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General Duke

Director of ministries named..

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M/weynaha Soomaaliya oo Magacaabay Xilal cusub oo agaasimayaal u badan


M/weyne C/laahi Yuusuf


Baydhabo:- Madaxwaynaha dawladda FKG C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maanta magacaabay agaasimayaasha iyo xoghaymaha guud qaar ka mid ah wasaradaha dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya.


Degreeto ka soo baxday Xafiiska M/weynaha ayaa waxaa ku xusnaa arrimahan hoos ku qoran:-




ka dib markuu eegay Qodobada 44aad faqradiisa 4aad,ee Dastuurka arkayna soo jeedinta R/wasaaraha dawladda, ayuu go’aansaday magacaabista agaasimayayaasha guud iyo xogahayayaasha joogtada ah ee soo socda:


Cali Dirir Faarax: Xoghayaha joogtada ah ee wasaaradda arrimaha dibada iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ah.


Dr. Maxamed Faarax Diiriiye: Xoghayaha joogtada ah ee wasaaradda tamarta iyo batroolka.


Cabdi Maxamed Culusoow: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ah.


Maxamed Khayroow Aadan: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda arimaha diinta iyo awqaafta.


Yaasiin Xasan wacays: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda deegaanka.


Salabaan Yuusuf Cilmi: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda Dakadaha iyo dakadaha badda.

Maxamed Jaamac cali: Agaasimaah wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ah.


Cismaan Nuur Qayliye: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda xanaanada xoolaha dhirta iyo daaqa.


Cali Aadan Ibrahim: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda shaqada iyo horumarinta shaqaalaha .


Shukri wayrax Kaariye: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda ganacsiga.


C/raxmaan Maxamed Sheekh: Agaasimaah guud ee wasaaradda amniga qaranka.


Cabdi Ismaaciil kaahin: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda warshadaha.


C/shakuur Sh.Xasan Axmed: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda hidaha iyo tacliinta sare.


AXmed Maxamed Iimaan: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda kaluumaysiga iyo khayraadka baddda.


C/laahi Ducaale Farax: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda waxbarashada.


C/shukuur Maxamed Cilmi guray: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda dalxiiska iyo duurjogta.


Dr.Maxamed Xidig Aadan: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda Caafimaadka.


Ing.C/qaadir Faarax Gelle: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda hawlaha guud iyo guryaynta.


Jamiilo Siciid Muuse: Agaasimaah guud ee wasaaradda horumarinta haweenka iyo daryeelka Qoyska.


Nuur Axmed wehliye: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda qorshaynta qaranka iyo tiro koobka.


Axmed Maxamed Aadan: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda boostada iyo isgaarsiinta.


***** xasan Xuseen: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda gaadiidka cirka iyo dhulka.


Cismaan Maxamed Gacal: Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda dhalinyarada iyo Isboortiga.


Magacaabista xilalkaan cusub ayaey digreetadu ku sheegtay in lagu doonayo in dalka iyo dowladuba ay horay u socdaan isla markaana ay wax tar badan u yeelanayso hour marinta ay dowladu wado.




Xarunta Wararka ee Shabakadda

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Director of ministries named..

You mean the top traitor has named senior and junior collaborators?

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Maalin walbaa oo na dhaafto wax un baa la magacaabaa, dadka la magacaabey ma curyaamiinbaa, wax ay qabteen ama ku dhaqaaqeen umaab jeedno.



Wallaahi waa cajjiib, dhowr meelood baa qaraxya bom ka dhici, jawaabtuna waa jagooyin baa dad cusub loo magacaabi.

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^^Again, this is what I was referring to when I said, this oday has no clue what's going on.


I bet if one of you went OneonONE with him and asked what each job entails etc and what it means, he won't have a clue. I can't wait for this oday to succeed, yes I said it, if you call falling flat on your behind sucess, then I want him to succeed.


Allah nabad ha siiyo inta soomaliyeed who have to endure these clowns for a government each and everyday , insha allah it will be better someday soon.

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^ The president is no health expert, finance wiz, foreign relations expert, but I guess some want him to fill the positions of finance minister, foreign affairs portfolio and be an over night health minister?


He is only one man. Do you expect him to be governor of hiiraan on tuesdays and the governor of the central bank on thursdays?



But I guess some want the 'oday' to be a superminister/man. :D

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Nune, the president and ministers can do so much, governments work on beurucracies and civil service, this is what is being set up, the police and armed forces are being trained and thus a structure is being put in place where there has not been any for over two decades.


This government is building the foundations of the state..


Thus you will get more and more announcements, reshuffles, and many changes.

