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Somali Common Law Abandoned

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Originally posted by Northerner:

The author's angle is obvious for all to see and so is Caamir's.

They share a common invalidity.

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Why can't I find a word in the article of Ethiopia's involvement in Somali affairs and its atrocities in Somali cities?


The present-day Somali people
have obviously abandoned their ancient custom of good neighborly relations and peaceful coexistence. They may have a Somali complexion or look like a Somali. But most of them are
not normal human beings. They are monsters and cold-blooded murderers of the worst type. Killing innocent persons and taking their properties is lawful for them. Invading other people’s land and occupying it is legal for them
. A live example of territories suffering under the worst kind of occupation is Sool in the North and Kismayo in the South.

Who is the author?

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Interesting ,i am currently reading THE COMMON LAW By Oliver Wendell Holmes. Some writers believe that it is the backbone of western prosperity. One of them, William Bernstein, says in his book The birth of plenty that where ever the common law flourishes ,so does the wealth of nations.


I think we ought to debate and maybe forge the laws that will govern us all in the future and we dont have to be law graduates to do this. Laws ought to come out of a people and it wont help us alot were we to copy and paste other peoples laws. I think for instance that the common law practiced by all the anglo saxan countries has its origins in cristianity, the old roman laws and whatever justice has come to mean depending on the direction and maturity of their civilization.


Our civilization is prfoundly different. Where as theirs is almost entirely out of extraversion (the saying that property is nine tenths of the law is not misplaced) ours is almost entirely from introversion. We derive meaning in life from what we can do for others and how best we can control ourselves . They derive meaning in life from what they can gain from others and the environment and how best they can control others and the environment.


It is therefore of vital importance that we know ourselves better before we can institute laws. To know ourselves as a people we can look into our shared history ,culture and beliefs in my opinion.


I personally dont know anything about law and know just as much about diin and cultue but still willing to engage in this most important discussions.


What do you all think ,i mean who wants to let chance decide their fate, i dont. That and the fact that to jump right in and start interacting, is probably the best way to learn stuff quickly in order to avoid future "QAB as in qabtii somalia iyo wadamo badan oo kale kadactay".


I have never thought to express my views to be embarassing and i thank GOD for that. It really does pay to ask things and seek clarity. Am saying this to encourage all those that have views but are afraid to voice them. If you dont speak out, you wont have a voice and very soon even the tiny voice within you (the guiding nuur-conscience-qalbi) will be overwhelmed and wither away like the flower that it is).


It is your country and your life so ask why, ask how and present your views if you dont want to live by other peoples commands.


Raali ahaada afkaan iska furtay sidii doqomadiiyee.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

quote: They are monsters and cold-blooded murderers of the worst type. Killing innocent persons and taking their properties is lawful for them. Invading other people’s land and occupying it is legal for them.
A live example of territories suffering under the worst kind of occupation is Sool in the North and Kismayo in the South.





How about Muqdisho ??



What about bringing Ethiopians to kill the innocent ppl in their homeland ??



what about bringing the US to bomb their own ppl in the deep south in Dhoobley ??


What about and what about ,,,,,,,,



I love it when everyone takes the pen to write something ,,, just something ,,,,
On point...but then again its Caamir for you lol

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well said, adduun iyo Aakhiro. Perhaps you can write more on the Somali Common Law and enlighten us all.

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Habashi's came to quell a clan rebellion and some rowdy Mullahs. The T.F.G is a perfect entity which is being threatened by destructive forces. There is no occupation in Muqdisho....Habashis haven't killed anyone, they haven't raped anyone, and the T.F.G militias don't make it a habit to loot and rob the public. I tell ya these are all lies being made up by the clanists and the men with red scarfs. Meles Zenawi used to wear a Macawis and even chews khat! Haven't seen his forehead? It looks kind of Somali!


We must mobilise our clans and warriors to defend our sacred land and the land our ancestors against the invading army. We will free Kismaayo and L.A and save our people from the ethnic cleansing.


Yours sincerely,


All committed Yusufites!

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