ask, "what has Riyaale done..."; Ask, "what has Somaliland done..."!


Because Xaajiga is somewhat traumatized of this NSS officer who has been constantly mugging the heck out of his habro communities these past years, and thus you should expect him to give Riyaale that much credit, lest he exposes his true despondent wretchedness. :D

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^^How is that they are still doing better than your people ? smile.gif . How is your situation like in garowe? hahaha


What's with these "ssc" folks?



You stay collecting "L's"

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