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Praying and Tension.

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Ever since I've started praying regularly, I find myself tensed so a certain degree. Ramadan has added and increased this constant tension I feel.I just cant seem to relax. The moment I sit, I can see my mind racing and calculating the prayer times..time 4 Iftar...not having read the Quran...etc.In the middle of lectures, I think about how I'm missing duhr and Asr Prayers.The moment I get home, its the same thing - cant seem to enjoy the Iftar if I dont pray 1st...I'm talking about from the the 1st bite..after which I usually go and lie down and end up eating nothing.

Same with Isha - wont get up to pray till 11pm but the thought that I havent prayed is there.. cant do anything with a peace of mind...and then I sleep...and automatically wake up 4 Fujr -usually spend 15-20 minz contemplating if i should eat and pray or just pray or go back to sleep. :(


Does any else experience Prayer Tension?? Any measures on how I can spend less time thinking about praying and fulfilling my religious obligations than doing it?


*Cant write any further 'cause I know Asr is waiting..

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Asalaama Alaikum



Athena abaayo I have the same problem, I cannot sit down to afuur without having prayed first. I will break my fast (usually with water and timir) and then pray straightaway. However today I was wondering what to do about magrib as days are getting shorter and pretty soon Magrib will be the same time as my afteroon lectures. When Magrib gets to just before 4pm, then I plan on being 5 minutes late to my lectures (letting the professor know before hand). But what do I do in the meanwhile, luckily my afteroon lectures have been cancelled (as I have a major assignment to do), but the problem will resume after next week, and I still have't come up with a solution for that. Back when I was in sixth form, we did not have this problem as we had a prayer room and we could pray during our breakes.


With Fajr, usually one of my good friend calls me in the morning to make sure am up, or I call her. This seems to work fine with me as we can act as constant reminders for each other. If she is up before Fajr, she calls me, makes sure I am out of bed and that she can hear the water from the sink running (I have a sink in my room). And if I am up before she is, then I too have to make sure she is up in the same way. Perhaps this could work with you, try it and see how it goes.


I hope this helps you in some small way.



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