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Suldaankii Beesha ****** oo Hotel ku yaala Gaalgacayo lagala baxay

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Mr. Somalia, Haji is just stating the facts what is with the personal attacks unless he touched some raw nerve.

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

Haatu iyo A&T:


Cabaadna ma Daayaan, Cidna iskama Celiyaan, taasuna waa Arin Caanobooreyaal lagu yaqaan!!


Horta aa'idin su'aalo: Caanoboore walba oo wax ku gaaraan gobollada Puntland ma dawllada ayaa kas iyo maal dhib u gaysatay, miyaa?


Runta marka laga hadlo; waanu wada ognahay, iney boqolaal tiftifiin-ah oo reerkiina u dhashay ey meel walba ehiopia u joogaan oo ey mar walba ka ugaarsadaan gobollada Soomaliya oo dhan, waana xaqiiq arintani-- laakiin cuqdada iyo caqli xumada idinka ka buuxda ayaa marna doonayn inaad xaqiiqada eegtaan.


Walaalayaalow, waxaan idin kula talinayaa beenta iyo cuqdada inaad ka hartaan ayaa fiican. Puntland makala jecla quuq-da iyo qaaq-da sidii dameeradii oo kale aad mar walba SOL lasoofadhidaan, ee walaalayaalow hadalladiina dib uhubiya intiidaan dad tol ah ka dhex shidin dab...

Horta intaan bilaabin, halkoo koob ii soo qas, waan daalanahey'e :D


As for cidda cabaadeyso oo beenta sheegeyso, it's certainly not me. Cabbaad meesha maan la imin beenna maan sheegin. The facts are that A%T posted a story in whereby a certain clan elder has been arrested by P/land's forces. True or false?


I would advise reer P/land in doqonka Faroole la yidhaaho iyo inta la fikir ah in xukunka laga qaado oo dad Soomaalinimo jecel loo dhiibo. Haddii kale all Faroole will achieve is inuu umadda isku diro, P/land nabadeeda ku ciyaaro, Xabashi u adeego and worst of all inuu walaalahiis sida xoolaha u gado.

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The problems with most Bunbunilanders is that they put all their focus on the individual that brings forward a new mind-set and suddenly they concentrate all their energy at the person that brings forward the question about a particular sensitive issue concerning how the pirates treat the onlf folks in their clan state . My simple question was why does our mr Somalia deport his own people to Ethiopia and even does it with a big smile on his face are those Ethiopians blackmailing you Mr Somalia. You can tell us there is no need for you to respond in a way that is almost paranoid . You act like Its Xaji xunjufs fault that these problems keep on happening in your home. Now let’s go back to the topic the Buntland Administration tortured and locked up a clan elder probably being accused of having links with Alqeada or sympathising with the onlf struggle . The pirate boys were well aware of the situation in the onlf region its quite sad and also remarkably that you indeed puntlanders treat your own Blood Brothers in such way just to please your Supreme master in Adis ababa

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Xaaji, since you've whined to the Admin and sought his aid in this thread-- I'll play nice. :D


So, you are still posting unfounded accusations about me, as you put it..."deport his own people to Ethiopia", which I must INSIST needs backing up with indisputable evidence, instead of just constantly blurting out hot air from the rear, like a constipated bovine.


Let's see you post up 50 examples of proof that endorse your foolish accusations that Puntland has deported "its own people" in the past, and especially now, proof that the gentleman in the lead article of this thread has allegedly been subjected to similar abuse.


Hell, I will be nice, show ten. Even five.


Anytime now.


Thank you.



Cheap ONLF propaganda doesn't count.

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