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Why Science Fails To Explain God

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Castro bro.


You write:


Anyhow, I understand the obsession fundamentalist Christians have with debunking evolution. It goes against their belief that earth is 6000 years old and that man and dinosaur walked the earth at the same time but Muslims have no such quandary.



I am sure that you know we differ with our Christian cousins on the details of the age of planet earth, and many biblical inconsistencies added to the bible in later years. Unlike the Bible, The Quran, never speaks of the specifics of the creation, nor mentions dates of events, which is why our Christian cousins find themselves in hot water with pseudo-scientists.


I agree, the same verse that spoke of the Big Bang, speaks about water based life, and yes, it baffles scientists that this simple fact was known to Muslims 1430 years ago.




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Johnny B   

^Sheikh Nurow, is it so befitting to disagree and so wildly at that, with the very preceding version of your version of creed and the source-code of the same Deity, having added nothing but volatile and violent function, One 'd ask.?

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JB saaxib, I know that you are witty man, but this forum is viewed by many Nomads, could you then make your questions less ambiguous, a good question is half the answer.


with the very preceding version of your version, ......Source Code of the same Deity , volatile and violent function ...etc. :confused:



It doesn't help to assume, so Like we say in Somali, Kistoo Jilci noo!




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