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As a sign of good will week, let us be sincere

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C.V? What's that? I'm already working on my acceptance speech as supreme leader. you just make sure all the party cadres are in line with my new rule or else there will be hell to pay.

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our party will be Democratic, Consultative and every decition will be based on Consensus, we will not accept any kind of dectatorship. therefore you have to respect our parts basic tonets. other wise you will be expelled from the pat.

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

quote:Originally posted by humble.:


Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:



This topic is so very gay. Waryaa, we are Somali.

Oh really. Of all your thoughts that you could contrast with being Somali is the thought of being or not being gay? How interesting is that?


Tell us more about this thought of yours then, Mr. Somalia.
I have to admit, it's really indefensible that I attacked your topic, but this phenomena isn't exclusive to your thread. Look around SOL and you'll find plenty textual fagotry.
Lol. Attack on my thread is the last thing that comes to mind, Mr. Somalia. The important thing is what one chooses to see or not to see in a written text. Apparently that is called tinted lense theory. And the outlook of the lense varies. In my lense, which I call honesty, I see a beautiful dream on the horizon. Change lenses will you? Perhaps the specsavers could help. :D


To the other participants, I am glad to read your contributions. I can only appreciate your ideas with earnestness. Thanks.

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