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AU Road Map for Peace in Somalia

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UN Special Representative says peace momentum in Somalia is irreversible.


Nairobi, 28 March 2008 - The United Nations Special Representative for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, has said that the momentum for peace is irreversible. He was speaking as a high level delegation from the opposition Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia arrived in Nairobi at his invitation.


“I believe that Somalis at home and abroad are yearning for peace and will not accept the continued fighting that has made their country a pariah,” he said. “I heard this both from Somalis inside their country and from the diaspora when I recently visited the US. They would like to follow the “Right Way” as described in the Holy Koran.


“The people are very happy that the Government and opposition are responding to the strong desire of the people.


“Those who have previously attended several meetings on Somalia will understand that this time they should support the process in all sincerity and refrain from unsolicited interference in the country’s internal affairs.”


The SRSG added that the whole international community, including the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, was following the peace progress with great interest.


Earlier this month, Somalia’s President, Speaker and Prime Minister announced the TFG’s readiness to talk to all parties and the opposition responded positively.

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Mustaqiimnimaa loo hadlaa, muranku waa ceebe

Nin waliba maroor iyo qasiyo, muran haduu keeno

Goortii markhaatigu dhacaa, mowdku ka adeegi!

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^ Meesha muran iyo qas ma jiro. Heshiis niman gacan ku dhiiglayaal ah oo Amxaaro soo xulatay ay oggolaadaan waa habeenkii xalay oo tagay. We have been there before. Ninkii doono ha is maaweeliyo laakiin runta waa caddahay, waxaan dagaal ahayn Amxaaro dhulka kama saareyso. Qofkii mar marsiinyo haysto isagay jirtaa. As long these Xabashis are in the country, Nabad galyo ma imaneyso.



I agree with the following poet's sentiment and consider the TFG iyo inta u dagaalanta af iyo addinba inay yihiin sida uu ku sifeeyay gabayaaga hoose:



Geyigeena oo xora annagoo dowladnimo gaarnay

Gablamaha cadaawuhu watee gadaya Soomaali

Ee gibilka inooga eg haddana garan afkii hooyo

Alle gowrac gacal maahoo waa Gaalo ubadkeede

Allow guusha haw dhiibin waa garac Tigreeyaade

Gudubtadu ha sheegtee nimanka geliya taariikhda.



Amxaaro ha baxdo si loola xisaabtamo warlodska ama waqtigooda u dhamaystaan haddii kale looga takhaluso, nothing less will stop the war.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Mustaqiimnimaa loo hadlaa, muranku waa ceebe

Nin waliba
iyo qasiyo, muran haduu keeno

Goortii markhaatigu dhacaa, mowdku ka adeegi!

sorry to get off topic but this one had me LMAO loooool, this is a classic Waqooyi/konfur mismatch :D


that word has very different meanings in the North and the South.


in the North = nin muran badan

in the south = :D

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

^ Meesha muran iyo qas ma jiro. Heshiis niman gacan ku dhiiglayaal ah oo Amxaaro soo xulatay ay oggolaadaan waa habeenkii xalay oo tagay. We have been there before. Ninkii doono ha is maaweeliyo laakiin runta waa caddahay, waxaan dagaal ahayn Amxaaro dhulka kama saareyso. Qofkii mar marsiinyo haysto isagay jirtaa. As long these Xabashis are in the country, Nabad galyo ma imaneyso.



I agree with the following poet's sentiment and consider the TFG iyo inta u dagaalanta af iyo addinba inay yihiin sida uu ku sifeeyay gabayaaga hoose:



Geyigeena oo xora annagoo dowladnimo gaarnay

Gablamaha cadaawuhu watee gadaya Soomaali

Ee gibilka inooga eg haddana garan afkii hooyo

Alle gowrac gacal maahoo waa Gaalo ubadkeede

Allow guusha haw dhiibin waa garac Tigreeyaade

Gudubtadu ha sheegtee nimanka geliya taariikhda.



Amxaaro ha baxdo si loola xisaabtamo warlodska ama waqtigooda u dhamaystaan haddii kale looga takhaluso, nothing less will stop the war.

I don't think they can continue the mantra, " Ethiopia must go before we talk". The will of the public wont accept that as Nur Cade has cleverly thrown the ball to other side of the court, which if they reject will be seen as anti peace. Furthermore, it's highly unlikely that T.F.G will fall, Ethiopians will leave and then I.C.U will takeover. EVen if it did, Somalia would be bombed to dust by you know who! So, perhaps one day, the Islamic Courts( or at least the Sheikh Shariff's group) might have swallow some pride led Bill Paisley did in Northern Ireland and agree to power sharing with the evil folks on the other side. Will that happen anytime soon as Mr Ould Abdullah emphatically states? Probably not! Remember Khartoum anyone?

