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Major-General Cawad

Good News the government is already taking huge steps to stabilise the south

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Tababar magaalada Kismaayo uga socda ciidamadii booliiska Soomaaliyeed

Kismaayo - 28.July.2005


Hawlaha lagu taba barayo ciidamadii booliiska Soomaaliyeed ee magaalada Kismaayo ayaa weli ka soconaya gudaha magaalada Kismaayo.


Ciidamada uu haatan tababarku u socdo ayaa kor u dhaafaya ilaa iyo 200 oo booliis ah, Sida uu SBC u sheegay Dhamme Shiikh Saleebaan Xaashi oo ka mid ah macallimiinta tababarka ka wadda halkaas.


Tababarkan ayaa qayb ka ah diyaarinta ciidamadii xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed si ay ula hawl galaan dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya.


Gooor sii horreyseyna waxaa magaalada Kismaayo booqday taliyaha ciidanka booliiska Soomaaliyeed, Gen. Cali Madoobe. Waxana uu gobolka ka sameeyey hawlo isugu jira qiimayn iyo daraasad.


Dhinaca kale tababar noocan oo kale ay ayaa waxaa uu ka socdaa degmada Afmadow ee gobolka Jubbada Hoose, inkasta oo saraakiisha degmadaas ku sugan ay isku khilaafsan yihiin habka ay u soconayaan tababarradani.


Deeqo Soona

SBC Kismaayo

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That's the way to start first the army and then the police force. The next step is to hunt and lock up the prisoners.


I would suggest that we deport all the convicts in Somalia to a little island in the red sea just before Bosaso called Socotra or Soqotra but i don't know how the local population will react to that as they're currenlty under Yemeni rule but we can ask our friend Ali Cabdalla Salah to help us to facilitate the prisons in Soqotra.


I'd also put all the warlords on Death Row.




I could also imagine that the local population would actually welcome the Warlords with open Arms or should I say with closed Arms and open mouth.



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