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Faroole's Somalinimo Theme

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Have you, ever, wonder, why that "humiliation" was so singularly visited on Col. Yey by the international community? Or even better, why, was it necessary do you think for the international community, if they were going to replace Col. Yey, in the first place, not to "appoint" someone who is from the same neck of the wood (as it were) as Col. Yey?

I was in Puntland when Col Abdullahi Yusuf returned to a heroes welcome. He achieved the unimaginable and actually entered villa Somalia. Something NO ONE THOUGHT POSSIBLE. He is a hero in Puntland, one can't even imagine until they go there and witness it as I did. A Puntlander was not named as president after Col Abdullahi Yusuf because they wanted to try and find a solution to the only people that were giving them armed conflict, the former comrades of President Sharif. They wanted to find someone from there that they could work with and who hailed from that region (the south). I know that you are fully aware of why someone from the south was chosen and not a Puntlander this time around. You are just hopelessly wishing for everything to fail, and the same wish for any government that comes forward.


Mr. Oodweyne, don't think that the international community will just forget about Somalia and recognize your enclave in NW Somalia. They will send an international force into the trouble areas again before that happens or continue to support new leaders like they have so many times now, no matter how bad things might get. Allowing the country to just be lawless is not an option and is their biggest fear, even more so is breaking it up as a tribe as you hope for. That's why there is only one leader that is allowed to meet with other leaders on official visits. Unlike Riyaale, with his most recent trip to Kuwait.

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You don't seem to realize how diffcult the problem of Mogadishu has been and therefore it is easy for you to dismiss attempts by A/Y to pacify the city. In the past 18 years, Mogadishu came closest to being pacified under A/Y rule.


A/Y plan was to use Ethiopia to pacify Mogadishu and then qucikly get AMISON to take over from the Ethiopians. Unfortunatley the international community was unable to get even 8000 troops to Somalia. I believe it is only 3000 troops from Unganda and Brundi that are protecting key government installations from the crazy shabaab. These are facts that are not to be debated.


As for Somalilands political influence in the south being limited to a mediator is noble idea and I would fully support. Unfortunately the elite in Hargaysa have convinced themselves that the problems of the south may help their cause of seccession.

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Which is that he was "told" to leave the presidency by the same forces that have brought him, in the first place; whence that is, they have realised that he is not "cutting" it, where it maters the most, which is in Mogadisho and nowhere else, indeed.

We finally agree with something and not only was he told to leave, he was also told to leave Somalia as well, he was offered a place in London as well which he politely declined. All this was done becase it is known that he is to powerful a force if he stayed in Puntland. They felt if they wanted to give Pres Sharif a fresh start and Prime Minister Abdirashid the opportunity to lead, they needed Col Abdullahi Yusuf the most influential person in Puntland to leave. This is the same man who actually sent your leader of NW Somalia running back to Hargeysa never to return. You said Col Abdullahi Yusuf was humiliated by the international community (the same one that was shaking his had in many pictures) so I wanted to point out the love and support he gets from Puntland, where it counts for him, which elevated him to the presidency and villa Somalia.


Now back to Faroole's Somalinimo Theme which was the purpose of the thread. Col Abdullahi Yusuf made the Federal Presidency even more sought after then ever before, with the numerous international meetings and official presidential duties. Now everyone wants that seat, and Sheik Hotel as you like to say meets with leaders on a daily bases from the Arab league to the African Union. On the other hand your leader of NW Somalia Riyaale has done the same in making the Federal Presidency more sought after by showing all other regions that breaking away well get you no recognition after close to 20 years, even Arab states won't give you any sort of an official welcoming like the visit to Kuwait nor will the U.S invite you in anyway that differentiates you from the rest of Somalia. People understand what is real and what is make believe. You see Pirateland, Col Yey, Sheik hotel as complete failures, which is something you feel you have to do in order to help your cause, Sheik Sharif hasn't even been in the position for 6 months. However I see it differently! I think the international community only recognizes their existence, year after year. In the end, they won.

