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Ethiopia is Bluffing!

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Believe me they will. With their 240,000 strong army, they are full of pride. They can also raise an additional 100,000 army within few months. With all these conscripts who believe eating a decent meal in the army even for a week is better than leading a hungry life forever, the Tigres are very confident they can march all the way to Mogdishu with no trouble.

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^^We defeated the Ethiopian Army in 1977 with less people and talent than what we have now. It is the easiest job for us to defeat the Ethiopian Army now than ever.


And you will see it with your own eyes as the war drumbeats unfold into real calamities, insha-Allah.

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I dont think so chaps. They have more to lose if the Somalis in Ethiopia get itchy feet. They are already struggling to keep calm and dont want to set another fire.


As long as Somalia doesnt go into Ethiopia, they will simply say good bye to the TFG at the border.

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