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Parliament Farmaaje confidence vote ends in turmoil

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I think Che is talking about Sharif Xassan. But in any case, it is a very daft idea, if I may say so.

This is politics at its worst, but politics nonetheless. As long as these men can jostle and compete for power without shedding each others blood, then that is something we should all applaud and encourage for Somalia, instead of our customary fondness for bedlam and bloodshed.

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^Yeah, I'm talking about Sharif. The man is thorn in everybody's side.Anyone who doesn't seem to appreciate the gravity of the Somali situation and indulge in petty squabbles should be offed.


You could always blame AS for any accident.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^Yeah, I'm talking about Sharif. The man is thorn in everybody's side.Anyone who doesn't seem to appreciate the gravity of the Somali situation and indulge in petty squabbles should be offed.


You could always blame AS for any accident.

LOL @"You could always blame AS for any accident" :D


Che, however much tempting it maybe to eliminate Mr.Sakiin. I still insist it isn't a good idea. Sharif Xassan is doing mischief without the use of bombs and violence, and that alone is highly commendable, considering our country's tumultuous recent history. Honestly speaking, you shouldn't blame him for being more sly, more cunning and even more underhanded than the average TFG member-- This is politics after-all, and he isn't there to play nice, you know... smile.gif

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Its Sharif Ahmed who needs to step up and convince his 275 hand picked MP's to support this motion. Blaming Sakin for this is quite absurd, though he is a player as someon mentioned earlier.

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Shariif Xassan is petty as well as ignorant. Even if this guy does not get vote of confidence, which he will, the appointment of the prime minister is entirely up to the President's discretion. Who is to say Sharif will not keep naming men who are not in the Speaker's camp? Cayayaankaan baa la yiri waa dawlad, halkee dawlad iyo haykalkeedu ku arkeen?


Nin aan talin jirin haduu taliyo nin aan tagi jirin baa tago.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^Yeah, I'm talking about Sharif. The man is thorn in everybody's side.Anyone who doesn't seem to appreciate the gravity of the Somali situation and indulge in petty squabbles should be offed.


You could always blame AS for any accident.

lol@you could always blame AS.


Jeebka yar tolo markii la dhahay ayuu falkaan ku kacay si uu u tuso R/W inuu asaga yahay madaxweynaha iyo r/wasaaraha Soomaliya.

Sharif Sakiin should resign ASAP if he values his pathetic existence. 'Ninkii soo joog laga waayo soo jiif ayaa laga helayaa' ayaan maqli jirey.

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Originally posted by NinaNC:

'Ninkii soo joog laga waayo soo jiif ayaa laga helayaa' ayaan maqli jirey. [/QB]

Indeed. Soomaalidu oraahdeedu waxaa ku duugan caqli ka askumay qarniyan.

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