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NAIROBI (AFP) - Somalia's top exiled Islamist leader on Wednesday pledged his camp's commitment to a new peace drive but warned the movement would keep up its struggle against what it calls Ethiopian occupation.


"Members of the international community are trying to help Somalis overcome their differences and we will do all we can to be flexible and achieve a lasting peace," Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed told AFP in an interview following talks in Nairobi.


Sheikh Sharif, 44, is the chairman of the executive council of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS), an opposition umbrella group dominated by Islamists and based in the Eritrean capital of Asmaraa.


"The ARS met UN officials and other members of the international community in Nairobi, our engagement with them is encouraging," he said.


Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein were also in the Kenyan capital, but, according to Somali officials, the ARS leader did not meet directly with either of them.


Sheikh Sharif was the head of the Islamic Courts Union, a militia which ousted US-backed warlords from Mogadishu in 2006 and briefly ruled large parts of the country before being defeated by Ethiopian forces last year.


Ethiopian-backed Somali government troops are still battling the movement's military wing and allied clans, in a year-old guerrilla war which has left thousands dead and displaced hundreds of thousands.


The impoverished Horn of Africa country has seen more than 14 peace initiatives fail since the 1991 ouster of former president Mohamed Siad Barre.


Sheikh Sharif warned that his movement remained committed to its struggle against Ethiopia, which it accuses of conducting a Christian crusade in Muslim Somalia.


"Somalis are fighting a legitimate war, in order to gain their independence," the cleric said.


"The fighting will continue until we achieve the result of a free Somalia. Our people are currently being colonised and are experiencing the worst living conditions in the world."


Sheikh Sharif and his allies were not involved in the latest peace initiative, which took place in 2007 in Mogadishu in the form of a clanic reconciliation conference.


The Islamist opposition had demanded such talks be held outside of Somalia and after an Ethiopian pullout.


The Somali transitional government's latest prime minister has adopted a more inclusive approach to the national reconciliation process than his predecessor Ali Mohamed Gedi.


The UN's top envoy for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, said Tuesday he had been encouraged by his latest consultations with government officials and leading members of the opposition.


"These are very encouraging new developments and a positive sign of a commitment by the Somalis to rebuild their country and start again," the envoy was quoted as saying in a statement.


Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden, a former Somali parliament speaker and the chairman of the ARS' central committee, also sounded a hopeful note following several days of consultations in Nairobi.


"The avenue for peace is open, we are here to explore better ways to end the violence," he told AFP.


Sheikh Sharif and Sheikh Aden are both seen as relatively moderate within the exiled opposition.


Source: AFP, April 03, 2008

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Xoogsade, brother don’t give the impression that you are arguing against something that’s eternally good; efforts toward peaceful settlement. Today reconciliation between Somalis is the overriding maslaxa for the ummah: a one for whose attainment these leaders are permitted to be creative (and perhaps lie) in their public statements and positions.



Instead pray for the success of these efforts.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

, brother don’t give the impression that you are arguing against something that’s eternally good; efforts toward peaceful settlement. Today reconciliation between Somalis is the overriding maslaxa for the ummah: a one for whose attainment these leaders are permitted to be creative (and perhaps lie) in their public statements and positions.



Instead pray for the success of these efforts.

I am realistic by not being hopeful at this point. I don't expect these efforts to succeed considering who is involved saxib. If I could find one single positive step towards peace the TFG took in the past three years, One single promise of peace they kept, I would have paused a second and thought something meaningful can come out of these latest efforts. I do pray for peace but do not have faith in the current TFG. If I am proven wrong, I will admitt to my wrongs in dismissing the peace efforts and will embrace the new realities as they come, before that, I don't expect my views to change. I can't entertain false hopes.


People of Muqdisho are being pushed to carry guns and fight for their honour and dignity. Latest news was that the TFG troops make a habit of robbing people day time and raping women at night. Nabada maxaaba lagu gaaraa runtii? people are being forced to flee or stay and fight the injustice.



Latest from Waabari Muqdisho



Dadka deegaanka oo la hadlay saxaafadda ayaa waxay sheegeen in ciidamadu ay si burcadnimo ah wadooyinka ugu baartaan dadka shacabka ah iyo ardayda ayaga oo sheegay in ay hadda ciidamadu bilaabeen in ay xilliga habeenkii ah guryaha u soo dhacaan ayna gabdhaha kala baxaan guryaha kadibna ay fara xumeeyaan.

