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Resource conflict escalates over Horn of Africa

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US covert operations underway in Somalia; resource conflict escalates over Horn of Africa



By Larry Chin


May 27, 2006

Online Journal



According to a May 16 report in the Washington Post, US analysts of Africa policy and officials of Somalia’s interim government say that the Bush administration is secretly supporting secular Somali warlords, whose groups are battling Islamic groups for control of Mogadishu.


While the Bush administration has continued to dodge questions about what appear to be “classic†covert operations (similar to those taking place in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Colombia, etc.), Somali government spokesman Abdirahman Dinari has unequivocally declared “the US government funded the warlords in the recent battle in Mogadishu, there is no doubt about that. This cooperation . . . only fuels further civil war.â€


Somalia is considered a "terrorist haven," as well as a potential “hotbed of al Qaeda activity.†It is no surprise that in recent press conferences, new White House spokesman and propaganda mouthpiece (former Fox News pundit) Tony Snow repeatedly referred to “al Qaeda terrorists.â€


A senior US intelligence official quoted in the Washington Post article (who asked not to be named) says that Somalia presents “a classic ‘enemy of our enemy’ situation†(but “not an al Qaeda safe haven yetâ€), while former Clinton administration Africa specialist John Prendergast (now a senior advisor for the George Soros-funded International Crisis Group think tank) notes that “the US relies on buying intelligence from warlords and other participants in the Somali conflict, and hoping that the strongest of the warlords can snatch a live suspect or two" [for interrogation or rendition-LC].â€


Competing Geostrategic and Energy Interests in Somalia


Somalia is of geostrategic interest to the Bush administration, and the focus of operations and policy since 2001. This focus is a continuation of long-term policies of both the Clinton administration and the George H.W. Bush administrations. Somalia’s resources have been eyed by Western powers since the days of the British Empire.


According to the US Energy Information Administration, Somalia currently has no proven oil reserves, and only 200 billion cubic feet of proven natural gas reserves, and no hydrocarbon production. But this has not dimmed continuing interest in Somalia’s untapped and unexplored potential, and the possibility of an energy bonanza following any resolution of the country’s “internal security problems.†The Somalian regime currently welcomes oil interests. Conoco, Agip, Amoco, Chevron, and Phillips held concessions in the area. Of more immediate logistical and military interest, Somalia is situated on a key corridor between the Middle East and Africa, strategically located on the coast of the Arabian Sea, a short distance from Yemen.


As laid bare in the January 1993 report by Mark Fineman of the Los Angeles Times, "The Oil Factor in Somalia," US oil companies, including Conoco, Amoco, Chevron and Phillips were positioned to exploit Somalia’s rich oil reserves during the reign of pro-US President Mohammed Siad Barre. These companies had secured billion-dollar concessions to explore and drill in large portions of the Somali countryside prior to the coup led by warlord Mohammed Farah Aidid that toppled Barre. The US Somalia envoy at the time was CIA operative Robert Oakley, a chief “counter-terrorism†officer during the George H.W. Bush presidency, and veteran of the Afghanistan and Iran-Contra operations of the 1980s. Conoco’s Mogadishu office housed the US embassy and military headquarters.


The infamous Somalia military operation of 1993, popularly depicted in the Philadelphia Inquirer series (and subsequent Hollywood film) "Blackhawk Down," was not a humanitarian mission, but an undeclared UN/US war launched by the George H.W. Bush adminstration, and inherited by the Clinton presidency. The operation was spearheaded by Deputy National Security Adviser Jonathan Howe (who remained in charge of the UN operation after Clinton took office), and approved by Colin Powell, then head of the Joint Chiefs.


The current Bush administration’s escalation in Somalia is a trip “back to the future.†As noted by William Engdahl, “Yemen fits nicely as an ‘emerging target’ with the other target nearby, Somalia,†both of which are important geostrategic “choke pointsâ€:


“Washington’s choice of Somalia and Yemen is a matched pair, as a look at a Middle East/Horn of Africa map will confirm. Yemen sits at the oil transit chokepoint of Bab el-Mandap, the narrow point controlling oil flow connecting the Red Sea with the Indian Ocean. Yemen also has oil, although no one yet knows just how much. It could be huge. A US firm, Hunt Oil Co. is pumping 200, 000 barrels a day from there but that is likely only the tip of the find.


“A new US cleansing of Somalian ‘tyranny’ would open the door for these US oil companies to map and develop the possibly huge oil potential in Somalia. Yemen and Somalia are two flanks of the same geological configuration, which holds large potential petroleum deposits, as well as being the flanks of the oil chokepoint from the Red Sea.â€


The US, and US-affiliated oil interests, must, at the very least, find ways to head off the aggressive oil and gas-related operations on the part of China and its oil companies throughout the Horn of Africa region, Kenya, and Ethiopia, and West Africa.


The intense uproar over genocide in Darfur, and shrill calls for military intervention, masks intense geostrategic resource conflict being waged between competing superpowers.


