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Sharif Hassan isnot in apositon to be speaker so long

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There is warar la is la dhexmarayo in shariifka loo diyaarinayo moshankii lagu bedeli lahaa iyadoo mr geedi aad ugu hawlanyahay in uu kadhaadhacsiiyo Xildhibaanada Digil iyo Mirfle sidii shariifka xilka looga qaadi lahaa, arintaan waxay horseedi kartaa soo shaacbaxa khilaafka hada qarsoon ee u dhaxeeya madax sare ee dowlada

what do you think the next?????

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What madax sare? The good Sharif is the speaker of the parliament; the legislative branch of the government. The duties he has taken upon himself, for quite sometime now and almost ignorantly you can say, are solely that of the executive branch's. He is not "madaxda sarsare" and his leave/stay, as long as he is not the president nor the prime minister, has not very much weight in the general runnings in Baidoa.

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Waajid, Shariifka dadkiisa ayuu badbaadinoyaa. He has his people's support, waa gartiisa, meesha Amxaaro iska soo dhoobtay lagu daadan doono waa dadkiisa iyo dhulkiisa. Xaq ayuu u leeyahay in uu aado meeshe dan ugu jirto dadkiisa iyo dalkiisa, unlike Sheydhaan Madoowe iyo Shaaticagaar oo laaluush yar ka doorbiday dadkooda iyo deeggaankooda.


And about jaga la iska qaado. Wey ogyihiin, unlike them oo stooges u ah Sanaawi, he has the confidence of the majority xildhibaanada ku jiro baarlamaanka, not outright but dhankiisa ayee u badan yihiin.


We had seen this version, this old scripted movie before, the old rift of markee Baydhabo iyo Jowhar kala joogeen. At that time he had the majority of xildhibaanada's confidence, at least those who were -- and still are -- daljacel iyo waxgarad, in Xamar with him.


Another reason ay ugu qaadi karin is the day ay isku deyaan inay ka qaadaan dowladda ayaa burbureyso, for Shariifka asagana Xamar inta la joogto intee isku imaadaan ayee dowlada Geedi ku ridaayaan. Then the whole institution dowladda ah ayaa laughingstock noqoneyso, marka they can't even dare to if they desperately wanted to.


Geedi himself shouldn't forget, without Shariifka, asaga dhan banaanka lasoo dhigi lahaa oo markii la damcay in laga qaado jagada a short few months ago.


What do reer Waajid think siyaasadaan qaabka daran ka socdo dalka? Dadka badankooda intee u janjeeraan?

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Saxiib dadka reer waajid waxey taageersanyihiin kacaanka cusub waad lasocotaa in dowlada lagadiidey waajid, sideebey soortagal unoqoneysaa in dhul dad ay leeyihiin laqabsado

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