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Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:

hate adi unbaa sheega. To say this or that is wrong is not to hate.


Adiga laakiin qofol weyn oo saddex circle ah oo puntland ah intay kugu xidheen ayey furihii tuureen.

lol...lama tuurine mid pirate ah jeebkiisa ayuu ku jiraa!

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Originally posted by Abwaan:

Originally posted by General Duke:


Adeer May Allah forgive us all, but note that those who supported the murder and looting of fellow Muslims as happened under the Aydeed watch need to ponder and think. Those like you who rabidly raised funds for Al Shabaab’s killing machine need to think. As I have said on many occasion I might listen to many but never a gullible clanist like ABWAN who’s pipedreams have turned out to be a right old nightmare.. How is Sharif Hotel doing and Hussain Aydeed, your illustrious uncles. :D

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Abwaan we go...nothing else...and no originality but copy cat and cut and paste...when will you be man enough to and talk like one other than name calling...Ilaahow korriimada hannaga the way I said Ilaah haku CAAAAAAAAAAAAFIYO... aan kuu dheereeyo aaaaaa-da Illeen Af-soomaali laguma barine...qabyaalad iyo Abtirsiimo ayaa instead lagu baraye...I did not say CAFIYO.


Sh. Sharif is the official president of Somalia respected by many Somalis...and leading his nation towards a better future...unlike your Ethiopia-loving uncle who lives near Qabuuro in the dusty Yemen...

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Sh. Sharif is the official president of Somalia respected by many Somalis...and leading his nation towards a better future...unlike your Ethiopia-loving uncle who lives near Qabuuro in the dusty Yemen... [/QB]

ABWAN, lool. Why are you getting all mad and upset? :D


Sharif Hotel is the greatest failure in Somali history, maybe even worse than Aydeed, he is president of Villa Somalia only and is begging for the Ethiopians to enter the country to help his bodyguards AMISOM. He can only be loved by either twisted moronic individuals, or those deluded because of clan. Which one is it ABWAN, are you twisted or is it the clan. :D

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OOdwayne wrote: ^^^I do not think he has the “ability” or the “political cards” to get involve this inferno in the south of Somalia. .


How do you know Faroole does not have the "ability" to get involved politically in the South? His actions since becoming the head of Puntland contradicts your assertion.


And who has the "politcal cards" to get involved in the south? Try to answer these questions without the clan filter.

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When President Faroole wears that Somali Flag pin and waves the flag in his hands, it seems to me that he is planning something towards the President of the whole nation. Puntland is by far the most organized region in all the areas of Somalia that still wants to be part of the nation. It is strategically located and is a safe haven for those trying to avoid war and is looking for a better life. When President Sharif was named president, he absolutely had to make his prime minister a Puntlander if he wanted to have any credibility. Every foreign power that had an interest in the current admin made it clear that a Puntlander needed to be made prime minister.


The government after Sheik Sharif will have to make the same consideration as well. When I was in Gaalkayo I remember speaking with members of foreign governments and they all spoke about how all roads lead to Gaalkayo and the strategic importance of the city.


If president Faroole desires to run for the head of state after Sheik Sharif he will definitely be a contender simple because he is from Puntland. Even during the height of piracy and other problems prime minister Omar Abdirashid was given the job, Abdullahi Yusuf was pres before that and Hassan Abdishir was prime minister of the government before that. The reception that President Faroole is getting right now in the US is just giving him a little taste of what he will get as president of the nation. I'm sure it will only increase his hunger. Meeting the Chinese, French, German, speaking at the UN and so many other responsibilities that come with the job of president is something that some politicians have wanted for decades. NW Somalia's leader has been begging for that attention for years and still can't even get an official invite from the US as a recognized state or even an official welcoming when he went to Kuwait recently.


The Somali Federal government is the only recognized government from its borders with Djibouti to its borders with Kenya, and as of now Puntland is factored in as a big part of that government or any future one.

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Somali pride what’s the point of meeting government officials from other country’s when your own backyard is a mess Abdilahi yusuf used Ethiopian troops and they couldn’t keep him in power. What makes u think faroole can make a difference? Faroole if he can keep those 2 and a half provinces that is called puntland if he can keep them in check , that’s his job Mogadishu he will fail like abdilahi yusuf did.

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I think we are talking about two different things here Mr. Oodweyne. Just like Siad Barre named a NW Somali as Prime Minister and built that area up, like the airport in Hargeysa and the sea port in Berbera. Any current Federal Government must do similarly and make sure that the president or prime minister is from Puntland. It wouldn't be a smart political move to have both leaders from the south. For instance, Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid will be coming to Puntland shortly and will wait for President Faroole, he is President Sharif link to Puntland. In your region of NW Somalia people are arrested for even speaking about participating in any government that is not dominated by the family that controls your enclave. Your policy of forbidding anyone from attending any peace processes has made Puntland even more important to any Federal Government!


