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How logical is the ban on Khaat at this present time?

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Man, the legal recourse these ladies have is to take the owners of the carrier to Mogadishu Islamic court and sue them for compensation because the plane owners knew that qad drug was prohibited from being transported via Mogadishu International Airoport.

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Considering how jaat-ka is deeply rooted in the Somali life, I think ehe courts should announce a phased ban, over the course of upto 6 months. That'll give more than enough notice to jaat-traders and a wake-up call to addicts. In the mean-time, they should try to come up with alternatives for the effected women who use it to feed their families. Otherwise, they might start doing stuff way worse than selling a mind-altering stimulant. Desperate times see desperate measures.

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Originally posted by Nayruus:

Man, the legal recourse these ladies have is to take the owners of the carrier to Mogadishu Islamic court and sue them for compensation because the plane owners knew that qad drug was prohibited from being transported via Mogadishu International Airoport.

Nayruus, if your understanding of the topic is limited I would hope you wait before formulating opinion.


The Khat was not flown in through Mogadishu International but Number 50 airstrip which is managed by Xaaf. The Khat was prohibited in Jubooyinka and Kismaayo by the presiding group there but those in Mogadishu were allowed to continue importing until a phase plan would be developed.


A phase plan for Mogadishu has still not been implemented, if even developed, and most analysts are saying this was more a direct stunt by Abu Quteyba then a consensus agreed upon by the ICU as a whole. Abu Quteyba, the man who chased out Qanyare, happens to be head of Benadir Region security as well as a member of the Aden Hashi Ayro/Hassan Turki wing of the ICU that thinks of Sheikh Sharif and his side as the "appeasers".


This is bound to cause more tensions between the two sides.

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Nayruus, if your understanding of the topic is limited I would hope you wait before formulating opinion.



Horn, it is not a matter of me understanding the topic. You should have accused me of goofiness. I am not a hardheaded nomad and I agree with you that I rushed in my reply without completing listening to the link.


Yes, the first planeload of Qad drug destroyed by the UIC security forces arrived at Number 50 private airport and the lady interviewees in the sound bite you posted at the beginning of this threat claim that they are part owners of the illegal merchandise. But my comment was really directed to the loads that were burned at Mogadishu International Airport. It is the position of the UIC leaders and the Airport authority that commercial airline companies were aware of the fact that Qad drugs can not be brought at Mogadishu International Airport. They willingly and knowingly broke the order of the Mogadishu courts. Thus, the owners of the airlines and their brokers in Hargeisa and Nairobi are fully liable of any monetary loss severed by the gullible Somalis.


By the way, here is the degree every one was waiting for from UIC for Qad prohibition in Somalia:


Basically, it says: let it be known that the trade, the transport and consumption of Qat leaves are here forth prohibited in all geographical areas of Somali Republic. Any person or persons who are caught violating this prohibition will be fined or jailed. Horn, I do not understand the topic?


Maxkamadaha oo si rasmi ah u mamnuucay qaadka


Mogadishu 17, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia ayaa maanta si si rasmi ah wareegto ay soo saareen ku mamnuucay Isticmaalka iyo ka ganacsiga qaadka, xilli 3 jeer ay ciidamada maxkamadaha gubeen qaad laga keenay dalka dibaddiisa, ka dib wareegto ay soo saareen oo lagu sheegay in ganax lacageed iyo xarigba ay la kulmi doonto qofkii lagu qabto.



Gudoomiyaha golaha fulinta maxkamadaha islaamka, Sheekh Shariif

Shirkaasi Jaraa'id ayuu Gudoomiyaha golaha fulinta maxkamadaha islaamka waxa uu ku aqriyay wareegto mamnuuceysa ka ganacsiga iyo isticmaalka qaadka, taasi oo uu sheegay in golaha shuurada ay u soo gudbiyeen golaha fulintana ay aqbaleen.


Sheekh Shariif waxa uu sheegay in baabuurkii wada qaadka lagu ganaaxayo 7 million oo sh.som ah, halka qofka isagoo cunaya lagu arko lagu ganaaxayo 500 kun oo sh.som ah, hadii uu bixin waayana uu ku jiro doono xabsi.


Waxa uu sheegay in qaadka uu dhibaato ku yahay hantida dhaqaalaha iyo caafimaadka, uuna ka mid yahay waxyaabaha maanka Dooriya.


Hadalkaan waxa uu ku soo beegmay xilli 3 jeer ay maxkamadaha islaamka ay qaad u gubeen magaalada Muqdisho.

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Bad idea. Bad public relations. Bad timing and there would be bad consequences. Mogadishu? No qaad. Baydhabo, yes qaad! Hurrey! 'We're are going for summer holiday and we are have fun and qaad in Baidhaba' :D . Now, what is the consequence of this? A boost of TFG legitimacy- mind you, there is a large number of Qaad chewers and tobacco users in Somalia. If there were elections and they form a voting block, they can make or break a president!


PS: Wrong prioritization from the UIC. I am dispointed, for the second time this week! The first, don't ask.

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The Courts had no choice but to officially ban it. The deed was already done by Abu Quteyba, all that was needed was the seal and Ayrow/Turki's camp forced it. That is how powerful they are getting within the group and tipping the already apparent power struggle.

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hornafric ^^^^^^^^^^


You keep mentioning power struggle between the icu something we dont see , which is far from the truth. icu is not any other organization somalia has ever seen , these mens who are running the show are close friends and have worked togather previousely .


Qad ban in xaamar was power test , since ban on qaad successly worked in kismayo . some can argue that decision was not carefully looked at before implementing it .


xaamar has change alot since the fall of warlords . most notable change was people became more religouse in every aspect of life , these days those who eat qad hide behind house and are seen as bums so therefore banning qaad would not hurt the icu .

