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SSH Is Part Of Somali.

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ange ,

Buuhoodle 1 739 21 2 829 4 589 24 4 613 . what? lol . you must be kidding me .where you got this fake numbers from ? give your source of this information please . couse what i am 120% sure that hargeisa election never took place in buuhoodle . back up your claim with facts please. can you do that?


Here i am proving my words with facts , read this . it was written back on time of hargiesa election.




Laascaanood: Dooroshooyinka maanta ka dhacayay maamulka la baxay Somaliland ayaan gabi ahaanba ka dhicin gobolada Sool iyo koonfurta iyo Bariga gobolka Sanaag iyo deegaanka Buuhoodle oo maamulkaasi markii hore sheegay inay ka dhacayaan dooroshooyinka maamulkiisu.



Doorashada aan ka dhicin deegaamadaan ayaa si cad u muujinaysa xaqiiqda ka jirta halkaas iyo wararka ay baahiyaan afhayeenada Somaliland oo sheega gobolo iyo deegaamo aan ka mid ahayn isla markaana la qabin fikirka go'itaanka ee Somaliland siddaas waxaa yiri mid ka mid nabadoonada deegaankaas oo AllPuntland la hadashay.



Mid ka mid cuqaasha deegaanka Badhan oo isagoo jooga Badhan AllPuntland la hadhay ayaa u sheegay in dhamaan deegamadaasi aysan ka dhicin wax doorasho ah, uuna la yaab ku noqday war uu BBC-da laanta Somaliga ka sii daayay wariyaha lagu magacaabo Nuur Shire Cusmaan oo isagu ka been sheegay qaar ka mid ah degmooyinka oo uu sheegay inay doorasho ka dhacayso sidda uu yiri Nabadoonku, Nabadoon Maxamed Xuseen ayaa u sheegay AllPuntland in aan wax doorasho ah ka dhicin degmooyinka uu magacaabay Nuur Shire (Wariyaha BBC-da oo Burco ka soow waramay) Nabadoonka ayaa la yaab ku tilmaamay labada wariye ee BBC-da in midna sheegay inay doorasho ka dhacayn sidda dagmooyinka Laasqoray, Badhan, Dhahar iyo kuwo kale halka midka kalena (Nuur Shire) ka sheegay in doorasho ka dhacayso deegaamadaasi, nabadoonka ayaa hadalkiisa kusoo koobay in taasi markhaati dhaw u tahay been abuurka laga fidinayo goboladooda oo uu sheegay inay ka mid yahiin Jamhuuriyada Somaliya aysana dadka deegaankaasi la qabin qabaa'ilka Hargaysa fikirkooda gooni u go'a., Nabadoonka ayaa ku tilmaamay kuwo aan xaqiiqda deegaankaan ku salaysnayn wararka Hargaysa laga soo tabiyo.



Gobolada Sool, koonfurta iyo Bariga gobolka Sanaag iyo deegaanka Buuhoodle ayaa si weyn uga soo horjeeda siyaasada goosashada Hargaysa, waxayna dagaal dadka goboladaasi kala horyimaadeen wufuud waday sanaatiikhda codbixinta, iyadoo meelaha qaar sidda Laascaanood iyo Buuhoodle uu ka dhacay dagaal dhimasho iyo dhaawac keenay oo dhex maray wafdiyadii Hargaysa iyo dadka deegaanka oo diidanaa.

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A.j.T ,


I have all the rights to rep` SS&H , couse i am from there . i dont wanna say but you forced me to proof to you who iam .i am Jamac siyaad sub-clan of duhls SO DO YOU STILL THING THAT YOU WHO ARE FROM HARGIESA CAN SPEAK FOR MY PEOPLE? . me and my people have all the righs to do what ever we want with our lannd. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

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War bal cagta u dhiga tookha.




Frustrated!! Not at all. Why should I be frustrated if I may ask? Sxb u quote me out of context…and yet the quote itself doesn’t say what u read into it. It just simply says the will and the might to completely defeat and invade a neighboring clan is not there. Why would anyone want to fight for what’s not theirs? U could be right and SL-ers may have well-organized force but that is beside the point. If u insist SL-ers have better cause, than PL-ers themselves, to die for a land that’s not theirs, then u must know more about the nature of human beings than I do.


In addition, I suspect u r novice in matters of Somali history and Somali politics. If u were knowledgeable about tribalism and what it entails and the lessons learned in the civil war, u would have known few basic facts about us, Somalis. I’m going to paraphrase what I read from various sources to further my understanding in the causes not the symptoms of our ills. These are indisputable facts as far as the reality on the ground is concerned.


1. Somali state collapsed and Somali society splintered into its component clans (hence SS&H is under its rightful owners). Mind u! it didn’t splintered who colonized where.

2. Somalis experienced a power struggle among various clan- and region-based organizations.

3. Collapse resulted from certain features of Somali lineage segmentation.

4. Somali clan organization is an unstable, fragile system, characterized at all levels by shifting allegiances (hence SL/PL can not count on the loyalty of its various clans all the time).

5. A given alliance fragments into competitive units as the situation that necessitated it ceases to exist (that is exactly what happened in SL 94/96, PL 02/03, USC 92-present, and the best example is Kismayo).