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Fair enough, I guess it's a matter of opinion. I feel 250+ in promised aid and 2+ million from australia and other nations is a sign of victory, even if it is one of many fake promises given to Africa. I believe even attempting to solve the enormous problems is also a sign of victory. They would never have been in meetings with world leaders if they were seen as hopeless or failures. Recently your admin in NW Somalia pleaded for aid because of a drought, was there any offical response to this? to me, refusing to even acknowledge ones existence is the biggest insult of all.


Like I said this is a matter of opinion, you will not even admit a single positive accomplishment from any region that is not part of your enclave of NW Somalia, so you are not giving an unbias opinion. In Canada and America the Somali flag is being raised at government buildings. There is a pride right now that is sweeping the diaspora like never before. I believe Col Abdullahi Yusuf and President Sharif have a hand in this, that's victory.

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Here is the proof. Of course you will not accept it because your aversion to A/Y blinds you to the truth.



Somali President Yusuf demands international peace troops

January 05, 2007 Subscribe to: RSS, Email

Mogadishu/Nairobi (dpa) - Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf demanded Friday that the international community quickly send peace- keeping troops to his beleaguered country.


The take-over of power by the Somali interim government in the capital Mogadishu was an opportunity to end the 16-year conflict in the Horn of Africa nation, Yusuf told a conference of the International Contact Group for Somalia being held in the Kenyan capital Nairobi and led by the United States and Norway.


"We do not want a power vacuum in Somalia," US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer said, echoing Yusuf's call for international troops.


The first troops were expected to arrive at the end of January. Uganda has declared that it is willing to send 2,000 troops.


The Contact Group additionally appealed to the Somali interim government to engage in dialogue with the Islamists.


"Yusuf committed himself to inclusive dialogue," Frazer said. Somali Foreign Minister Ismail Mohammed Hurreh however rejected the latest calls for talks saying "our government is already all- inclusive."


Hurreh additionally expressed confidence that the interim Somali administration would be able to effectively rule the country without Ethiopian help. "We have chased all the Islamists away," he said.


Also Friday, the second-in-command of the al-Qaeda terrorist network accused the United Nations Security Council of cooperating with Ethiopia to violate Somalia's territorial integrity.


In a sound recording broadcast on, Ayman al- Zawahri said, "The UN Security Council is involved with the Ethiopian crusaders in sending international forces to Somalia and refusing to issue a decree forcing Ethiopia to pull its forces out of Somalia."


Al-Zawahri called on Muslims across the globe to help their fellow Somali Muslims in all possible ways.


He further called on the Islamic Courts in Somalia to recompose itself in what he called "the new battlefield," the war waged by the US and its "anti-Islamic allies" against Islam and Muslims.


Meanwhile, one person was killed Friday in Mogadishu in a hand- grenade attack aimed at Ethiopian soldiers, amid reports of rising violence in the Somali capital.


Eyewitness reports cited by the SomaliNet agency said Ethiopian soldiers opened fire on attackers.


At the same time, residents in the city were reporting a rise in violence with the return of Islamist clan leaders who were setting up street blockades between the city's districts in order to extract passage money from people. A report from the UN agency coordinating humanitarian aid said at least three women had been raped at such city checkpoints.


These developments came in the wake of the expiration Thursday of the government ultimatum to militants to turn over their weapons. Premier Ali Gedi has threatened to disarm the militants by force, a move which the UN aid agency says would result in further unrest.


In a related development, Nairobi rejected UN criticism over Kenya's turning back hundreds of Somali refugees, including many women and children, at the border.


"There are no battles going on in Mogadishu or Kismayo," Foreign Minister Raphael Tuju in defending Kenya's actions.


In the meantime, 16 suspected Islamists have been taken into custody by Kenyan authorities. Reportedly, several hundred Islamists are believed to have taken refuge in the forest-covered peninsula Ras Komboni, close to the Kenyan border. // © 2006 DPA

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