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^^^A skil I learned at a young age. ALways poin to the truth. In this case, you are a anti union, anti government and against the "south" becoming as it was the dominent economic and cultural centre of the country.


dear firend, Bossaso, Galkacyu, Las Ano, Garowe, Baidoa, Xuddur,Dhusa Mareb, Ceel-Buur, Guriceel, Beledweyne, Bule Burde, Jowhar, Kismayu, Bele-dhawo, Bardheere, Afmadow, Buaale, Jilib, Afgoyee, Balcad, Mogadishu.


The two rivers, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, all under one control for the first time in 16 years.... Its a wonderful development.

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I would be happy but for the warlords and gaal raacs controlling it as per the thoughts of most Somalis. I'm not disullusioned (sp) into thinking everything is ok as long one entity control it. Recognised or not.


Again you fail to answer my question. How much influence with the Ethios have within the TFG? Who will pay for Ethios military operations?


Prediction, you will come back with more 'you are against TFG because you is SLder'

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