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Mr IBBI says NO to Puntland.

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Prof. Ibbi ``Puntland in lagu aamino la dagaalanka burcad badeeda oo saldhig looga dhigo deegaanadaasi waxey ka dhigan tahay dhurwaa neef ari ah la raaciyey``


Raisul wasaare ku-xigeenka ahna wasiirka kaluumeysiga iyo kheyraadka badda dowladda federaalka Cabdiraxmaan Xaaji Aadan (Ibbi) ayaa sheegay in baarlamaanka iyo xukuumaddu ay iska kaashanayaan sidii wadanka Jabuuti saldhig looga dhigi lahaa howlgalada lagula dagaalamayo burcad badeeda, wuxuuna xusay in dhameystirka arrimahaasi uu haatan u joogo Jabuuti, ayna u marayaan heer gabo-gabo ah.


Prof. Ibbi oo saxaafada ugu waramayey Jabuuti wuxuu tilmaamay in burcad badeedu caqabado badan ku hayaan maraakiibta ganacsiga ah ee Soomaaliya soo aadaya, wuxuuna xusay in aaney burcad badeedu ka jirin Puntland oo keliya oo xittaa ay saldhigyo ku leeyihiin Hobyo, Xarardheere ilaa Garacad, ayna dowladda federaalku la kaashaneyso ciidamada cusub ee kuwa badda ah ee dhowaan tababarka loo soo dhameeyey sidii ay u cirib tiri lahaayeen burcad badeeda, ayna saldhig ilaalo ah uga sameysan lahaayeen badaha Soomaaliya.


Prof. Ibbi wuxuu ku nuuxnuuxsaday in aysan jirin doonin maraakiin sharci darro kaga kaluumeysta badaha iyo kuwo ku soo shuba sunta haraadiga ah ayna ciidamada badda dowladda federaalka oo ay gacan siinayaan ciidamada badda Jabuuti ay arrintaasi iska kaashan doonaan.

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lool@Dhurwaa neef la raaciyay.


The navy base should be somewhere in Somalia and how does he know that Djabouti will not turn into Dhurwaa when the money rolls in? smile.gif

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This is great for Puntland we know who are enemies are. 1. Sharif Hotel. 2 Sharif Xasan 3. Ibbi.


If this deal falls through who will lose? The men who only control Villa Somalia or the state that runs 1/3 of Somalia? :D

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Ibbi does not have the authority to say no to Puntland.

Puntland is an integral part of Somalia and has the right to host any national institution or entity for this matter.

The story that is making the rounds now are based on the fabrication of few the character spreading this malicious lies is well known.

Puntland will house many national institutions and will play a role in bringing back Somalia. Because Puntland is Somalia.

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^^^Thats our PM position lad but the deal signed in Djibouti by Ibbi and overseen by Sharif Hotel breaks the agreement signed in Galkacyu.




The fact that Ibbi can make such a move and the isolation of the PM is sending a clear message these men do not want peace and a resoloution to this conflict.


Again who loses? for Puntland will move forward.

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Yeah, give me a statement where Puntland authority (not Puntland 'dayniile') states that the deal has been nullified.

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I told not to give me a 'dayniile' and by that I meant Garoweonline.

If you don't know what government statement means shut your gob until you learn.

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Ibbi does not have the authority to say no to Puntland.

Puntland is an integral part of Somalia and has the right to host any national institution or entity for this matter.

The story that is making the rounds now are based on the fabrication of few the character spreading this malicious lies is well known.

Puntland will house many national institutions and will play a role in bringing back Somalia. Because Puntland is Somalia


I don't think President Sharif will fall for the traps setup by Ibbi and others who are enemies of peace and progress. It is illogical to have the anti piracy base located in Djibouti and not in Puntland unless one is intent on undermining the cooperation between TFG and the state of Puntland.

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