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Let My People Go! Faroole!

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When natural calamities wreck havoc at all things - living or dead – he who survives such fatal catastrophes, despite all his bruises, grief and horror, will still be fortunate enough to have been left with a waning flame of life, which ‘tomorrow’ may be rekindled to full hope and health. He may even, the following night, notwithstanding all its nightmarish visions, cajole sleep to the lids of his weary eyes and seduce them to close. But I am not as fortunate as that unfortunate man. I am the man who asks: how can one inflicted with a plough of a severely un-Somali wound, bring the gushing of his crimson blood to a trickle, or even, in a single deluded expectation, to a complete stop?


Today, I am not a man bleating in the aftermath of nature’s divine and wrathful destruction, alas, I am but a man for whom his beloved brothers’ wail of agony in despair and pain in betrayal, echoes down the darkened walls of Faroole’s prisons. Why are they there? I wail in turn. Were they put in there just like my haggard fellow African slaves, were once fettered and bolted to the pillars of fattening camps, as merchandise for Arabian markets?


Are my blood brothers’ bones and marrow to become a delicacy in the table of tyrants? Is Faroole selling them as Somali men? But since he denounced their pure Somaliness, is Faroole selling them as men? But since no proud man of noble birth sells men in Maggan, is he selling them as meat?


May the Lord have mercy on us, for we, Puntlanders, are those in whose name the Maggan is up for sale and readied for slaughter. For we are those who remain tongue-tied as the most foolish among us lead Somalinimo to the valley of death. Still, even at this eleventh hour, I raise a keen ear to the vacant air of hopelessness, and dream that some leaders or someone in Puntland, respected in stature or lay, will yell ‘Nay! Stop the caravan of death and let go our Somali Galbeed brethren!’ I dream even a woman or a child would cry in shame and tell Faroole to let go of those who drop like flies in his prisons! And if that hopeless dream does not come in my watch, then I hope a divine hand would vaporize the walls of that hellish prison and allow my brothers fly home. And I pray and pray that to be so.




I hope Faroole comes to his senses and repents on this.


PS: I could not sleep. I had to make this plea. I'm pained lately.

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Don't you think this farole bashing is getting a little bit of hand? It is becoming a joke now. Calm down with it.

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Reading the well written calls against the unjustice and betryal of Farool's admin by Paragon, Somali*Sayid, A&T and many other good hearted Sol nomads made me to realize an idea which I had in mind since after the Obale operation.


I am a big dreamer, but recently all I dream about is if I will ever devote my life to free the opressed women, young( future leaders) and old men on most parts of ancesteral Somali soil. The freedom, peace, unity and love is what most of us could not miss weeks, days or hours of our life time whilest we're bussy with appearing succesful in the worldy life when at the same time the opressed ones are suffering in the next ancesteral yards to our houses but do nothing. We just sit down and sip couple cups of tea while we read only bad news from our ancesteral home land daily.


Ladies and gentle men today of this time most old, women and somali children are suffering from the unjustice that has been taking place since we were born. I am convinced that this has to be end in some where, on some day, and at some place. We have to join our hands and tell to elders, educated, ulumas, organiztions and any concerned man or women who could bring the unending betryal of justice to an end.


I don't know if I have to travel before I've become a succesful professional, but I am thinking to join the brave young men & women of the freedom fighters soon, if not sooner.


I am in the mid of school by now, but after I finish this years's course I think I've to get out to spend sometime with the freedom fighters just to defend the week and weeker innocent women, children and the old in my cagdheer land.


As it was the traditional Sol's nomadic happit I'll always remmeber every one of you guys for beging your forgiveness if I ever wronged anyone's feelings, faith, name, princible, diginty or clan, I'll try also to forgive all of you guys. I beg you guys would keep me in your prayings too, just to be among the good leaders of the gaint caghdeer freedom movement and all Somali people who happen to be in cagdheer land.


But if it doesn't happen pray for me to be a good fellow soldier who doesn't wrong any innocent life( of mankind or trees or animals),


But if it doesn't happen pray for me to stay peacefuly around Sol corner of another years to come.


