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Garowe hadey iswaasho BM baan la dhacaynaa! Threatens SL vice president

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Waa in dadka Sool iyo Sanaag dagan laga raraa goboladaas


oo dhan. ( Madaxweynekuxigeenka Somaliland, Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin)


(Ceerigaabo)16.04-7 Wararka hada naga soo gaadhay magaalada ceerigaab ee Gobolka Sanaag ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynekuxigeenka Somaliland, Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin uu hadalo kul-kul u jeediyay dadka soo jeeda SSC oo uu yidhi waa in laga raraa goboladaas,


hadii kale waa la xasuuqayaa, taas oo warsiiro ka soo jeeda Gobolada SSC ay la yaab ku noqotay, intaas kuma joogin waxuu ku siidaray waa dhamaaday Dolorkii aad qaadan jirteen 14 sanno ee aad la haydeen deegaano ayaanu haynaa oo aanu idinka iibinaynaa been baad noo sheegteen.


Maanta waxaa noo cadaatay inaydan cidna waxba u hayn, ay been aad ku shaqeysan jirteen, taasi oo dadka reer ceerigaab u fasirteen in xiligan lakala baxay.


Waxuu intaas ku daray in SNM oo ah cududa Somaliland ku dhisantahay, ay haatan ka go’antahay inay dhameeyaan howshii loo dhisay Somaliland oo ah in Yoocada iyo qarka Boosaaso aanu tagno, si aanu u kala jarno somaliya oo dhan.


Waxaanu dul taaganahay Magaalada Lascanood oo ah gobolka sool noo muhim ah waxaanu wadnaa inaaanu Magaalada Yogoori aanu ka dhigano saldhig Milatare, maalin dhowna waxaanu tageynaa yoocada, Garoowna hadii ay iswaasho BM ayaanu la dhacaynaa wada koonfurtana waanu ka jareynaa waxaa hadalkaas yidhi Madaxweyne-kuxigeenka Somaliland, Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin oo fashilyay siyaasada badan oo is dulsaaraan.


Si kasta ah ahaato waxaa muuqta in haatan uu soo baxayo warar iskhilaafsan iyo siyaasad ka dhex aloolsan maamulka Somaliland oo ay samaysteen Jabahadii SNM.


C/laahi cali Maxamuud (ceerigaabo) WidhWidh Online


Aint this something? Very hawkish, ma is tiri. Not the way a vice president should be speaking. But hey, you know Somalis, maalin waliba mid baa iska hadla- it was just weeks ago when Cali Jeelle spoke as he did...


I expect the same flaming words from Puntland's side, any minute now.

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loooooooooooooooooooooool ,,,,,,,,,



What about this one ??? :



Warar ku dhow dhow Xafiiska madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha uu qadka Isgaarsiinta kula soo xiriiray madaxweynah maamulka Puntland oo ka codsaday in ciidamada Puntland ee Muqdisho ku sugan qaar ka mid ah u soo diro Puntland si ay uga qeyb qaataan dagaalka Somaliland kala soo horjeeddo ee ka socda degaanka Dhahar.


C/llaahi Yuusuf isagoo qosol gariiraya ayuu ugu jawaab celiyey baa la yiri “Xaggeen kuu soo mariyaa ciidamada meel waliba Axmed Diiriyoo miiran baa fadhiya'e”, isagoo Axmed Diiriye ula jeeda xooggaga beelaha ****** ee ku firirsan Gobollada dhexe ilaa Muqdisho.


Muddo ka hor ayay ahayd markii ciidamo gurmad ah oo ka yimid Boosaaso si ay uga qeyb qaataan dagaalladii lagu waxyeeleeyay ciidamada C/llaahi Yuusuf ee Muqdisho ka dhacay lagu weeraray waddada degmada Cadaado oo askar badan looga dilay, hub iyo saanad ciidanna looga qabsaday.


Warku wuxuu leeyahay C/llaahi Yuusuf ilaa dhowr Boqol askari ayuu u diray shalay Puntland kuwaasoo la sheegay in la saaray diyaaradda Galad AirLines ee u kala gooshta Muqdisho iyo Gobollada dhexe.


Dagaaladii shalay ka dhacay Dhahar ayaa la sheegay in jab xoogan uu ka raacay dhinaca Puntland ,lamase oga sida uu suurtagal ku noqon karto in Ciidamo ka baxa Muqdisho ka dagaal galaan Dhahar iyo degaanada kale ee colaadaha ka aloosmeen.




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It all shows the defeat and desperation from both sides...


Yeah Puntland's army were/are overstretched, ooh yeah too much for that bravado...

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the vice president is a fool.

the entire administration is a bunch of incompetant and treasonous snakes that need to be dealt with.


nevertheless somaliland with such a useless bunch of vermin at the helm, with one hand tied behind its back and blindfolded will still defeat all its enemies.



imagine what we could achieve with a REAL GOVERNMENT.

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I doubt he even known where Garowe is, let alone shell it with his imaginary, satellite guided BM? Besides, there is critical danger on the horizon if he is the one in command of the eastern regions with neither the military aptitude nor the sharp interpretation of the erroneous policies of his administration.


Let him make all threats whilst in Hargeisa; certain I am he’ll singing a different tune when he tastes a dose of reality if he ever reaches the frontline.


I recall Waqaf singing similar tune earlier on in Erigabo, only to later on tuck his tail defying Riyaale’s orders for the deadly mélange of fear of his behind being had in the wilderness, the ere sound of the bullet, and smell of blood tends to coerce one to reassess one’s chances of leaving the fore with the chips intact.



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Waar this is just BS created by some websites ,,,, see the second article published on the net


The vice president is still in Hargeisa and they saying he said this in Erigavo ,,,,,



You can find all the rubish these days on the internet ,,,,,,, some folks seem to be scared and want to create a propoganda but when the reality comes that won't work.

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You know, you are probably very much on the money on this particular one, but in all fairness tho', he is that sort of a fellow! A bit of a nut job, if you ask me. Besides, he'd made similar remarks a while back.

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'Hadii ay Gorowe iska waasho BM ayaa lala dhacayaa' :D:D:D


Not that it can't happen but Xaaji koofiyad Bacle wuu iska hadlaa.


Ala beerka. :D

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