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Puntland Resignations: whats up?

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Ms D & D...Yes, wiilal yar yar oo cadiihisa baa hor ordaya not that they are benifitting Cadde's sub-clan.No accountability to anyone. This is what happens when Qabyaalad is tied to goverment. Any move against this man would be seen as an assualt on his subclan. Reer Pland need to get rid off ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ms DD   



Care to name names? COs as far as I know..midka Police xukumo iyo mid kale of qeyb dekkeda xukumo. Who else have I missed?


PS I am all for removing the bloke from office and I can tell you some of his sub-clan aint so keen on him either.

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Somalipride come back sxb, when did Puntland had a 4 year long admin term?


It is 3 year term and not 4...

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I would have thought in odeygu wax ka bartey dhibaatooyiinkii horey usoo maray but it seems he has learn no lessions. Hada the issue of livestock exportation is fastly becoming a critical one. That is, unless he solves this problem quickly.




BOOSAASO : Dawladda Cadde Muuse soo saaristii shidaalka waa ka baxday iminkana suuqgaynta Xoolaha nool

Posted to the Web May 18, 15:08


Boosaaso:-Cadde Muuse M.waynaha Puntland ayaa mududii uu xilka hayay , wuxuu dadwanaha reer Puntland uu ku maaweelinayay isagoo kala hadlayay Idaacadaha in la soo saarayo macdanta iyo shidaalka ee dalka si looga faa’iidaysto , hase ahaatee safarkiisii kan ka horeeyay ee uu kaga soo laabtay dalka Ethiopia ayuu sheegay in ay ka baxeen soo saaristii shidaalka.



Cadde Muuse , ayaa in muddo ah si xoogan wuxuu ugu taamayay in laga faa’iidaysto khayraadka dalka ku dihin , wuxuuna heshisyo la galay shirkado laga leeyahay dhor dal , wuxuuna in badan ku celceliyay in ay arintan ay ka dhabaynayaan , maadaama ay tahay waxa kaliya ee horumar lagu gaari karo ay tahay khayraadka oo lala soo baxo.



Golaha Wakiiladda Puntland , ayaa muddo haatan laga joogo in ka badan 3 bilood ayaa la hogeeyay heshiis ay dawladu la gashay shirkadaha Range iyo Canmax , kaa soo lagu sheegay in 3 bilood gudahood ay shirkadahan ay ku imaanayaan dalka islamarkaasna ay kharaadka ku soo saarayaan.



Xubnaha Golaha , ayaa iyaku si aan kala harlahayn u ansixiyeen heshiiskan , waxayna daba-dhigeen in uu dhacayo heshiiskan 3 bilood gudahood hadaan la meelmarin.



3 billood waa la dhaafay , sida sharciga ahna heshiiskaasi waa dhacay , maamulka Caddana uma muuqdo in uu cusboonaysiinayo heshiiskaasi , laakiinka wuxuu ku badashay soo saaristii shidaalka rarida dhagxaanta iyo dhoofinta xoolaha.



Dhawaan , ayaa m.wayne Cadde Muuse uu heshiis la galay shirkada Al-furqaan ee uu leeyahay maalqabeenka Sucuudiyaanka ah ee Al-jaabiri kaa soo dhigayaa in shirkadan ay sanadkasta ay qaadato 2milyan oo Neef.



Waxaana heshiiska ka mid ahaa oo kale in ay shirkadu dhisto Maxjar lagu xanaaneeyo xoolaha ka hor intaan la dhoofin.



Laakiin , heshiiskan ayaa waxaa ka soo horjeedsaday ganacsatada Puntland waxayna ku tilmaameen mid aan sinaba loo qaadan-karin oo ah Monopoly.



Waxayna sheegeen in aysan xaq ahayn in Nin shisheeye ah xoolaha dalka loogu afduubo oo la yiraahdo Al-furqaan kaliya ayaa dhoofinkarta xoolaha dalka.



Ganacsatada Puntland ee ku dhaqan dalka Imaaraadka oo arintan si wayn uga soo horjeesatay , ayaa tilmaamay in $ 28 neefkii lagu siinayo shirkada Al-furqaan.



Waxayna sheegeen , in ay awal sida caadiga ah xoolaha lagu iibinjiray $ 80-100 , balse ay taasi meesha ka baxayso maadaama la doonayo in xoriyada laga qaado ganacsatada dalka.


Si kastaba , arinta maxjarka iyo shirkada Al-furqaan ayaa sababi karta in ay ka timaado isku-dhac dhexmara ganacsatada iyo maamulka , kaa soo sababi kara in uu hakad wayn ku yimaado ganacsgiii Xoolaha.



C/laahi Cali Ciise

Boosaaso ,

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Emperor brother, in Puntland it is 4 years. I will direct you to the Official Puntland Gov't website Puntland Web


The President is elected by the House of Representatives; the term of office for the President is four (4) years. He is eligible for re-election at the end of his term for another 3 years.

Hope everything is cleared up. As for everyone else's opinion on how things are going within the state.... Opinion's are like a-holes, everyone has one and some are bigger then others.

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Cade will leave when his term ends. Though I agree we need to reform the state. Those who wanted and prayed for its destruction and supported its greatest enemies should not pretend to care one bit now.


Also blaming everything on Cade is quite childish. Those in the dispora who do not help in anyway and those who are just hungry for political power with no alternatives are just as bad as the top leaders.

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