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Over 650 people have fled Muqdisho, you name whatever you want to name, there is chaos going on. The people are angered, their frustrations is mounting over the invasion of the Xabashis into their country.


sooner or later, this puppet so called government will be ousted.


That is the harsh reality. In Iraq, they have a "president" however there is full scale civil war going on. A puppet regime never succeeds, because its people are against it.


Cheer on,

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^^^Over 650 you say, and how many live in Mogadishu?


Saxib 90% of Mogadishu `are with the TFG, they are fed up with these morons shooting mortars into their houses and using their neighbourhoods as a safe haven.


Mujahid-SNM, Somalia has 18 regions, 3 are controlled by the secesionist clans and is called Somaliland. The other 15 are under TFG control all are calm, and their municipal institutions are being build district by district.


The trouble spot is not even Banadir, but the few streets in Mogadishu and some cowards hiding behind the people..


Thus Somalia is calm.,. But because you are so full of hate you would like it to be otehr wise..

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^ During the ICU vs the warlords. Both warlords in my opinion. But thats another story for another day. Anyhow 1000's fled. But the calm came after the storm.


Inshallah the acts of a few bandits throwing random mortars from their back yards will be stopped and Xamar Cadeey of Aden Cadde will be back.

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^Taako man, by this time, Muqdisho was calm. Speaking as soon as the warlords who are now with you, suprise suprise were ousted.


What is taking the puppet regime so long.


duke, the Ethiopians respond with artillery shells then blame it on the ICU. I know you think that is impossible but dont' worry, that is how the game is being played.


...and you being the guy who claimed that there were more Oromos and Eritreans troops in the coutnry are now coming up with figure such as the people in Xamar, 90% are with the TFG. Where did you get that from?


Mise waynu iska malaynaynaan, as you usually do. Come with facts. If 90% of Muqdisho residents were with the TFG, there wouldnt' any violence. Things are out of control because of angry populace. The fact of the matter, the Puppet so called President and his co have no much support outside of villa somalia. He will get shot at every corner he turns.

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Oh, how i missed the last desperate part of Duke, you see I really don't pay attention to your cries.


Of the 15 you speak of, Sanaag is mostly under SL' control and W.Sool is under Somaliland' control also.


Bari, Nugaal, and N.Mudug are Pland' control as they were before, all other regions are being occupied by the Xabashis, that is the fact.


Let us put in this schema, if the Xabashis withdrew, what would happen duke?

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Oh, how i missed the last desperate part of Duke, you see I really don't pay attention to your cries.


Of the 15 you speak of, Sanaag is mostly under SL' control and E.Sool is under Somaliland' control. Also Bari, Nugaal, and N.Mudug are Pland' control as they were before, all other regions are being occupied by the Xabashis, that is the fact. Else they would have been under the ICU.



Let us put that in test schema: if the Xabashis left right now, what would the likely outcome be?


I would say with the exception of Pland, all the other regions would be in the hands of the ICU as they were before the Xabashi invasion?

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^^^Mujahid_SNM.. Let me repeat the TFG controls 15 out of the 18 regions of Somalia.

Apart from Hargaysa, all the other major cities of Bossaso, Galkacyu, Beledweyne, Baidoa, Marka, Kismayu and of course Mogadishu are in the TFG hands.


Thus without it even setting up all its institutions no one can challenege it thus far. Blame anyone you want and call them what ever after all you are a secesionist and no more..

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Originally posted by Shucayb:

^Taako man, by this time, Muqdisho was calm. Speaking as soon as the warlords who are now with you, suprise suprise were ousted.


What is taking the puppet regime so long.


duke, the Ethiopians respond with artillery shells then blame it on the ICU. I know you think that is impossible but dont' worry, that is how the game is being played.


...and you being the guy who claimed that there were more Oromos and Eritreans troops in the coutnry are now coming up with figure such as the people in Xamar, 90% are with the TFG. Where did you get that from?


Mise waynu iska malaynaynaan, as you usually do. Come with facts. If 90% of Muqdisho residents were with the TFG, there wouldnt' any violence. Things are out of control because of angry populace. The fact of the matter, the Puppet so called President and his co have no much support outside of villa somalia. He will get shot at every corner he turns.

Sxb my one point was that one side came out victorious regardless of the chaos that happened. The TFG will inshallah come out victorious inshallah. Remember your ICU were fighting for 3-4 months of heavy fighting before 'calm'.

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^^^Not to mention hundreds of civilians died inside Mogadishu when the Clan Courts fought the warlords, hundreds got injured..They never cared about the civilians then and they do not care now.

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