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Rallying Call

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The flag of al-Shabaab has been hoist in Galgala, close to Bosaaso. The people of Puntland are under attack by international terrorists who have a un-islamic way of conduct coupled with a strange ideology.


In this time of high tensions as the President of Puntland said, what we need is unity. The terrorist try to divide the nation and seek sympathy by deceiving and cunning the ordinary person on the street by their ridiculous but well known lowly arguments used previously.


They will complain and try to first hoodwink the general population through intimidation, then first starting low cut arguments and then make silly demands whilst pointing to flawed arguments that are in their interest.


In the mean time they try to change the fabric of the society by killing the men that are guarding us, those that work for the countries security.


This is done to rob them of their identity.


So that Abu Hamza from the international fraternity brotherhood of terrorism can take over the people's affairs.


Though Abu Hamza is a wanted criminal he together with other foreign legion of terrorist from a variety of countries even as far as the USA can rule the noble people of Puntland and rob them of their cultural identity and impose their wicked agenda and their inferior culture on our people.


Everywhere they are the same. They want our country to be a terrorist haven, where B52 bombs on a regular basis kill and maim thousand of our citizens.


This we cannot allow to happen. Afterall we are free and noble people. However what is wrong is people of low courage and minimal intellect who buy into the terrorist's card and plan.


Their plot will fail in Puntland because we're aware of the terrorists devices and we fought them in the past. Rest assure that none will be spared my brothers. We're united into this. The government, the security forces, the business community, the religious authority, the ordinary men and women on the street, all we are in this war and supporting our troops and governments efforts. They will not fail us. For we to fail it would mean Puntland becoming the carpet bombed by the west and our people will be dragged into an [bargument[/b] that has nothing to do with us.


A international criminal organisation that is fighting the west and that in our own country, we shall not allow it to happen.


We're different than the gullible southerners, who are apathetic to their environment and state of their country. They don't care how many of them die, on a daily basis. This are the scrap-merchants and war profiteers of our country. The people who live in the Mogadishu environs, who have no history of governance and lack cultural heritage so they don't care if they are the bearers of the Flag of Al-Shabab, as they don't have any history whatsoever.


Oh People of Puntland stand on your feet and crush those invaders destined to rule you into submission. We're noble people who brought the religion to our country, how can the people we brought the religion to in the first place claim now that our government is illegitimate and a infidel one? How can we that allow?


The living and life is sacred in Puntland, we don't waste life that easily, that's why we have to stand up as our lives are all in danger now. Our way of life is in danger. Our great country is in danger. To the arms people, to the arms. Let's take up the arms and die for Puntland. This is the real Jihaad brothers. Puntland has been attacked by foreign criminal agents of Pakistani, Black African and Southern Somali origin with the help of a few materialistic minded folks from Puntland origin. But we we fight them all whatever colour or where ever they come from.


These people have no clan, no nation or origin they are terrorists, whether they are from Puntland or the outside.


Let's defend our nation and people.


Long live Puntland. Let's fight for what we know and love. Inshaallaah the terrorists and criminal extremists group will be crushed.



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We're different than the gullible southerners, who are apathetic to their environment and state of their country. They don't care how many of them die, on a daily basis. This are the scrap-merchants and war profiteers of our country. The people who live in the Mogadishu environs, who have no history of governance and lack cultural heritage so they don't care if they are the bearers of the Flag of Al-Shabab, as they don't have any history whatsoever.

You know if you kept your ranting just on Al-Shabaab, you would have made some sense but now you sound like hate-filled Qabiilist. And your ignorance of Southern culture is astounding and not mention offensive.


If you have nothing good to say about people, don't say anything.

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