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Garowe: A year after Faroole

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Doorashadii Dr.Faroole Sanad Kadib



Waa maalmo taariikh iyo xasuus gaar ah u leh umadda Puntland dal iyo dibad 7 – 8 bisha Janaayo, waxay ahayd maalmihii loo baratamaayey tartanka madaxweynaha iyo kuxigeenkiisa, shacabweynaha ku dhaqan Puntland, iyo kuwa u dhashey ee ku nool dibadaha waxaa laguwada xirmey warbaahinada dalka ka jira kuwa ugu codka dheer, waxaa la is wada gaarsiiyey in Horseed Media ay soo tebin doonto doorashada maqal iyo muuqaal toos ah, waxaa qofkastaa isku diyaariyey in uu noqdo kan ugu soo horgala Warbaahinta Horseed Media , radiyaha tooska uga soo baxaayey magalada Bosaso iyo Garoowe iyo video-ga tooska uga soo baxaayey magaalada Garoowe kuwaas oo ay soo gudbinayeen weriyaasha warbaahinta caalamiga ah ee Horseed Media.


Maalmihii doorashada caasimadda Punland ee Garoowe ayaa noqotey meel aad u mashquul ah, waxa ay noqotey magaalo la ciir ciireysa dad iyo gawaari, waxaa aad loo adkeeyay amaanka waxaa amaanka si gaar ah u sugaayey ciidamo gaar ah kuwaas oo laga soo qaadey gobolada Puntland waxaana taliye looga dhigay caydaruus Xaaji Xirsi, mudadii lagu gudajirey olalaha doorashada wax amaanka khal khaliya kama dhicin Garoowe iyada oo ay buuxdhaafiyeen caasimadda ciidamada ilaalada u ah musharixiinta tirada badan.


Subaxnimadii 7 janaayo markii waagu dilaacay waxaa albaabada loo furey Baarlamaanka Puntland halkaas oo ay ka dhacaysey khudbadaha ay jeedinayen musharixiinta ku loolamayey xilka madaxweynaha Puntland, maadaama 66 nin oo keliya ay lahaayeen codka lagu kala saarayo musharixiinta ayaa midkastaa halkaas ka jeediyey khudbado uu ku cabirayey sida hadda wax yihiin iyo haddii la doorto sida wax noqon doonaan, sidey doontaba ha noqotee nin xil doonayaa waa in u muujiyo, waxa ku kalifey in uu doono xilka, iyo in uu yahay qofka dadka u horseedi karo barwaaqo iyo badhaadhe.


madaxweynaha ee 8dii janaayo, waxaa si weyn loo sii adkeeyay amaanka, caasimadda gaar’ahaan halka doorashadu ka dhacaysey, goobta doorashadu ka dhacaysey ayaa loo ogoladey in warbaahinkasta hal qof u goobjoog uga noqdo, waxaana gebi ahaanba la mamnuucay in wax toos ah (Live) laga siidaayo hoolka doorashada.


Doorashada waxaa ay gaartey wareegii sadexaad waxaana isugu soo haray Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole iyo Gen.Cabdullaahi Axmed Jaamac ilka jiir



Codadkii kama danbeysta ahaa waxa ay noqdeen:


Dr.Faroole 49 cod

Gen.Ilkajiir 17 cod

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Puntland president delineates government achievement

9 Jan 9, 2010 - 10:28:39 PM


The president of Somalia’s Puntland state presented his government achievements since taking office in January 2009.


President Dr. Abdirahman Mohammed Farole, who hosted tradition elders, Islamic scholars and government officials in Garowe Presidential Palace said on assumption of office, his government has managed to address the economic and social problems facing the population.


He pointed out that due to the realisation of economical growth, the security forces and government workers were fully paid on time in the year.


Dr. Farole said his government was forced to take drastic measures to make sure the growth of the economy, underlining that security is also paramount.


On security situation, the president said his government made it as matter of urgency


“For every government, the first responsibility on its shoulders is to make sure it has security forces and that is what we have done. The security forces are better paid now unlike previously,”


Islan Ise Islan Mohamed, one of the elders who addressed the guests in the ceremony, urged the people to work with government in order to curb the instability.


President Farole however blamed the escalating conflict in southern Somalia as the main causer of insecurity, which takes advantage of clan warfare in the region.


The president said his government was also able to do a lot about the social welfare such as education and health issues. He pointed out that more than one million children were vaccinated last year alone.


On the education, Farole said the ministry employed 200 new teachers and worked on the fusion of the curriculum of the schools in Puntland.


Speaking about the piracy phenomenon in the high seas, the president said his government, without much support from international community, has successfully eradicated from Puntland-controlled areas such as Ely and Gar’ad towns, famously known for being safe haven for pirates.


He said the sea-gangs are now operating from Harardhere town, adding that Puntland security forces jailed more than 200 pirates last year alone.


He appreciated clerics’ efforts of creating awareness on how piracy is bad and considered sin in Islam, a move that saw many youths abandon the vice.



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