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Exposing the HFA Halaal Meat game in Uk

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Please read below and the links, very useful. This was prepared by a friend.



Exposing the HFA Halal Meat Game in UK


British Muslims are confused about the Halal meat appearing in their Super-Markets, who is certifying?

Who is who?


Lets discuss HFA and its associates:


1) Its run by Mr Masood Khawaja, the guy in the first picture.


2) Mr Masood Khawaja he refuses to tell us who the scholars are behind this organisation...Const ant referrences were made about Dr Zaki Badawi!


So lets meet his friends...

3) He is the cool-dude person (scholar) you see in the 8th picture who passed away but he said about "Gay Muslims"

http://www.timesonli /article786004.ece

...A handful of Muslims are believed to be among the hundreds of gay men and women who have taken out civil partnerships in the past month. The country's other top Muslim, Dr Zaki Badawi of the Muslim College, has urged gay Muslims to take advantage of their financial benefits so long as they are not sexually active....


Dr Zaki Badawi said about Hijab and British Muslim women:

http://www.mostmerci ab...y-rejoinder.htm

...I have issued a fatwa that Muslim women in Britain have an Islamic right to take off their hijab at this point of time if attacked or fearing to be attacked...


He was considered most liberal towards Gays and spoke to "Gay times" and said:

http://www.mail-arch go...m/msg00002.html


...More liberal imams, such as Sheikh Zaki Badawi of the Ealing Muslim College,

refuse to pigeonhole homosexuality in this way. Speaking to Gay Times, he

said that "the film My Beautiful Laundrette [which centres on the love of a

gay Muslim man for a white former racist] should serve as a useful reminder

to the Muslim community that they cannot simply sweep gays and lesbians

under the carpet...


4) HFA is also endorsed by Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui whom you see in the 10th picture. Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui Saheb works for Muslim parliament

He is the one who came out with the MUSLIM MARRAIGE certificate whom all islamic scholars condemned.


5) Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui is also part of British Muslims for secular Democracy along with Dr Dr Taj Hargey who:


a) Invited Dr Amina Wadud (a woman) to lead Muslims in prayer /1...d-mecca-muslims


b) Is now performing marriages between Muslim women and Non-Muslim men:

http://www.oxfordtim 8....wedding_divide/


Do you see HFA and its associates? Scholars who endorse them and people who back them

This isn't about Nandos and KFC Chicken, its about twisting and destroying Islam.

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jazakallah khayran akhi for posting this information.. how can you trust meat is halaal from a guy who says gay is halaal or made up marriage is halaal.. i'll make du'aas for these guys and inshallah the brothers and sisters wont get taken in by their mischief



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How quick are u lot to judge, whatever happened to give your brother excuses for his fualt.

Why associate a company with the thinking or veiws of the said scholars, rather one must bring concerete evidence that HFA produces haram meat products instead of these indrect attacks.

Would not suprise me if the author is affliated with another Halal company.

If it says Halal on the door or pack then is Halal, if they deceive Allah will give them their justice,

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1st thanks to all of you khaasatan Sister ismahaan wa iyaaki.


2nd. I do NOT affliate with another Halal company at all,waxaan usoo post gareeyay maqaalkaan keliya inaanu ka faidaysano wixii manfac leh.


3dr, Last but not least thank to all of u.


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