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Farooles lack of response on the fighting in Cayn + occupation of LA

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It seems there is no clear strategy from the Faroole administration towards the occupation of our region of SOOL, and the recent fighting and escalation of secessionist clan militia aggression towards the region of CAYN.

There has been persistent rumors for a while that the Ethiopians are involved on the side of the secessionist, that there is even an understanding that there should be no escalation in the said regions.

However this is unacceptable, these are our regions, our people and no different to if Mudug was occupied by another clan. SSC are non negotiable, and the Faroole will pay a heavy price for his silence and quisling agreement with the Ethiopians.

Its time for us to respond to our admin, this is the main issue that will determine his future as the leadrer of the state of Puntland.

What say you ?

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Africanown, we are all the same people!


Duke, I am just surprised that their is little response from the government. Garoweonline just spoke about what took place, but nothing about the governments position. President Faroole is in Turkey but doesn't realize that area's loyal to him are under attack or that the capital is under threat. It's unbelievable that the vice-president has come out and said anything!!!


The problem is that the Puntland media is not doing it's job and questioning the government and putting pressure on them!

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^^^Thankful you are right adeer. Check your PM...


Africaown, we are all one people, however these people are my kin, blood and unity seeking Somali's like myself. They are also not agressing againts anyone..

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^^After that, it will be silly of you to talk about mugging business. You will be reminded of this. This will be used against you to score political points.

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Africaown, snm/somaliiidland are the enemy #1 of SSC people


all somalidiid/snm were celebrating even here in Sol (xaji and Ducaale) when they heard habashi were committing massacre against people of Buuhoodle/SSC


Also Habashi and somalidiid/snm attacked Buhoodle &widhwidh at the same time from all sides. Alhamdulilah the people of SSC in Buuhoodle and Widhwidh showed bravery and defended their land against invaders



Guul iyo Gobonimo Buuhoodle, Widhwidh iyo Laas Caanood


Guul iyo Gobonimo SSC

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Now, everyone realized that Puntland Administrations of Faroole now and Cadde before don't care about SSC and people of SSC



Puntland Admin let down and cheated people of SSC for so many many times, the transfer of Las Anood to somalidiid in 2007, and now the aggression of habashi/snm against Buhoodle and Widhwidh people



Now people of SSC organized themselves both inside SSC Somalia and abroad, to liberate their land from invaders themselves, no more waiting to unreliable and treacherous Puntland admin.



People of Puntland/Maakhir in Las Qorey, Badhan, Ceergaabo, Bosaaso, Garowe, and Galkacyo showed their sympathy and solidarity with their brothers and sisters in Laas Caanood, Buhoodle, and Widhwidh



However, Poeple of SSC are waiting for action/real help from Puntland people NOT Faroole Admin, people of Puntland should provide all kinds of support to SSC people like sending volunteers, food, medicine, etc. to SSC Mujaahidiin

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Originally posted by bilan:


why do not you do your part, Faroole is hopeless and useless.

walaal I will do my part. Faroole has failed and will be held accountable.

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Abaabul wayn oo ka soconaya Degmooyinka Gobolka sool iyo gurmada farbadan oo ku sii qul qulaya goobaha dagaalka



Abaabul wayn ayaa ka jira degmooyinka gobolka sool sida taleex iyo degmada boocame waxaana jira diyaar garow ay doonayaan inay ku waabiyaan xoogaga maamulka riyaale oo doonaya inay qabsadaan dhamaan degmooyinka gobolka sool.



Degmooyinka gobolka sool iyo cayn ayaa horay uga tirsanaan jiray maamulka puntland kuwaasoo joojiyey colaadaha ay la galayaan maamulka riyaale una sheega shacabka reer puntlnad inaanay awood ulahayn maamulka somaliland inay iska celiyaan taasoo kicisay shacabka gobolada ssc oo beryahan danbe wada olole ka dhan ah siday u xakamayn lahaayeen isballaadhinta maamulka riyaale.


Waxaa kale oo isimada gobolada ssc ay dhawaan ku shireen magaalada buurowadal oo horay u ahaanjirtay meel ka mid ah maamulka puntland hadese dhamaan deegaanada sscd oo horay u haanjiray maamulka puntlnad lagayqaabo inay qaadacaan ka dib markuu ka horyimi rabitaanka shacabka gobolada ssc kuwaasoo dhamaan tood ku jira inay u diyaargaroobaan inay iska difaacaan maamulka gooni isu taaga oo doonaya inuu gacanta ku dhigo dhamaan magaalooyinka ssc.


Abaabulada ka soconaya degmooyinka gobolka sool ayaan waxaan ka raali ahayn maamulka riyaale waxaana bilowday dagaal ay lagalayaan beesha *********** maamulka soomaliland oo ayan puntlnad ku jirin.




Shacabwaynaha puntland ayaan iyagu ka raali ahayn qaarkood waxa ka soconaya deeganada gobolada sool kuwaasoo laga yaabo in qaar badan ay is garabtaagaan beelaha dhulbabahte waxaan jira shirar badan oo ka soconaya qurbaha oo ay doonayaan inay reer puntlnad ka caawiyaan sidii beesha dhulbahate loo garab istaagi lahaa.


dhinaca kale madaxda sar sare puntland ayaan iyagu raali ka ahayn waxa ka soconaya ssc

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Madaxda sar sare ee Puntland habartood ha u sheegaan sheekadaas raqiiska ah. Shacabka Nugaal, Bari iyo mudug si toos ah ayee ula jiraan shacabka Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn.


Walaalayaal wada dagaalka ilaa ka sifaysaan dhulkayaga habraha Riyaale.

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