I aprove the above message,




(Nover 4, 2009)

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Nay! Stop the caravan of death and let go our Somali Galbeed brethren!’ I dream even a woman or a child would cry in shame and tell Faroole to let go of those who drop like flies in his prisons! And if that hopeless dream does not come in my watch, then I hope a divine hand would vaporize the walls of that hellish prison and allow my brothers fly home. And I pray and pray that to be so.

Ameen to your prayer.


Speak the truth and shame the devil!

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:




For expressing my feelings? For fighting against unjustice?


Say what...



Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

Talk is cheap.

True. ( and it is what Somalis have been doing in last 30 years, :D )

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Xiin yaan la fogeeynin nimanyahow. Xiin asba aad buu uga danqadaa ceebtan dhacdey balse waa very diplomatic about it. Waa si ay lafna ku xaganto ilkana ku nabad galaan, Insha-Allah.


Mar haw biqin.

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Thanks Mr. Paragon for sharing with us your genuine thoughts, not under our name I repeat after you. Saaxiib Jafe101, you have a point but filter your message whenever you say cagdheer land the cause for the liberation will be hurt as lots of Somalis of different clans hail from that region. It is about time giving the Somali region a neutral name for the sake of our common good. Otherwise, contaminating the struggle with clannish dogma will have a detrimental effect.

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Paragon, brother, with all honest I do not get Aw Tusbaxle & Jafe01 protests.


What is it all about? Is it one of the following?


1-that five Somalis are arrested on arrival from Yemen, and one of them died in custody by PL (because I am :D )? Is that the shame I must write essays about?


2-that five men are arrested and handed over to Ethiopian authority? Is that true? For if it’s true it surely warrants advocacy from our part to persuade involved authority to not do so.


3-that Faroole asserted that Somalis from Ethiopia have no right in living in Puntland? Is that a shame on me, or one's opinion which most people would see it as a flop? Isn't significant portion of Faroole's own base fit that category of 'somalis from Ethiopia'?


On point 1, I believe there are ways to persuade that Faroole's authority to 1) bring these men before court, or 2) release them, and 3) explain the death of the man who died in their custody.


On point 2, PL including its minister of interior says that these men are in their custody, and they will never hand them over to Ethiopia. They even explained the reason of their arrests. Now, am I supposed to accept the claim of an online persona, and throw the assertions of the Puntland authority without seeing any substantiation?


On point 3, although I have not had the chance to listen to Faroole's speech, saying Somalis in Ethiopia does not belong to Puntland is nonsense and everyone can see it. Also many people who are occupying in Faroole's administration are from reserve area...hence what he said does not really reflect the reality on the ground. We all know that it cannot be translated into a policy, even if Faroole tries it. I don’t feel ashamed because Faroole said something like that really, nor do I feel compelled to express indignation on the arrest of men whoever they are as long they are NOT handed over to Ethiopia or any other foreign entity.


ONLF is NOT Aw Tusbaxle , Jafe01, and others.


ONLF is larger than online personas aan xikmad haba yaraatee lahayn at least that is what i blv.

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Paragon, brother, with all honest I do not get Aw Tusbaxle & Jafe01 protests.

Xiinfaniin, I know you honestly weigh up these matters and then express your views, pragmatically. On this matter, however, although you may not get the protests of AT&T and Jafe101, I think they are not fortunate enough to have the luxury of pragmatically discussing this matter, as you and I might do. Pragmatism and neutral honesty in discussing matters as sensitive as these, is only the preoccupation of those of us who can remain emotionally detached. As such, I don’t think it should come to you as a surprise if they invest a great dose of emotion in protesting against this injustice. In fact they have every right to be emotional on this particular issue. And from us, the least CAN do is to lend them an understanding in their grief. That is, although we cannot fathom the pain previous injustices such this one have inflicted upon them – or the frustrations of many others who sympathize with the cause of reer Somali Galbeed. One is Somali, therefore one feels, is the prima facie statement here. Try understanding the matter from that perspective please.



What is it all about? Is it one of the following?


1-that five Somalis are arrested on arrival from Yemen, and one of them died in custody by PL (because I am )? Is that the shame I must write essays about?

