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Bosaso Clean-Up Day. PICS

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JUURILE:-Olole Nadaafadeed oo Maanta Laga Bilaabay Kaamka Qaxootiga ee Suwayto oo Kuyaala Xeebta Magaalada Bossaso (Warbixin+Sawiro)


Magaalada Bossaso oo ay kuyaalaan in kabadan 27 kaam oo ay ku jiraan dad barakacayal ah ayaa waxaa maanta laga bilaabay kaamamkaasi qaarkood olole ku aadan dhanka nadiifinta Deegaanka ay kaamamku ku yaalaan iyo nadaafadda guud iyadoo inta badan dhulka ay ku nool yihiin dadka barakayaasha ah lasheego in lagu daadiyo qashinka laga qaado Magaalada.



Kaamka Suwayto waxa uu kamid yahay Kaamamka qaxootiga ee Magaalada Bossaso waana kaam ku yaala dhanka xeebta ee Magaalada, waxaana Kaamkaasi saaka ka bilaamay olole balaaran oo lagu nadiifinaayo nadaafadda guud ee Kaamka taasi oo ay gacan weyn ka gaysteen Dawladda Hoose ee Magaalada Bossaso iyo dadka Deegaanka kadib markii ay u adkaysan waayeen dhibaatada iyo waxyeelada ka dhalan karta qashinka.


Koos Cabdi Shire oo ah kusigeenka Gudoomiyaha Kaamka Suwayto oo maanta aan kula kulanay goobta uu kasocday ololaha nadaafadda ayaa waxa ay saxaafadda u sheegtay in ay aad u mahadcelinayso dadweynaha Deeganka iyo Dawladda Hoose ee Magaalada Bossaso oo iska kaashaday Ololaa nadafadda ee Maanta laga wado dhanka xeebta ee Kaamka Suwayto.


"Waad aragtaan oloaha nadaafadeed ee saaka ka socda Kaamka suwayto waana mid looga hortegaayo dhitaabada qashinka waxaana hawshan soo qorsheeyey fulinteedana ku hawlan dadka Deegaanka iyo Dawladda Hoose ee Magaalada Boossaso", ayey tiri Koos Cabdi shire.


Sidoo kale Koos Cabdi Shire ayaa waxa ay kawrbixisay xaaladda guud ee Kaamka waxaana ay sheegtay in Kaamka Suwayto uu yahay mid aad u balaaran ayna ku jiraan dadka kabadan 800 oo qoys kuwaasi oo aan loo fidin wax dayeel ah dhinac kasta ha noqotee.

"Kaamka Suwayto waxa uu kamid yahay Kaamamka Bossaso ee ay ku jiraan barakacayaasha mana jiraan wax gar gaar ah oo kasoo gaaray hay'adaha iyo Dawladda Puntland, runtii Kaamka Suwayto waa kaam aan la mid ahayn kaamamka kale waxaana jira dhibaato xoogan oo ku haystada barakacayaasha kujira kaama", ayey tiri Koos Cabdi Shire kuxigeenkaGudoomiyaha Kaamka Qaxootiga ee Suwayto ee Magaalada Bossaso.


Intii aanu socodka ku maraynay Kaamka Suwayto ayaa waxa ay indhahu qabanaayan dad aad u tabaalaysan oo ku dhibaataysan gudaha Kaamka kuwaasi oo ay kamid ahaayeen qoysas dhowaan soo gaaray kaamka kuwaasi oo noosheegay in aanay haysan wax ay ku noolaadaan haba yaraatee tiiyoo aanay jirin cid wax siisay marka laga reebo musaacido kooban oo kasoo gaartay barakacayaasha uga soo horeeyey Kaamka.


Ololaha nadafadeed ee maanta laga bilaabay Kaamka Qaxootiga ee Suwayto ee Magaalada Bossaso ayaa waxa ay qayb katahay balanqaadyo ah dhanka nadafadda oo uu dhawaan balan qaaday maamulka cusub ee Degmada Bossaso.


Cismaan Saalax Ismaaciil

Bossaso Puntland Somalia

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Sacad posts a thread bragging about his city and Cowke posts one talking about Bosaaso's rubbish. Brilliant. :D

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^^ You still don't get it, you stubborn keyboard. These threads are pointless. Not even a SOLER from Bosaaso would find qashin gathering that interesting, saaxib. The same applies to the pointless photos of Erigavo. :D


I wonder if all you guys have taken the Qardho and Burco boasting THAT seriously!

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Ngonge you know we take special pride in warming up for the real date of rubbish collection the May 18th one.


This is only a warm-up to that important day of ours. :D

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^^^ :D:D No need to be sensative and sereous about any of these posts.. Plus the Sacad's pics are not viewable on my end so i wonder what they were probably old, skinny, dead men's pics he called them mujaahidiin and hot, desert mountains.. Guys you need to visit lower juba and shabelle areas.

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Yes..yes..but Cowke's pictures about Bosaaso's garbage has raised a good question...


Where will all this garbage be taken? Have they prepared the necessary landfills or will they burn it all?


Cowke, what's tha 411 on that?

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Yeah bro they have land-fill outside the city. That has been sorted out.


However their needs to be better system. It would be a lot less time consuming by having a huge wastebin in each district and telling all residents to put their garbage in allocated bags which they can get free from the local administration.


Materials needed would be 32 massive dumpsters 2 dumpsters for each degan, Garbage truck,thousands of garbage of bags to be purchased bulk wise from wholesalers and given free to residents who want to use it and help the town be clean.


You will also need a guy hired permananent basis to do the garbage pickup rounds of the dumpsters every week and then empty it at the allocated wastefill outside of the city.


The only obstacles will be to convince residents to take their garbage to the allocated waste-bin in their district and people being naturally lazy in bossaso will try to skip it. The local admin should then impose a fine on the whole on neighbourhood where garbage is found littered.



For example if their garbage in front of my house even though I didn't do it the local admin should fine me for it because 1. I didnt stop the person from litering in front of my house. 2. Even if i didnt see the person littering I should've of picked it up.


I think that will make sanitation management alot easier for bossaso and will guarantee residents participating in keeping the city clean.

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