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A Demonstration against Ethiopia takes place in Baled Weyn, central Somalia

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A Demonstration against Ethiopia takes place in Baled Weyn, central Somalia


Aweys Osman Yusuf

Mogadishu 14, Oct.06 ( Sh.M.Network) Large demonstrations against Ethiopia’s military maneuver in Somalia’s borders have occurred in Hiran regional town of Baled Weyn where several hundred people were chanting anti-Ethiopia slogans.


The Islamic Courts in Baled Weyn have previously announced jihad or a holy war against Ethiopia.


Senior Islamists, who spoke to demonstrators, called up on the people to register for “jihad†against Ethiopia.


Sheik Ahmed Jiqleey, a senior Islamist in Baled Weyn, stated young people had to stand for the defense of Somalia against Uganda and Ethiopia.


The news came as Islamic Courts officer for an organization dubbed “Civil uprising and defense for the religionâ€, Ahmed Qare held a news conference in Mogadishu, condemning Ethiopia for its military involvement in Somalia.


Ahmed Qare said he would send several individuals in his organization to nine provinces in Somalia to induce the civilian population in those areas to offer all their support to Islamic Courts in the fight of what he called the enemies of Somalia’s Union of Islamic Courts.


Islamists in Baled Weyn said nearly 3,000 ethiopian troops intruded in to Somalia’s borders, encouraging civilian to train for holy war.

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