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C/llahi Yusuf loosing the plot..!

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C/lahi Yuusuf iyo Taageerayaashiisa reer Puntland oo ku hungoobey qabsashada Itoobiyaanka ee Soomaaliya

C/lahi Yuusuf iyo taageerayaashiisa riyo been ah ayey ku riyoodeen waxey islahaayeen Itoobiyaanka marka uu wadanka qabto idinkaa Boqoro iyo Amiiro wadanka ka noqon doona, cidda aad rabtaan ayaa xiran doontaan, kan idiinku madax adeegana ama ciil hore u qabteena waa dili doontaan idinka oo maxkamad been ah iyo sharciyo xadgudub ah isticmaalaya laakiin arintu sida ay moodayeen ma noqon.


Odey kamid ah Odayaasha dhaqanka beesha USC oo dhowr jeer la kulmey Gen. Gebre iyo C/lahi Yuusuf ayaa inoo sheegey in Gen.Gebre iyo Col. C/lahi Yuusuf isku qadiyad iyo isku aragti toona ahayn oo Odeygu wuxuu nagu yiri

" C/lahi Yuusuf qadiyad raqiis ah ayuu wataa oo Soomaali ku laayey,gumeysina gacanta ugu geliyey wadankii,waxa sida waa aargoosi iyo xukun jaceyl waalan , laakiin Gen. Gebre waa nin wata qorshe fog oo asaga iyo dowladiisaba waxey doonayaan dhulka Soomaaliya iyo Soomaaliduba in qarniyada soo socda laga hago Addis Ababa, dana kama laha qabiil Soomaali laakiin waxey rabaan in ay dhistaan shaqsiyaal dabakadhilif u ah oo danahooda guracan fuliya".


Xaqiiqduna waa sidaa maanta Muqdisho waxaa C/lahi Yuusuf ka awood badan Maxamed Dheere, wuxuuna sameeyaa wuxuusan C/lahi Yuusuf raali ka ahayn oo xitaa wuxuu u hanjabaa ragga C/lahi qaraabada yihiin ee Villa Somalia jarta ku cayaara shaqalaanta haysa darteed, sababtuna waxa waxey tahay Saraakiisha Tigreyga ee Muqdisho ku sugan ayaa fahmey in wax u hagaagaya jiri doonin hadii aynaan adeegsan hogaamiye kooxeedyadii Muqdisho oo faraha ugu gubtey qiyaanada iyo iska daba wareega ka jira magaalada Muqdisho.

Itoobiyaanku hadafkoodu waa in wadankii Soomaaliya ahaa iyaga dusha ka xukumaan danna kama laha cidda howshaa u fulisa qabiilka uu ka soo jeedo, waxaase arintaa ku dagmey beesha C/lahi Yuusuf ka dhashey oo sheekhooda iyo Caamadoodaba C/lahi Yuusuf ku taageerey in Itobiyaanka gacanta loo geliyo dadkii iyo dhulkii Soomaalida, iyaga oo iska dhaadhiciyey dalka idinkaa la idiin qabanayaa !.


Odayaal Soomaali ah oo ku nool dhulka Soomaaligalbeed ayaa Meles Zenawi u kala dhuuntey iyaga oo mid walba ka dhaadhicinaya in qabiilkiisu ka tiro iyo dadnimo badan yahay qabiilada kale ee gobolka dega sidaa darteedna ay mudanyihiin in gobolkaa looga danbeeyo beeshooda. Meles Zanawi oo aad ula yaaban dhaqan xumada Soomaalida ayaa wuxuu ku yiri qaar kamid ah Odayaashii uu la kulmey " Abeeso magacyo kala duwan baxsadey ayaa tihiin anigana Abeeso kama soo dhaweysanayo Abeeso kale, laakiin ogaada Abeesada danta qaranka (Itoobiya) Ilaalisa ayaan isku dan nahay".


Tan maanta Soomaaliya ka taagana waa sheekada kor aan ku soo xusney mid u dhiganta Tigrey dan qaas ah kama laha qabiil Soomaali ee dantooda ayey u socdaan yaan dalka, dadka iyo diintaba la iib geynin.


Kuwii dibadaha ka soo cararey markii C/lahi Yuusuf kaaraha lagu keeney Muqdisho oo qabsashada Tigreyga si aadka ah u taageerey iyaga oo islahaa dal baa xukumeysaan maanta maxey ka yihiin Soomaaliya ama Muqdisho?,

sida Cabdirashiid Seed, Yuusuf Beriberi, Azhari, Yuusuf Weyrax, Dhiigsokeeye,Xuseen Idimaale, Daahir Mire Jibriil, Cabdirisaaq Axmed Cali, C/risaaq Durqun,Xiif Cali Taar iyo kuwa la midka ah oo isku magaabey darajooyin been ah oo aan jirin,raggani maanta waxey halis ugu jiraan in Maxamed Dheere dariiqyada Muqdisho ku dharbaaxo ama ku xir xirto sidii Jowhar ka dhacdey haddaba riyadii ahayd Tigrey baa dal kuu qabanaya soo ma noqon riyo lagu hungoobey.






I remember how Duke and co. were irked when I started the topic that Geedi and Yeey are not in the same boat and were at odds - well the story is slowly coming to surface - and am sure there will be more to come.

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^ :D , Saxib must you go this low, bringing every nonesense on the table...


C/lahi Yuusuf iyo taageerayaashiisa riyo been ah ayey ku riyoodeen waxey islahaayeen Itoobiyaanka marka uu wadanka qabto idinkaa Boqoro iyo Amiiro wadanka ka noqon doona

Bal ninka qoraalkiisa waxaan kubilaabay lol, Juje you are getting out of control now, revealing the inner side of yours by the minute, I will just keep my eyes open and observe...