When Abdullahi Yusuf was elected in Nairobi, it wasn't by force. It's because he had Puntland as support, and if President Faroole chooses to run in the next Federal elections he will become a major candidate because he will have the support of Puntland which is a significant amount of the country. Puntland has its house in order, they got some issues but among themselves they change leadership peacefully and don't engage in war with each other. Their peace has given them huge leverage in Somali Politics!! So it's not about who has the military force to bring peace to the south as you might think, because it won't be solved that way. This is about who has more support from the nation. In the next elections the candidates from Puntland will, because they didn't use the gun to generate theirs!


I think with you and your NW Somali counterparts, the perception is that the worst things are in the rest of Somalia and the more governments fail the better chance it is for you. But what you don't realize that all the turmoil brings more support from the international community and more focusing on building a nation. The international community engages and tries to build a government when things look their worst in Somalia. The invitation and meetings President Faroole held in Washington is proof of this and the 250 million+ promised from many nations to the Federal Government as well. If you think in the 11 years Puntland has existed it hasn't become a major force; then I think you are mistaken.

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Originally posted by General Duke:


Sh. Sharif is the official president of Somalia respected by many Somalis...and leading his nation towards a better future...unlike your Ethiopia-loving uncle who lives near Qabuuro in the dusty Yemen...

ABWAN, lool. Why are you getting all mad and upset?


Sharif Hotel is the greatest failure in Somali history, maybe even worse than Aydeed, he is president of Villa Somalia only and is begging for the Ethiopians to enter the country to help his bodyguards AMISOM. He can only be loved by either twisted moronic individuals, or those deluded because of clan. Which one is it ABWAN, are you twisted or is it the clan.
Sh. Shariif is the president of Somalia and will be until Soomaali ay qof kale oo u qalma doorato. NOBODY wants odayaashaan aad qabiilka ku daba ordeyso OO AADAN XITAA ARKIN BEFORE 2000...LOL...U KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT AND I KNOW THAT WILL BOTHER YOU, CAUSE QOF KU YAQAAN AFKA LALAMA SOO GALO.


If I were you maba hadleen cause intaas oo qaraar ah qabyaalad qaawan iyo waxaa keenaya adeerkeey baa la ceyriyey. I feel sorry for you cause your uncle lost and will never come back or even kan aad hadda noo xayeeysiineysid and the likes of him will never rule Soomaaliya...





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Somalipride is giving lesson to NG' guru.



Now, in so far as the “political cards” are concern; again, it's the case, that the only two groups that has that sort of “cards”, are: firstly, that of Somaliland’s side (if that is, they wished to get involve in that inferno, in the first place).


This assertion invalidates your argument that "Pirateland tolka" does not have the political card to get involved in the south. I was hoping you will take off your clan filter glasses.


What is happening in the South especially in Mogadishu is tragedy of epic propotioons that defied solution for the last 19 years. We saw USA intervention, UN intervention, Ethiopia intervention and now Shabaab/qaacida intervention. All these political involvements did not or will not produce a lasting solution to the problems of Somalia.


A lasting solution will come about when the south accepts the "dirin process and it's outcome". At such time Somalis in every region will have an influence on Mogadishu since it is the seat of the Federal government and Puntland will play its political card and the NW enclave will have no choice but to participate in the affairs of their country as well.

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The Zack   

Abwaan, What proves that Duke is a tribalist? Could it be a coincidence that he supported Yey and opposes Sharif? Could that possible?

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Oodweyne waa nin taariikhda maxbuus u ah, weli gadaal buu fiirinayyaa markaasuu wuxuu xasuusanayyaa diyaaradihii hargeysa duqeeyey, dadkii xarshin u qaxay, caruurtii miinadu laysay.Intaabaa madaxiisa ka buuxda, he is unable to break off from the past


Faroole wuxuu na leeyahay dadku Oodweyne oo kale maaha, oo Hargeysa dad bisil baa jooga ee doorashooyinka aan sugno

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^^ :D:D


Waryee Oodweyne wax badan baa is bedelay awoowe. Faroole has come to harvest miro Washington ka bislaaday, adigu qudhaadu waa goosan kartey ee balaayya harga ku lushay markaasad bakh-bakhdii ina waraabe run mooday. guux hoosa jira, waxbaa bislaanayya


in the south there is a armed caravan. in the north however there is a silent caravan.


faroole watta

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