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Those are horrific tales. Yet the reconciliation efforts, which you judged false hopes, remain the only means to alleviate this suffering.


As long Somalis are talking to each other, there is a hope. And we shall all support it.


Rajo uu muujiyay Sheekh Shariif



Maalmihii ugu dambeeyay waxaa magaalada Nairobi ay Qaramada Midoobay iyo Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed


diblomaasiyiin wakiilo u ah wadamada reer galbeedka iyo Maraykanka kulamo kula lahayd wafdi ka socda mucaaradka dalka Soomaaliya.


Waxaa wafdiga mucaaradka horkacayay guddoomiyaha isbahaysiga dib u xoraynta dalka Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo Shariif Hassan Sheekh Aadan.


Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, guddoomiyaha isbahaysiga dib u xoraynta dalka, wuxuu ka hadlay xiisadaha iyo dagaalada ka socda gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, oo uu sheegay in ay soconayaan weerarada ay gaystaan kooxaha ka soo horjeeda ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa dowladda.


Wuxuu sheegay in dagaalka ay gudaha Soomaaliya ka wadayaan inta xal rasmi ah laga gaarayo wadahadalo dhaca


Xigasho: BBC Somali, Apri 02, 2008

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Xiinfanin, AU is worse than UN and it is part of the non-territorial, indirect system of dividing and ruling Africa.


What would you have to say if AU promotes the issue of "somaliland" as distinct and different from Somalia?

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^^^^Brother, don’t be misled by SL cyber warriors! Somaliland is coming home, and not separating! Pray that hardcore secessionists would not cause another uncivil strife in that peaceful corner.






Monday April 07, 2008




If one thing has been constant in Somalia in the past twenty years, it is the fact that the Somalia crises have been getting more challenging year after year. Today, the first quarter of 2008, the situation of Somalia, is the worst the country has ever seen. Indeed, in every measure used to rank human progress, Somalia comes out as the worst place on the planet. For instance, if one searches the two words, Somalia and worst, one would sadly find out that the adjective worst (and its affiliates) are disproportionately associated with Somalia more than any other country in the world.


In the words of Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the top United Nations official for Somalia, “The situation in Somalia is the worst on the continent.” According to UNICEF, Somalia is the “worst place for children.” Transparency International designates Somalia as the “worst for corruption.” Reporters without Borders have named Somalia as “Africa’s deadliest country for journalists.” Amnesty International says, press freedom situation in Somalia, “worst since 1991.” The International Maritime Bureau says, “Somali waters have become the most dangerous for pirate activities in the world.” On the refugee front, according to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, “Somalia It is the most pressing humanitarian emergency in the world today -- even worse than Darfur,” According to UNICEF, Somalia is experiencing “bleakest malnutrition situation.” On money and currency issues, Somalia ranked, “the worst performance of all 72 currencies” tracked by Bloomberg News. On the human rights front, according to Leslie Lefkow of Human Rights Watch “…there is really little comparison when you look around the world in terms of the gravity of the crimes and the scale of displacement.". As for those who venture out to help, Somalia is “one of the worst, if not the worst, environment for humanitarian agencies to operate in the world," according to the World Food Program spokesman. “Health indicators in Somalia continue to be among the worst in the world”, according to World Heath Organization.




The primary sources of Somalia’s heart wrenching problems are the absence of peace and the raging of incessant wars. The Somali people need to reconcile among themselves in order to reverse the devastating trends that engulf Somalia. Somalis are the ones who ignite the violence and facilitate others to add fuel to this fire. Unfortunately, the idea of ushering peace in Somalia has become stale. Peace has remained illusive in Somalia. Why, we must wonder? Is it because, the Somalia question - whatever that question may mean - is such intractable that the quest for peace in Somalia is beyond the realm of the possible? Or, is it that those who spearhead or dominate reconciliation efforts in Somalia were/are on the wrong track or the wrong people? Or is it due to the fact that those who ought to search peace and bring about reconciliation in Somalia, were not up to the task or not ready to assume their responsibilities. Or are there other reasons that we do not know that make peace and Somalia two poles that could never meet?




