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What is ICU fighting for? 3.5,2.5,1.5,1 - which one is it?

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If I compare our Ethiopian experience to Somalia, it looks exactly the same. We have Ethnics instead of Clans of the same Ethnic and we have smaller (number) peoples instead of sub-clans.


There are some ethiopians who want one state, one language for all and the provinces to be river, valley and hill bordered.


For the last 15 years "let everybody govern themselves" has won and its now so entrenched there is no way of going back to the old sytem where the few ruled and governed everybody else.



Shiek Aweye has stated that elections and democracy are contrary to Islam. That of course is a stretch and misuse of Islam that everyone knows. Even Saudi Arabia has introduced on municipality level and soon will be provincial level.

From the Shiia side Iran has probably better elections than many western countries.


What does the ICU want for Somalia? What is the share of power ICU is asking or rather to be blunt fighting for?

Is ICU fighting to take representation of Puntland, Bay and Bakool, the Gedo and Jubas as well?

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Somali friend,the ICU is fighting only for one thing and that is to oppose the existing federal government.What other reason would cabdiqasim and Galaal be using the ICU for than that?Islam and jihaad and all that are desperate excuses at a desperate time.

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Originally posted by Lieutenant Xalane:

Islam and jihaad and all that are desperate excuses at a desperate time.

Ethiopians are indebted to the people of Somalia for recognizing the fake Jihad.


Fighting can happen ethiopians vs ethiopians, somali vs somali, somali vs british, somali vs ethiopian..or even between cousins, brothers for a number of reasons; over a water well, over a hill or mountain, over a mining pit, over a farm land...sometimes also over a woman (england and rome pope come to mind)...but ethiopians were very disappointed for some imposter in Mugadishu to declare Jihad on Negash.


Its very encouraging to see that even people under the harshest of circumstances have enough faith and sensibility in them to protect religion from imposters and "Jihad" profiteers.

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