Xiin, yes. It’s about the five Somalis (not just five other people but five un-armed people on their way to their beloveds) arrested not because they were actively fighting in PL, but because of the name of first their clan and the association of their alleged clan’s cause has with the greater cause of Somali unity - and especially how that may affect the mood of an Abyssinian tyrant. The issue here is not that these men were arrested or they are to be handed over to Ethiopia, but it is the fact that the tyrant’s intentions and the reason he requests such arrests, is to simply control the very free flow of Somali immigration, where traditionally such immigration was guaranteed by the Xeer under the article of Maggan. Do you see where Ethiopian intention to control immigration in PL leads us to? It leads us to the very disassociation with our Xeer’s postulates that we dread most, the very glue that keeps us at peace with each other as Somali clans. This is simply a step below controlling national immigration. Now it has come to a point where brotherly clans trade each other’s selves to the Ethiopian. Tomorrow, it will be families trading each other to the Ethiopian, then a brother by a brother. In such an environment, even you and I (PLanders) would eventually be stock for sale. That is what I see happening 15 years from now. And I hope it doesn’t come to that, ever. So yes, this issue should burn you and I, and must motivate us to write volumes of lament and agitations that would hopefully help our people see the dangers inherent in what is happening. Or we can be silent.



2-that five men are arrested and handed over to Ethiopian authority? Is that true? For if it’s true it surely warrants advocacy from our part to persuade involved authority to not do so.

These five men are not simply just other five men as of now, they are now the symbol of our five-edged flag, and we must advocate for their release just as we would advocate for the unity and sanctity of the Somali nation. That their arrest is true, is already mentioned by the minister of interior whom you yourself has acknowledged hearing- denying it is not a solution, Xiin. The solution now is as you suggested: bring them before a court, release them but never allow them to be handed over to Ethiopia. Sxb, the very people of authority you cite in PL are hooked into a main-frame that is unlikely to accept our inputs as valid arguments. However, I am sure there are respected elders in PL who could help remedy the matter. I am also certain that the majority of PL’s populace is against this injustice and can rise to see its end. If only.


3-that Faroole asserted that Somalis from Ethiopia have no right in living in Puntland? Is that a shame on me, or one's opinion which most people would see it as a flop? Isn't significant portion of Faroole's own base fit that category of 'somalis from Ethiopia'?

Faroole spoke but not many Puntlanders spoke to express distaste with what he said. Your suggestion is that Faroole’s assertion is flop but sometimes even a flop without a flip to counter it smells of complicity – even when that is far from the truth. So we must say what ought to be said, even if we can not do what ought to be done. My view and preference of course.


On point 1, I believe there are ways to persuade that Faroole's authority to 1) bring these men before court, or 2) release them, and 3) explain the death of the man who died in their custody.

Yes, OK on that. Tell us what is the way to make this possible – your opinion on this is highly regarded and EXPECTED. What will be the move?


On point 2, PL including its minister of interior says that these men are in their custody, and they will never hand them over to Ethiopia. They even explained the reason of their arrests. Now, am I supposed to accept the claim of an online persona, and throw the assertions of the Puntland authority without seeing any substantiation?

No. But first listen to Faroole’s broadcast. Don’t delay it. I am sure from the tone of his assertion alone a lot will become clear to you. His assertion was not just empty assertion, Xiin, it sounded like a justification for things already DONE! As for the interior minister, I don’t know what to make of him right now since I am focusing on the leader of Puntland whom we supported at his selection.


On point 3, although I have not had the chance to listen to Faroole's speech, saying Somalis in Ethiopia does not belong to Puntland is nonsense and everyone can see it. Also many people who are occupying in Faroole's administration are from reserve area..
.hence what he said does not really reflect the reality on the ground.
We all know that it cannot be translated into a policy, even if Faroole tries it. I don’t feel ashamed because Faroole said something like that really, nor do I feel compelled to express indignation on the arrest of men whoever they are as long they are NOT handed over to Ethiopia or any other foreign entity.

How can it not reflect the future reality (in construction through his assertions)? if we only treat his current utterances as simple nonsense and just that. Remember many a man whose words were considered nonsense did a great deal of damage at later points. Plus, a president’s nonsense is not really nonsense is it, Xiin?

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^^Some one called me this morning about this incident. Insha Allah we will find some xog and see what is going.


I understand their grieve, Paragon. The protests and clannish wailings from men whom I thought are rational, educated and thinking men, and experienced, that I don’t understand. Even worse, the expectation that I would do the same thing they did is beyond insult really.

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