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And now scare tactis are used by the desperados.....Aweys the Arsne Wenger of Somalia

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Now they playing mind games!

Is this the champions league knock-out stage or what?


Or am I little bit short of a fuse. Aweys saying that they will launh Jihaad against the Ethios in Baidoa.


But this is not the news or any new as Aweys wanted to attack Baidoa properly since Abdullahi Yusuf set foot on it as ealier he was trying to prevent Abdullahi Yusuf from settling there with the help of gone old friends that were known as Warlords and scrap-merchants to the rest of us Somalis!


However the catch is here, Aweys the fox he is plays now ignorant mind games with the TFG, saying (this animalis are too sure of themselves) that when they capture TFG soldiers fighting along-side the 'Ethios', that their rule would be 'capital punishment on the spot', welcome to the real wild west. Death squads can kill priosoners on the spot their capture them and ofcourse they can take their private belongings such as boots off them aswell. No need to care for the injured just shoot them in their heads!


It's all Halaal because they disbeliefed and are considered kaafirs now! Ethios might be exchanged for prisoners and money or put into camps but captured somalis will be killed on the spot!


Bring it on, desperados clearly have some advantage as they perfected the art of killing prioners from the war in Buale, whilst draggin them off their sick(injured)-beds to an early grave! Aweys already assured of success in his dreams.


This folks needed to be put down for once and all, no mercy shall be shown, just kill them where ever you see them.


Make them taste their own medicine, then maybe the red fox will realise how ignorant really he is!

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Originally posted by Sheikh Fiqqikhayre:

This folks needed to be put down for once and all, no mercy shall be shown, just kill them where ever you see them.


Make them taste their own medicine, then maybe the red fox will realise how ignorant really he is!

And who will make that possible? Armchair unqualified political analysts from their computers, like you? A new US/EU military intervention? The problem is, there are only very few secular Somalis who are willing to sacrifice themselves. On the other hand, there are hundreds thousands Islamists who are gladly willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause of Islam, defending Somalia from its enemies, ruling Somalia with Sharia', establishing permanent peace in Somalia, iwm. In the past, the West used to help secular Somalis succeed, but the West itself is today failing to defeat Islamists in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq and other parts of the Islamic world. If you didn't know, there's a new world order in favor for Islamists!

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Waryaa Sheiq maskax lah


-- are you goading for war safe behind the cheap 60hz glow of your pc monitor.


War edeb yeelo oo diinta aad intaas dadka dhuunta u galineysid soo baro.

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The only person or groups goading for war and parading women and children with guns are the Clan Courts.


The only group that makes idle threats are the clan courts.


The 7 day threat is yet another example of how much fear they have.


Also they did shoot injured prisoners not long ago in Buaale, so it is a top level decesion on their part. Shame on you fake Shiekhs.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Shame on you fake Shiekhs.

When it comes to Islamists, there are only genuine Islamists, never fake Islamists. How is that? Only genuine Islamists can dare show their Islamism. No seculars, qabiilists, clanists or non-Islamists can dare disguise themselves as Islamists. If you think what I have stated is wrong, then I challenge you to cite a few examples of fake Islamists in modern history.

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:D:D Caano, insults are the marks of broken men! Appease if you must but me thinks you could do it without resorting to barrage of insults as you have just done.

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Taliban, Islamist is a term, thus no one is against islamist per say, though one can be a fake Islamist, Shiekh or warrior. We even had fake Mahdi;s through the ages, thus going beyond a mere, Imam, Shiek or even Islamist.

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Appease if you must but me thinks you could do it without resorting to barrage of insults

saaxiib, as anyone that knows me will tell you, what i said there is light.


They are certainly not nation builders, so if you can think of a better terms for them given their actions umm since 1989 please tell me and i will use it.


Taliban some may say that your name alone is an insult against moral decency. but we wont go there.



yes these 'throw at will' verbs are in effect stick on badges, anyone can throw them and anyone can wear them, they are meaningless for conveying anything wothwhile.


But the point still remains, something was and still is required to get the leaches off.

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^^^ CG. Your words, refreshing, I agree with most what you said, though this new branded group are in my views no more than the parasite that destoyed the nation.

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^^My view has been and is that a federal national government representing every clan, is the best soloution for Somalia. The groups who oppose this for, narrow selfish interst, and who played a key role in the destruction of the capital, occupation and displacement of much of the southern area and its population. Have in my opinion no leg to stand on. Hence the rebranding and the new Islamic tag.

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Originally posted by Caano Geel:

saaxiib, as anyone that knows me will tell you, what i said there is light.


They are certainly not nation builders, so if you can think of a better terms for them
given their actions umm since 1989
please tell me and i will use it.

^^Caano, that is mulish stance adeer. Your last comment has a scent of tribal slur and you definitely need help in the way you voice your objection to the folks in Mogadishu! Your inquiry for a better vocab to use comes across as a sheer frivolity--- at least to me!


Who destroyed Somalia: a particular clan, or a political attitude? I will welcome a debate along those lines, but yours …..

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saxiib call it what you will, but nothing but an endless power struggle has happened since then. Therefore as to 'who' destroyed somalia- that is a not a question, no one did. collective kleptomania did.


Now if you read what i have wriiten, you augth to see i have been equally scourneful to both sides. However, and possibly foolishly, i tend to be in favour of the gar gaduud, rather than what i see as the morally bankrupt hydra that calls it self a government.


That doesnt mean i trust the cimaamad gaduud brigade, but for me at least, they achieved legendary status when they organised something as trivial as mogadishu resident cleaning up the city (making up for their earlier destruction).


And so in my heart at least, i'd like to believe that their reactionary form of islam and rule will be tammed by the populations will, when things settle.


ps. maybe you should market that tribalist sniffer of yours, lodrh knows it could be a hit. Imagine the possibilities ;)



Being one of those hated secularists i agree with you (sorry if that tars you). But these lot arnt the saviours, they are the curse. Their power struggles have been by words for how many ways to split the hypothetical loot - so 17 years is enough of a chance for any group to loot and sort it out.


These people arnt nationalists, and what you say is not achieved by some form of clan power egality, but an idiological one, knowledge of which they are utterly corrupt.

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