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C/llahi Yusuf loosing the plot..!

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^^^Did Blair and Brown agree on everything over the past 10 years?


Though they kept power for all that time. Disagreement is healthy but they are working overtime cleaning up the city.

A simple example is Darwish[NSS], Qaybdeed[Police], Dheere[Admin] all working together taking weapons out of the hands of the public.


Cabdirashiid Seed, Yuusuf Beriberi, Azhari, Yuusuf Weyrax, Dhiigsokeeye,Xuseen Idimaale, Daahir Mire Jibriil, Cabdirisaaq Axmed Cali, C/risaaq Durqun,Xiif Cali Taar

Juje, the men in the central themse of the article are still holding the posts they did before. Thus whats the point?

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Juje, No Sxb don't qoute me for nothing, my comment was aimed at Xiin who hates both Yey and Dheere alike, but you come across as a different persona, a man who loves and even more brings articles that show Dheere is really the man of clan... Indeed strong man to be proud off and put on SOLs boards, that's your impression on this...

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Originally posted by Emperor:

Dheere is really the man of clan... Indeed strong man to be proud off and put on SOLs boards, that's your impression on this...

Nope saxib...those who embraced and glorified Maxamed Dhere in SOL are well documented, now that you found through the grapefine that he is not singing the tune of Yeey it is not fair you should throw him to others.

Having said that saxiib I ask you again can you confirm that there is no conflict within the TFG, and please spare me the humourous excuse of Duke 'Blair & Brown'. :D:D

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^loool, you are hoping for internalconflict after the defeat. Typical

So is there one?

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Juje no conflict Saaxib, nothing that Im aware off, Dheere is a man appointed by the PM, he's there by the consent of the old man, he was assigned to clean the city for the government and for Yey to stay and walk around peacefully and he's doing that job quite well, I have never seen any genuine article to suggest any sort of conflict neither does Yey nor Dheere done anything to suggest that, apart from the old rogue and suspicious websites that are fuming this reports... No suprise you fall for it

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