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Lone Star: A reply to Faroole's utterances that ****'s are not Somali

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Lone Star!

By Sadiq Abdirahman

Oct 31, 2009


Editors' Note: This Poem is unique; unique because it is a lone voice in Somalia's wasteland of political and tribal violence, where Somalinimo is hard to find, and doubly unique because it reminds readers to reject the view that narrates only a single story (in the tradition described by the powerful Nigerian-born author, Chimamanda Adichie most recently "Single Story) about Somalia. The poet reminds some of those leaders in his homeland that Somalis are indeed people with more than a single story. As poet, Mohamed Ibrahim Hadrawi says, once upon a time, Somalis were rich, noble, working folks and, best of all, a community with a social contract (Xeer), who aspired to live with dignity. Their story is the sum total of all those attributes, and should not be defined by the single story of displacement and dislocation.




Oh, Puntland, Oh, Puntland, bemused

I gape at the stars above you.


How dark it looks to see Somali’s lone star

disappearing from your sight!


I never thought I’d see the day,

“Farrole” poisoned the spirit of Mandeeq!


I never thought he’d crumble me into the ground to strip my Somalinas!

I never thought he’d send our brothers to harm’s way.


Now they are gone, I close my eyes and think of them, and how.

There was a time when I had doubt,

If he suffers from amnesia knowing I am his Somali brethren.


And what hurts the most is I now know how Tigray is his new kin and King.

I am left with emptiness but not defeat,

because, I am Somalia’s pride! Striving for the best!

We fought for the freedom you cherish in Putland.

A truth, Mr. Farrole will never know to admit.


And I will bear my guilt alone not knowing where

he’s left Somalia’s hero Sayid, and heroine Hawa Tako,

Perhaps they too had perished in his mist.


If he must know, we’ve been tested in ovens of hell.

Dignified and certified our will equaling to gold and diamond!


Freedom from Woyane ascendancy is a must for us,

We pray as well your kinship with Tigray to

forever flourish until death does you a part.


Sadiq Abdirahman



[ November 02, 2009, 11:56 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Is it safe to say all Puntlanders have been stripped of their 'Somalinimo' and 'Somaliwayn' status? Oh what TREACHERY Mr Faroole :D

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It's wrong for Faroole to say what he said. No individual can deny another's obvious 'Somaliness'. It simply makes no sense.


But I wonder about the actions that prompted the recent crusade on SOL. Is the detention of 5 men the worst thing that has happened to the OG folks? Have they been actually handed over to the Ethiopians or are they still in jail? Has the Kilinka Shanad administration never done anything like this or worse? Has the ONLF not experienced internal infighting, betrayal and killing?


It seems to me this is typical of the Somali way. Turning an apparent injustice into some generalized monstrosity that you use to attack those you don't like today. And then tomorrow something else happens and another group does the same. Repeat ad nauseum.

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