Whatever the case maybe, what we currently have in Somalia is a country mired in a deadly conflict for over twenty years. Mogadishu, our capital, resembles more like a ghost town than a capital city. Somalia is a country hundreds of thousands of its citizens are internally displaced, or are on the verge of displacement due to the raging / simmering conflict.. Somalia is a country one-third of its northern territory opted to secede fifteen years ago with no effort to address the implication of this severance. Somalia is a country over a million of its middle class fled the violence and resettled in far-flung corners of the world with little hope of their returning. Ours is a country the two most important political actors – the TFG and the Alliance (the Asmara based opposition) - are not in the mood to negotiate peace. Somalia is a country that even the top United Nations envoy is hesitant to unveil his peace initiative because of the fear that other members of the international community might torpedo it. Ours is a country whose national image is shattered and supplanted by contagious tribal identities; a country hopelessness, foreign manipulation, and intransigence rather than collaboration in politics become the reflex norm and the standing operating procedure.




Anguished by this appalling state of affairs in the homeland; Hiiraan Online, decided to present this editorial piece to its readers. We are asking / seeking / in search of, how we, Somalis inside and outside Somalia, could help bring peace to our battered homeland. In our opinion, the only way Somalia could regain the glory that many of us fondly and faintly remember (and others dream about), is when peace prevails in Somalia. Such a peace will not come about without concentrated peace and reconciliation efforts by Somalis, for the cards have been stacked against the path of peace for close to twenty years.




In spite of the mammoth difficulties and onslaught of every imaginable misfortune, Somalia limbed along for two decades. We believe this was possible because of the resilience of the Somali people. We also believe Somalia’s only hope of digging itself out of these predicaments, is through the ingenuity and the positive energy of its sons and daughters. Hiiraan Online wants to hear from them.

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Nur Cadde oo ka dagay Jabuuti


Ra'iisul Wasaraha Somalia Nuur Xasan Xusen [Nuur Cadde] iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa duhurnimadii maanta gaaray Magaalada Jabuuti ee dalka Jabuuti, iyagoo ka duulay Nariobi.


Wafdiga Ra'iisul wasaaraha oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Wasiirka Wafaafinta Axmed C/salaan Xaaji Aadan iyo Wasiirka Maaliyadda Maxamed Cali Xaamud, ayaa waxay wararku tibaxayaan inay cansumaad rasmi ah ka heleen Madaxweynaha Jabuuti.


Wasiirro ka tirsan xukumadda Jabuuti ayaa kusoo dhaweyay wafdiga garoonka diyaaradaha ee Jabuuti, waxaana lagu wadaa inay caawa kulamo kula qaataan Madaxweyne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle Madaxtooyada dalkaas.


Lama sheegin sababta dhabta ah ee keentay in Ra'iisul Wasaraha Somalia Nur Cadde iyo wafdigiisa lagu casuumo Jabuuti, waxaase wararku sheegayaan in Dowladda Madaxweyne Geelle ay qorshaynayso inay kulansiiso Mucaaradka iyo DF.


Magaalada Jabuuti ayaa waxaa shalay gallinkii hore gaaray Wafdi ka tirsan xubnaha sheegta golaha dhaqanka iyo Midnimada ****** oo uu hogaminayo Maxamed Xasan Xaad, kuwaasoo iyagu horay u sheegay inay casuumaad ka heleen guddoomiyaha Isbahaysiga Asmara Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed.


Sheekh Shariif, ayaa waxaa isagana wararku shegayan inuu gaari doono Berri Jabuti, balse wararkas ma ahan kuwo si cad u qeexaya safarka Guddoomiyaha Isbahaysiga Asmara.


Xuumadda tirada yar ee uu hogaminayo Nur Cadde ayaa waxay u muqataa mid furfurnn dheeraad ah sameynaysa si ay mucaradka DF heshiisyo ula gasho, waxana uu Ra'isal Wasaaraha horay u sheegay inay ka go'an tahay inuu la heshiiyo mucaaradkiisa.


Ra'iisul Wasaraha Somalia Nuur Cadde oo 24-saac ka hor dib ugu laabtay dalka Kenya ayaa waxay wararku sheegayeen inuu kulammo halkaas kula qaadanayey wakiillada hay'adaha gargaarka si loo hagaajiyo gargaarka la gaarsiinayo Somalia oo ay si weyn uga cawdeen 40-hay'adooda oo kuwa gargaarka ah.


Dowladda Jabuuti ayaa waxay horay ugu guulaysatay inay kulansiiso Ra'iisul Wasarihii hore ee Somalia Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo Sheekh Abuukar Cumar Caddaan oo udub dhexaad u ahaa Maxkamadaha Islamiga, iyadoo kulankasna ay ku gaareen heshiis.


Waxaa sarey u kacay weerarada kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dowlada ku hayaan DFKMG ah kuwaas oo aan la garaneyn heshiis lala gaaro kooxda Asmara in ay joojin karaan dagaaladaan.




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