6. To varying degrees, the poles of power in the politics of independent Somalia generally have tended to form around the clan-families under the umbrella of PL-ers and a confederacy of the clans from USC and Northwestern-ers.


If u agree the facts I enumerated above then u would also agree, by logical extension with above facts as a background, that west Sanaag/Togdheer would not let their sons die in order to realize Somaliland state with its former colonial borders as its new demarcation. As that would result a bloody civil war that will make the region unstable, a one that will sink its economy and will take away the peace SL showcases around the world. Gone with the wind will be the secession dream. People are wiser, more patient, and pragmatic than ever before…they know better than that.


Without the will to force others to plea their allegiance to the never-land, Hargeisa is in very difficult position. U see! The ball is in Somaliland’s court. Whether Mogadishu is unstable or not is irrelevant to the matters pertaining this corner of Somalia. What’s relevant is who wants to secede? Is it a tribe? Former colony? Is the exit strategy unilateral or is it mutual agreement? How about the timing? When do matters that cry out for representative society be conducted? Do these matters settled when the concerned society is engulfed with wars and famines?


There is two front: one is SS&H and other is Somalia as a state when and if it emerges. In every international forum, SS&H is making a compelling case that starts with the phrase ‘if Somalia is divisible so is Somaliland’. The reason there is always a deafening silence the in the air whenever that phrase ia uttered…is the fact that there is no way around it! The self-determination principle, International conventions, and every rational argument favors the SS&H. Somalia, in its chaos state, argues that the region can’t afford further balkanization as that is what the secession entails to. Pro-secessionist are forced to repeat themselves with a) reciting the grievances they had with a regime that no longer exist. b) citing colonial history that is irrelevant. c) citing a poll taken from indoctrinated pro-secessionist sympathizers…not the SS&H as observers would confirm. d) and the condition that they want 50% of power-sharing scheme allocated for them (This is back-door business conducted by the so-called pro-secessionist elite) – as the only way they would give up their drive to secede.


The interesting part is that Ethiopia, in principle, commits itself to respect our territorial integrity. It implicitly undermines our future and its hidden hand is all over our political map, however. Nevertheless its official line is one Somalia. England, the colonizing power, signed with its EU partners a letter issued by the organization after the conclusion of Arta conference. The letter explicitly confirms its commitment to one Somalia and it pledges to support its reconstruction (if u dig google, u may find it). All in all, All these points are clear indication of the futility of the quest to attain recognition. Don’t get me wrong…the prevailing idea is that the recovery zones can and will serve as building blocks of the ‘emerging’ Somali government…and it is absolutely and unequivocally okay to wait other regions. If this emerging Somali government materializes then that would be the end of the secession talk and the beginning of power sharing ‘scheme’ talk. If u want to refute my take on the matter…just do that – refute the facts.


Finally, the most interesting issue is how Somali State led by a group of leaders with tainted credentials will deal with stubborn, determined tribe that won’t recognize them, and has never took part of reconciliation effort? It will be an other difficult chapter of nomadic politics if we ever reach there.


Too long? :D Do u hate this kind of talk...too bad, we are not clones ;) Mind u this is a forum...that is all to it! we come here to drop few sentences OR this ^^^ :D

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it doesnt matter to me from what clan you are. you are not in sool or sanaag or hawd now and are living your cosy life here in the west. the only people who can represent sool,sanaag and hawd are the peopl who reside there now which is none of us in the west and in this forum.

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Your argument now is you cant rep your land because you are not there LOL


Desperate times call for desperate measures LOL



what happened looking for more evidance that your election took place in Puntland, Hell no girl dont waste your time.

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Baashi, I could not have said it better. Afkaaga Caano dhay ah oo geeli Nugaaleed laga soo maalay lagu qabay.

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A J Timacade......Good point....I think ppl here are frustrated, if truth be told , doesn't matter if you are Slander or somali, there is little or rather nothing one of you could about about the situation in Somalia. The whole country including Sland is run by few men who decides everything. So chill out n drink a cool coollata.

Mob-Depp....Historically that part of somalia was called majeertania, just like somaligalbeed is called Ogedenia.


Geedid....I don't know about the breakdown of ppl in SSH, and iam not even pretend , i do. I merely agreeing with Sophist on one point, that things in SSH are basically about Qabiil, and qabiil only. Even the struggle by SNM was waged by one qabiil, SSH needed no liberation, if anything ppl of SSH and Awdal were afraid of wat SNM might do. The SNM did commit atrocities but they were wise enough to become like Aided's USC. N lets not forget ppl of sool benefited from Barre's regime and they supported it till da end. Remember Taleex in so lovedly named after the place after Taleex in Sool. The ppl in SSH have little incentive to be part of indepedent Somaliland, many still believe they will get bigger cake in somalia , and one way to do dat is to form tribal state with their brethen from Nugaal, Bari , and Mudug.PPl here can disagree with me, but reality is all milatant resistance begining with SSDF, and ending with USC was about one Qabiil who felt that they didn't get what they deserve. It was never about liberating somali ppl from the tranny of Ina Barre.