PS: Whhere is the source, who is the author? Or did you write this?

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^Ask the one above me, seems I asked the same q, do u kno who? Ok then find out, it's your homework, unless Juje did the magic, it will be one heleluva of an effort from him...

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Inkastoo hungo jirto, oo rag badan oo waqti badan ka galay sidii Amxaarada dalka loo keeni lahaa ay maanta wixii ay rabeen waayeen, haddana runtu waxay tahay in cidda wax ka ba’een aysan ahayn reer qura iyo warlordyadood (waa sida ninka maqaalkan qoray uu rabo inuu wax u dhigo e) ee ay soomaali tahay. What A. Yusuf, Geedi, Gacmadheere, M Dheere, Aydiid, and other visible members of this entity share in common is not qabiil, rather it’s the greed of being in power regardless of how and at what cost!


Fahamka saxdaa waa kaa. Wixii kasoo haraa waa talac-talac!

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Finally the Source is provided, but still I can't see any writer, all it says is "Xafiiska wararka Xog Waran", this is not a news just someones opinion, no wonder the whole article is dodged, Xog waran is either confused and don't the difference of a news and an article or their news reporting is habitually fake...

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looooooool. These people are loosing the plot here is another article of this style.





Clan fantasies and hyperbole are masked as some sort of relevant argument; old lady hearsay is used as facts, who is loosing the plot? ;)

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^ :D Toosa oo hurdada ka kaca lol


But what I don't understand is that these people always talk about Wadanimo and Somaliya waa lahaystaa stuff but have a whole lot different approach than they say, all they seem to hate is everything Puntalnd and the greater clan they fought in 1991...


^Xiinow Falaari gilgilasho kaagama baxdo, hakaa saarto, waakaa dee Mucaaradki aad lasafaneed.... Maanta Maxamed Dheere lagugu gabar wadaa oo laguu amaanayaa lol... Mucaarad baa iska ba'ay, Ilaahow Mucaaradkaan marna taagan Eretia marna Somali kale ubaxsanayaa iyagoo Ethiopianka lashiraaya... waa yaab iyo amankaag, Jujena waa kaa dee idinkoo waliba isku baab ah...

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Emperor, Xiin is one of those being accused of becoming a new age King as brother Juje pointed out. Thus his [Xiins] clan are all to blame.

Shame really his efforts on here have been to no avail.

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Kuwii dibadaha ka soo cararey markii C/lahi Yuusuf kaaraha lagu keeney Muqdisho oo qabsashada Tigreyga si aadka ah u taageerey iyaga oo islahaa dal baa xukumeysaan maanta maxey ka yihiin Soomaaliya ama Muqdisho?,

sida Cabdirashiid Seed, Yuusuf Beriberi, Azhari, Yuusuf Weyrax, Dhiigsokeeye,Xuseen Idimaale, Daahir Mire Jibriil, Cabdirisaaq Axmed Cali, C/risaaq Durqun,Xiif Cali Taar iyo kuwa la midka ah oo isku magaabey darajooyin been ah oo aan jirin,raggani maanta waxey halis ugu jiraan in Maxamed Dheere dariiqyada Muqdisho ku dharbaaxo ama ku xir xirto sidii Jowhar ka dhacdey haddaba riyadii ahayd Tigrey baa dal kuu qabanaya soo ma noqon riyo lagu hungoobey.


Horta arintaan waxbaa kajiro. Aaway ragaan kor ku xusan? Bilihii ugu horaysay waa they were everywhere now they seem to vanish.


When I came to realise that Yey was in a tight spot was when he sucked his right man Afgaduud in a crucial time. So the rift is clear.....Sheekado waxay maraysaa waxaan dhuuso umaleeyay ayaa xaar igu noqday :D

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Duke, I agree Sxb but I don't blame Xiin, he's doing what he thinks is right and Im sure he's trying to follow his heart rather than his brain, a brave old man, but the efforts of his comrades the rest of anti-TFG and Ethiopia camp are reducing all his work into the trashes...


Xiin come on do your bits, xagee wax ka qaldanyihiin, especially nimankaan Mucaraadka aad wada tihiin bal wax yar inooka faalee...

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^^^Yey also sacked his right hand man Aydeed and Hiiraale and the men listed below

Cabdirashiid Seed, Yuusuf Beriberi, Azhari, Yuusuf Weyrax, Dhiigsokeeye,Xuseen Idimaale, Daahir Mire Jibriil, Cabdirisaaq Axmed Cali, C/risaaq Durqun,Xiif Cali Taar


Each man above still hold the position they did in the TFG before. Advisors, Officers, Speakers and diplomats for the Somali governemnt.


Thus whats your point and that of the article?

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Emperor, Xiin indeed is a brave soul no doubt about that. Though he seems to have believed the cries of the fake opposition groupings. Who are only measuring success at Puntlands failure

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Typical in reaction from Duke and co. I expected that, however cheap they are ideologically or otherwise they have in common in lack of comprehenssion. This thread was simply to prove that there is nothing in union within the TFG. Infact there is a rift, conflict of interest and wider margin for inner conflict.

For me I do not differentiate Yeey, Geedi, Dhere or all those that work for TFG - they are all puppets of Ethiopians as the article itself puts it, however though they are puppets in conflict and competition - that is what I want to point out. I think emperor proved my point by rediculing Maxamed Dhere.

Now, as I asked before, can you dispute the fact that all is not rosy within the hierarchy of the TFG?

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