As Engdahl notes, “Sudan, as noted, has become a major oil supplier to China whose national oil company has invested more than $3 billion since 1999, building oil pipelines from the south to the Red Sea port. The coincidence of this fact with the escalating concern in Washington about genocide and humanitarian disaster in oil-rich Darfur in southern Sudan, is not lost on Beijing. China threatened a UN veto against any intervention against Sudan. The first act of a re-elected [sic] Dick Cheney late last year was to fill his vice presidential jet with UN Security Council members to fly to Nairobi to discuss the humanitarian crisis in Darfur, an eerie reminder of Defense Secretary Cheney’s ‘humanitarian’ concern over Somalia in 1991.â€


Recently, exploration teams from Australia have been hunting for oil in Somalia’s Puntland. Canadian lawyer Jay Park, “one of the world’s top oil and gas lawyers,†is working with the Somalian government to create a "credible petroleum regime". According to Park, "(Somalia) is one of the poorest countries in the world, but it may be sitting on some of the greatest oil and gas treasures.â€


With the world facing Peak Oil and Gas, the world’s superpowers are racing to secure every last drop of oil and natural gas from every remaining inch of the planet, with the African continent quickly becoming the stage for new violence and warfare. It is no surprise that Anglo-American oil interests, and the Bush administration’s covert operatives, are working Somalia, and the region, for all it is worth.





The Centre for Research on Globalization.

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The Great Game in Somalia


By Abid Mustafa


The recent upsurge in fighting between the various factions in Somalia is a

typical example of wars being fought throughout the African continent where

the real benefactor is neither the people nor local governments, but major

powers. Somalia is another country that has been caught up in a vicious

struggle between great powers competing against each other to control the

Horn of Africa.


The reason for this interference in Somalia’s internal affairs is simple.

Somalia is replete with abundance of natural resources. Uranium deposits,

oil and natural gas can be found in Somalia. Oil seeps were discovered in

the colonial era by both British and Italian geologists. Later, French and

American oil companies competed with British and Italian oil companies for

concession rights to the exploration of oil. In the years to follow Somalia

became a battle ground between Europe and America for the right to control

Somalia’s oil wealth. Europe led by Britain fought America through

supporting local militias and surrogate countries like Kenya, Uganda and

Djibouti, while America supported her militiamen through countries like

Ethiopia and Sudan. The power struggle between Europe and America

contributed to decades of civil war, secessionist movements and break away



In the late 80s, under the leadership of Somalia’s pro-U.S. President

Mohamed Siad Barre nearly two-thirds of Somalia was allocated to the

American oil giants Conoco, Amoco, Chevron and Phillips. Siad Barre was

inconveniently deposed just as Conoco reportedly hit black gold with nine

exploratory wells, confirmed by World Bank geologists at the time. During

the coup, US envoy to Somalia, Robert Oakley took refuge at Conco

headquarters. The removal of Baree prompted Bush senior to dispatch 20,000

US troops in 1992 to restore US rule and thereby secure valuable oil

concessions granted to US oil companies. The military intervention was

touted as a humanitarian intervention designed to save the starving Somalian

souls from famine. The military action resulted in defeat for the US as she

was unable to accomplish her mission and pulled out.


Nonetheless, America made sure that her retreat would not encourage the

Europeans to exert control, and a bitter struggle ensued between these

powers via their agents in Somalia and the neighbouring countries. These

powers did not allow any stable government to form and encouraged a number

of secessionist states such as Puntland, Somaliland and Jubaland to cede

from Somalia or at least demand greater autonomy.


Despite the civil war, foreign countries were able to oil sign treaties with

the transitional Somalia government. Oil companies from France, the UK, the

UAE, and China attained exploration rights granted by the Transitional

National Government, the Somaliland government, and the Puntland government

respectively. TotalFinaElf, which has been operating in the port of Berbera

throughout the civil war, signed an exploration deal with the TNG in early

2001 off the Somali coast during which the government would provide security

for TotalFinalElf employees. Rovagold of the UK, Dubai-based Zarara, and two

Chinese firms signed exploration deals with the Somaliland government.

Chinese firms are reportedly conducting exploration activities in Puntland.


It was not until the events of September 11 that America began take a

renewed interest in Somalia. This time America used the pretext of fighting

terrorism to pursue her oil interests in the country. Somalia, like other

energy rich countries features heavily as part of America’s grand plan to

control the energy reserves of the world for the next fifty years. However,

due to her awful occupation of Iraq, America was unable to give due

attention to Somalia until now.


But this time America is supporting both the warlords and the Islamists to

manufacture a pretext to invade the country. A top US diplomat in Africa,

Jendayi Frazer, acknowledged that the White House would work with those who

can help “prevent Somalia becoming a safe haven for terroristsâ€. The

statement was in reference to assisting the warlords against the Islamists.


America has been equipping the warlords with weapons. These are the very

same warlords who have been accommodated in Yusuf’s government as part of a

power sharing agreement. These warlords include those who hold the

portfolios of security, trade, religion, disarmament and reconstruction.

Furthermore the US has also subverted any attempt to interrupt the supply of

weapons to both sides. A United Nations report called for a tighter arms

embargo on Somalia but this was rejected by the Security Council. The report

stated that an unnamed country had been flouting the weapons ban to help

local groups fight the Islamic militants. It said that Ethiopia was

supplying weapons to Mr Yusuf’s interim government, while Eritrea was arming

the Islamists


The American plan is to fragment the country into regions and then encourage

the energy laden areas to cede and fall in line with US interests. This

bears strong resemblance to America’s plan to divide Sudan.


The chances of US success depend upon how she is able to counter threats

from other powers. In Sudan countries like France, Britain, China and Russia

have made it complicated for America to realise her goal and in Somalia this

too may prove to be difficult.


June 3 2006


Abid Mustafa is a political commentator who specialises in Muslim affairs

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The Great Game in Somalia


By Abid Mustafa

Extremely poorly constructed article.



Soomaal, what was the point of changing the articles around after my post?

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