PPl, Don't use info from websites which are set up by obviously baised folks.

Things told to you by relatives or qabiil mates can't be history or the reality on the ground.


N speaking of numbers, plz none of you took the census of SSH, spare us, anagaa reer habal oon waan idankan badanahey. I don't think the combined population of the nomadic somalis from Sland n Puntland even equals that of benadir.

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Che saaxiib you amaze waalaahi,the coolness with which you speak the logic is astonishing.You are absolutely right but a few folks here do not understand that.....This is all about qabiil and nothing else,trying to make it sound like its something else is bull.


All our dumb ass leaders like Abdillahi Yusuf/Riyaale and Co once they get what they are looking for will dump you like a $2 *** .All those educated folks who argue for them are suckers.At the end of it all innocent folks who could not afford to fly out like you or me are the ones who get screwed blue.Hope that makes you all happy.

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Sophist and Bari_nomad,

I see u guys are nodding ur heads in agreement with me. Good to know we are on the same page when it comes the underlying facts of the region.


Che and Gediid,

I like it. I like it very much when I see nomads reach the conclusion that Tribalism, negative tribalism, is the nexus of Somali politics. We have no parties independent of clan influence, political platforms, idealogical convictions, or societal segments like farmers, postural nomads, labor unions, or any kind of organizational entities that can truly bring clans together. Our constituents turned out to be clans. The only organized group which can bring different clans together is the - Ikhwaan. The democratic governments tried to embrace tribalism and at the end it had been consumed by it. Siyad tried to contained by naively forming Golaha Sare ee Kacaanka that transcends tribal affiliations and at the end it exploded with tragic effect.


It would have been very instructive, informative, and interesting to see how SOL members tackle the problems presented by the tribalism in our polity.


What would the articulated nomads, like Sophist, Libaax, and others would say about this, I wonder!

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Baashi, I could not have said it better. Afkaaga Caano dhay ah oo geeli Nugaaleed laga soo maalay lagu qabay.

One more galaas of Caano plz. Simply FANTASTIC .

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The interesting part is that Ethiopia, in principle, commits itself to respect our territorial integrity. It implicitly undermines our future and its hidden hand is all over our political map, however. Nevertheless its official line is one Somalia. England, the colonizing power, signed with its EU partners a letter issued by the organization after the conclusion of Arta conference. The letter explicitly confirms its commitment to one Somalia and it pledges to support its reconstruction (if u dig google, u may find it). All in all, All these points are clear indication of the futility of the quest to attain recognition.

Truth often does sting a bit.

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I see you took advantage of this oppurtunity to touch on many unrelated topics to that which I replied. I'm starting to notice a trend among some of the pro-unity nomads, they keep relentlessly arguing about Somaliland's right to sovereignty even when an unrelated matter is being pointed out. I didn't comment on SS&H, Ethiopia, qabiil etc.... I commented on what I perceived where war mongoring comments on your part, and in that long reply you failed to really address that matter. In this quote it seems you still fantasizing about bringing Somaliland under the Somaliweyn umbrella by force.

Finally, the most interesting issue is how Somali State led by a group of leaders with tainted credentials will deal with stubborn, determined tribe that won’t recognize them, and has never took part of reconciliation effort?

Whitout worrying about qabiil allegiance iiyo wax anaa loo jogiin, I was just letting you know a war does not favour Puntland in terms of pure Military might. So ease up on the rhetoric.

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^^Hehee smile.gifsmile.gif

Yes I took advantage of the fullest if I may add. Yes I touched on many 'related' and relevant facts that shed light on the issue of SS&H...bit of facts that I wanted to share with the folks here. By the way, seriously where did u got this war-mongering crap? Or is it something related to ur reading comprehension being not up to the bar? Seriously, the perception is not a reality...u do understand that...don't u? Go back and read one more time...and see if may be u kinna read that thought into it!


Waxii aan taariikh, wacdi, iyo xigmad aan akhyaarta soo dhex dhigay addiga ma doc bey kaa mareen? Ku gal...hal bacaad lagu lisey :D Showba dhego aaraada maangalka ah lagu dhegeysto kugumaba yaaliin. Innaba wax growsiiya ah...waa habeenkii xaley ahaa oo tegay :D Warkaaguba waa yaa! yaa! Somaliland miyaa la soo hadal qaadey :D U know what! it is time we speak a language we both know ;) about fa'niji? Dimka qashal reedhka ee baamko xam'aaro gola dahlo yio taxa lacaleyl sikmayo?


Ninbaa waxa la yidhi maxaa gabayga isaga deysey, waxuu yidhi:


Daliil gabay ah diin iyo xigmad, daacad iyo waano

Doraad iyo midaan shalay lahaa duug haday noqotay

Inaan dhegaba hadal deeqiheyn baan isga daayay

Hadda iskaba quustey, laakiin ragga qaar waxaa moodaa in aan isla garaney meesha wax ka qudhunsan yihiin.


Folks from now on let's frame the discussion along the lines of my last post, namely, how to bring about a system that does not deny the reality of tribalism in our polity and yet ensures that it will not be prone to its influences?


Enjoy this long weekend,

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