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Disappointed with Sheikh UMUL.

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I listened to sh.UMUL interview tonight on Universal TV news, when he was asked who's right and who's wrong on the muqdisho conflict he answred something like "We don't know the intensions of the waring sides.....but the situation is not easy to say who's right and who's wrong.....the situation needs to be studied then decided the outcome..." these are not his 100% accurate quotes but it was something like that. I will try to post universal link if they upload the video on their website.


It reminded me of the Muqdishani famouse phrase "CALINA GAR LEH, CAYDIINA JID LEH"


I was really disappointed with the sheikh, times like this the Ulamaa shouldn't shy away to say whos right and whos wrong, my 4 years old son knows it when he said to me few days ago when he saw the fighting in muqdiho on tv "Dad why are they fighting, are they not muslims", its clear to everyone whats happening in xamar is pure greed and power hunger compitition nothing more nothing less.

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I was really disappointed with the sheikh, times like this the Ulamaa shouldn't shy away to say whos right and whos wrong,

EXACTLY, but unfortuanately greediness is not only money but on everything :mad:



and you know what he said he said this is a time when one would be busy with his own affirs so i decided to put aside the somali affiars and i now become busy with my own personal affairs after he claimed this war to be FITNA redface.gif



For me i have no doubt who is wrong and who is RIGHT though i'm not Caalim

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and you know what he said he said this is a time when one would be busy with his own affirs so i decided to put aside the somali affiars and i now become busy with my own personal affairs after he claimed this war to be FITNA

That is what surprised me most, the sheikh cotrodicted himself by saying we don't know who's right and wrong, and at the end saying its best to get out of Somali politics and mind your business, WHAT? Sheekhu miyuusan ka mid ahayn dadkii kiciyay daka in dagaal la galo, hada muxuu businisskiisa u raacay? wallee waa caja'ib.

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^^ Because both sides won't listen to them( the scholars council). What do you expect him or others to do about men that won't listen to them and they have no control over?

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Because both sides won't listen to them( the scholars council). What do you expect him or others to do about men that won't listen to them and they have no control over?

Fabrigas, If everyone gave up then that is what I call hoplesness, and Islam teaches us not to be hopless, remeber the ULAMAA are the inhereters of the prophets and prophets used to be saabiriin and never gave up, the story of Prophet NUH is a clear example 950 years of tolerance and patians, if the Ulamaa decide to retire from this FITNA and look away on the otherside or go away to mind their business then who is to sortout this mess, and remember some ulamaa took part on whipping this war, remeber 4 monthes ago in 6 street Nairobi when Sheikh UMUL accused shariif for abandoning the sharia law and taking oath on non shariica constitution, that speech gave lots of amunition to Shabab and HI guys, and now the sheikh with great respect says I am going to mind my own business, YAA SHEEKH ITAQILAAH.

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Umul has to appeal to his convinced followers, some of them Dhalinyarada's die-hard supporters.


At the same time, dagaalkaan in uu macno lahayn qof walba u wada jeedo, qof la dhihi karana kaas saxsan, oo gar leh maleh. Dad Muslimiin dagaalamaayo, waxee u dagaalamayaan jirin badanaa.


Umul is just another sheekh of many, though dad badan ayaa buunbuuniyo, oo si nabi camalna u dhuuqo his every word and his edicts without having a reasonable questions about them.

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Umul has to appeal to his convinced followers, some of them Dhalinyarada's die-hard supporters.

MMA, Thats what I am callin for him to do, We don't hear them say loud and clear that the muslim blood is hollier than the KA'BA and its haraam to spill it, The ulamaa should raise their voices, the nation is confused and people are looking for guidance from the ULAMAA. WHERE ARE THEY?

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Abti, that is all well and good but you have tell us what you expect him and others to do? The groups fighting in Somalia have Irreconcilable positions, which are further exacerbated by neighbouring and international actors.


ps. Ulema have come out and said this is fitna, in fact, plenty of them.....but........ ...

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I will ask you, do you think he was right to say, from now on I am going to abandone somali politics and go with my business. IS THAT THE RIGHT APPROACH, OR SHOULD HE BE IN XAMAR taking his megaphone and going between the waring sides? upto now all we saw is the Bayaan they produced calling for everyone to stop fighting, and the next thing we heard is, I am off I will go to mind my own business coz people are not litening. Thats not the way of the true ULAMAA.

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The Zack   

^What did you want him say exactly? As a matter of fact let us ask you this same question now.. Which side is right and which one is wrong?

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The self-styled sheikh really has no clue what he is doing. It took him 3 days to realize to declare war on al shabab. What sort of leader is this? one might say very incompetent one.


Sharif want's to lead somalia, he better know how to do the job and not just ask for the job and find out he is out of his depth.

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Salaam to you all.


Chaps don't be disappointed because one Sheikh hasn’t promulgated an edict which you could use to your advantage against those whom you appose. Umal is a young enlightened Sheikh whose opinion is respected by many. It is this fact he would say something along the lines of what you have written. The above “quote” is fitting for what is transpiring in Mogadishu right now. The business of opining or giving fatwa isn’t easy and anyone who is genuinely able to give such fatwa is aware of the weight. one of the requirements before one dispenses a fatwa is to know all the issues surrounding that matter.


Now, let us not insult or make remarks that could be construed as such against the Shuyuukh. One can disagree, but one should not insult or make a dani against the Fatwa maker.





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not this we are talking. we are talking his recent statement in Nairobi. the above was GOOD and CORRECT but he conradicted when he said i'm keeping busy with my own affairs and leaving somalia alone i.e Calina saxan Caydiidna gar leh redface.gif

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