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Doubt if it will be an enforceable ban. They’ll just bring it in by road (or sea). For some reason, I doubt if the Courts have an advanced border control system.


Of course, it’s a hasty decision and will probably have bad consequences for the Courts. Cold Turkey was never the best method to wean people off drugs.

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Muqdisho, 17-November-06 Nolosha magaalada Muqdisho ayaa mar qura isbadashay kadib markii la mamnuucay maandooriyaha Qaadka oo dhibaato weyn ku hayay qeybaha kala duwan ee bullshada Soomaaliyeed.


Golaha maxkamadaha islaamiga Soomaaliyeed ayaa si rasmi ah maanta u mamnuucay maandooriyaha Qaadka,xilli maalmihii laga soo gudbay Qaadka laga waayay magaalada Muqdisho kadibd markii xanibaad dawladda Kenya ay ku soo rogtay diyaaradihii Qaadka keeni jiray,taasoo ay wehliso ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamiga oo gubay Qaad laga keenay Ethiopia .


Isbadalka ayaa laga dareemay nolosha qoysaska danyarta ah oo markii hore noloshooda uu wiiqay maandooriyaha Qaadka,ayadoo aabayaasha intooda badan ay ahaayeen kuwa aan kula soo noqon reerahooda qarashka ay soo helaan.


Ragii qayili jiray oo uu dishaday maandooriyahan ayaa maalmihii la waayay Qaadkaasi waxa ay bilaabeen in waxa ay soo helaan kula soo noqdaan reerahooda qarashka soo gala,taasoo farxad weyn gelisay hooyooyin Soomaaliyeed iyo caruurtooda oo alle uga mahad celiyay mamnuucista Qaadka.


Waxaa taasi wehliya Aabayaasha reeraha oo fursad u helay in ay la shakeystaan caruurtooda iyo xaasaskooda kadib markii uu meesha ka baxay Qaadkii caqabada ku ahaa is araga ayaga iyo reerahooda.


Isbadalkan ayaa sidoo kale laga dareemayaa goobaha laga cunteeyo,ayado Maqaahiyada ay noqdeen goobo aad ciriiri u ah oo ay isku garbinayaan dadka kadib markii la mamnuucay Qaadka.


Milkiile Maqaayadeed ayaa u xaqiijiyay shabakada islaamiga ee Qaadisiya in maalmihii ugu danbeeyay ee Qaadka laga waayay magaalada Muqdisho in ay sare u qaadeen cuntadii ay Karin jireen kadib markii sare kac uu ku yimid dadka u soo cunto doonanaya maqaaxidiisa,taasina waxaa loo aaneynayaa Qaadka oo markii horeba lacagaha lagu bixin jiray.


Ganacsatada yar yarka ah ee iibiya Looska,Xanjada iwm ayaa sidoo kale u soo dhaweeyay mamnuucista Qaadka,ayagoo sheegay in si weyn loo iibsado waxyaabaha yar yarka ee la cuno sida Looska iyo Xanjada oo si weyn u soo jiitay muqayiliintii Qaadka waayay.


Intaasi oo isbadal ah iyo in ka sii badan ayaa la dareemay kadib markii maandooriyaha Qaadka laga waayay caasimada Muqdisho,ayadoo maalmaha soo socda nolosha magaalada si weyn ayay isku badali doontaa kadib marka dadka jirkooda uu ka baxo daraagiska maandooriyahaasi uu ku reebtay.


Qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada ayaa si diiran u soo dhaweeyay mamnuucista Qaadka oo halakeeyay dhaqaalaha shacabka Soomaaliyeed,ayadoo mamnuucista Qaadka ay baajinayso kumanaan kun oo doolar oo ku bixi jirtay maandooriyahaasi oo sabab u noqday burburka qoysas fara badan Soomaaliyeed.

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Qaat has always been and will always be a threat to our nationhood. You might not realise it but it is eating away whatever that is left of our people and country. It causes family breakdown, robs one his/her own use of mental capability (mental decapitation), not to mention the damage to the country’s economy. I am not an expert but that is just the obvious. I wished that someone could take an extensive research and put the informed and educated case against Qaat available to all of us. That is if we would acknowledge empirical evidence.


Qaat is lose-lose situation for Somalia. We don’t farm it, therefore the money doesn’t go back to our farmers. Hard earned cash (dollars) is flown out of Somalia to the neighbouring countries. The socio-economic disaster that these leaves cause in our country is massive. Despite the fact that most of us know the chaos and disorder that this drug creates in the country, somehow some of us are still siding against those who have taken the initiative to put this misery to an end.


Tell you, it does not matter how they went about it, what matters is that this bane of our existence is being brought to an end. Of course, it is troubling that the livelihood of families have been terminated, but if the greater good of the society is in it then insha Allah they will find a way to make a living, after all Allah has taken upon Himself to provide the living of every living being. So, rest your case. Qaat is a menace, has been and will always be in our country. Qaat doesn’t have the same life-altering effect, of course for the worse; (starting from the individual to the family and finally the nation) it has on us on other countries.


For a second, let us all overlook our political affiliations and applaud and congratulate the Islamic courts for this mission.

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I bet ya that ICU hated free market economy that Somalis had experienced for the last seventeen years, but now ICU is creating a monopoly just like Taliban druglords to fuel their desired goals.

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ICU is creating a monopoly just like Taliban druglords to fuel their desired goals.

The Taliban sold drugs? I thought that was an American propoganda to tarnish the image of the Taliban as good sheikhs. Wasn't it the Afghani warlords the Taliban kicked out that were exporting opium and not the Talibans themselves.

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